Sometimes, the best way to cure writer’s block is to switch books around.

By John Irvin
Another YouTube vlog is up and running. Check out the link right here, it’s short and sweet.
So, after I published Book 3: As Flesh Rots in my Magic’s Time Split series, I was going to write the first draft of Book 6: Mountains Are Living. Well, I got about four pages into that thing and my fingers kept freezing up.
Finally, I figured, I’m wasting days I could be writing. So I switched series. Moved back to the Ikkilion Chronicles—the exclusive serial for my $5 backers on Patreon—and guess what, I’m moving right along with it. Already finished one episode and working into the next.
I’m going to be ahead of schedule posting these, so eventually, I’ll be able to take like two months off from worrying about that end and refocus on Magic’s Time Split and Longevity.
Today’s blog will be short and sweet.
My Author Updates, I discovered, upon receiving my copy of Book 2: Independence in the Longevity series, the cover was way too dark. Apparently, we forgot to lighten it up. So my cover artist and I are scurrying around trying to fix the issue.
Struggles are what life is about. Without adversity there can be no growth.

And more updates, I’ve been designing the bookmarks and my new author business cards for the GoFundMe campaign and Book Tour coming up. They look pretty sweet to me. Check out my YouTube vlog above to go see them.
I’m also finished with the pizza delivery job, by the way. I forgot to announce that two weeks ago!
Finally finished, working on bigger better things now. Waiting to hear from a couple clients on a proofreading job and a ghostwriting gig—I’m on the edge of my seat. They’re both sounding exciting so I really hope I score on both.
That’s all for today.
Until next week, have a great life.
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I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!
I’ve now been hosting a YouTube channel called John Irvin, Author Journey Series. Check it out at YOUTUBE.COM/AUTHORJOURNEY
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