As the Sun Will Rise

as the sun will rise

From the moment he first saw her dance, Paul Sharp knew Titiana was special.

He finds out that is an understatement when a Sorcerer casts a spell. Paul also discovers something about himself, the skin shedding is not normal for a human being. When the scales show up, he finds he has another side no one ever told him about.

Titiana is a fairy, imprisoned by the Sorcerer and forced to dance for him in front of public ballet plays. Will she ever gain her freedom as he promised? Or is he nothing more than a liar? And who is this new man who seems more curious than anyone has ever been?

If you’re into Sword and Sorcery–or Contemporary Fantasy–this short read is just for you. Because when you have a Fairy, a Sorcerer, and a Dragon mixed into a present-day setting, it could only be something more than intriguing!


The King

children of alia the king

Wilyon the First is called upon to unite the clan lands of Lycaenia into a kingdom to resist a foreign invader.

For centuries now the clans have governed themselves and there are many disputes among them. But when an outsider dares claim rule over them, union is called for.

Will they be able to defeat this foe? Can they work together to fight against him? Can Wilyon govern his people the right way? Can he lead from the front lines?

This is a futuristic fantasy taking place in the world of Alia. It is a tale of origins. The first installment to a chronological series, it is sure to grab your attention.


Wolf’s Rising

wolf's rising

If you enjoyed Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien or William Morris’s Well at the World’s End or even the Falling Kingdoms series by Morgan Rhodes then you’ll enjoy this high fantasy with a dark theme.

Set in the world known as Kyn, there is a Master Race and its slaves. The Wolf-Born have been enslaved to the Dark Elves for over a thousand years. But all that is about to change.

Duncan Hur awakens in a damp dungeon to find his memory not intact.

Grace Malcolm, daughter of the Commander of the Lupine Liberators—a rebel group recouping from a failed revolt—allows herself to be captured in order to break into the dungeon.

Duncan’s mind is sent into a major upheaval at first sight of Grace. They are lovers, come to find out. The two of them break from the cell and plan an escape. Duncan is distracted by an ancient Pendant and discovers it is encased in a dark spell. Trying to steal the Pendant, he is sent to the Otherworld—an ethereal place of haunting Shades and drooling Ghouls.

There is one Shade, Bezarnok, who informs Duncan of a way he can escape: kill the Master Sorcerer, Morphano—the Dark Elf leader. But is there a catch? Does the Shade have ulterior motives? Will Duncan be able to escape from the Otherworld and return to his love and his people? Will Bezarnok unleash his hordes of Ghouls and Shades on the world?

For the lovers of dark fantasy and high fantasy, this is one you don’t want to miss! Intertwining the two subgenres, this tale takes the reader from one plot twist to the next.




How did it start? A deadly virus from the Arctic. An international team of US, Russian, Chinese, and Korean scientist uncovered a prehistoric artifact frozen in the ice of the North. What they didn’t know is it carried a slumbering disease more fatal than the Medieval Black Plague.

Gideon Cole is the son of a US General stationed in San Francisco. Gideon is surprised when the first nuclear missile hits New York City, ushering in the Apocalypse. His Dad calls, telling him it’s time to head to a secret war bunker.

Along the way, as time is running out, they pick up Lynda Brodunvich and her father. Lynda was Gideon’s high school crush a decade ago.

Will they make it to the bunker in time, before the bombs drop? If the plague doesn’t wipe out humanity, will they destroy each other on apocalyptic scales? If they do, is this the end of the world? Or can two people begin mankind over again?

If you enjoy the dystopian genre, the end times, the last days theme, you’ll enjoy this book. With a Rise of the Machines, Terminator 3, style (without the evil robots), or Book of Eli, Armageddon theme, this author brings out a different aspect of what a nuclear holocaust could start. What if we could start the world over again? What would that be like?


All the Reasons Why

all the reasons why

Do you enjoy Western-style romance? How about a horse rancher?

Hunter is a Montana-bred horse rancher with a shattered heart. Having just fallen out of love, he does not trust anyone. Then Lilah shows up and everything blows up in his face.

He tries to run, but something keeps shoving him back to her, pointing the way for his heart.

Will he finally realise that not everyone is sent to break your heart? Can love sometimes find a way? Are there enough reasons to move on with life and take a new risk?


Mermaid Seas: Salvation

mermaid seas salvation

Arthur Eden, a bestselling novelist, is the recipient of a prophecy passed down through his family line several generations. He knows the world will end–an apocalyptic devastation will come from the ocean.

His best friend is a Mermaid with a secret, Cassandra, and she is helping him organise a Noah’s Ark. Under the guise of an international competition for his upcoming novel, Arthur selects the winners for a cruise across the sea. What these winners don’t know, they are sure to panic if they find out.

Will Arthur, Cassandra, and his two daughters be able to save humanity from certain destruction? Will the mermaid race even help? How will mankind react when it discovers…

Mermaids are real!

Join the team in this final book of the Mermaid Seas Trilogy as they find their way to survival. If you enjoy paranormal futuristic fantasies about mermaids this is the book for you. Taking on a more human aspect, like Kiera Cass in The Siren and Anna Banks’ The Syrena Legacy, this is a tale of salvation.