I’ll be talking about my Magic’s Time Split series, my Ikkilion Chronicles, and my Longevity series, and several other books in my vlog for a three-part video.
By John Irvin

Yes, I know, I missed last week’s blog. I did get the vlog out though. So you can check that in the link shared at the bottom of this blog.
So today is the first blog post of 2020, the second YouTube video for 2020 is out now, too. Things are getting off to a good start. I’ve split up these two weeks into two parts.
The Pilot episode for my Ikkilion Chronicles was aired last Friday, got my first Patreon backer for it, too. Yes, it was exciting. Now, only 99 supporters to go and I’ll reach my monthly goal there.
I’m finishing up the first draft of Book 3, Wandering, in Longevity—I’m a little behind in that, thanks to the holidays and the fact that the ending scene is the hardest to write. I’m a bit sentimental, but there’s a favourite character I don’t want to say good-bye to. Does that make sense?
Author on Vacation
I was actually on New Year’s vacation to Kentucky last week, so things were a bit haywire when it came to my writing and author business. You grab the times as you go, whenever they chance to pop up.
We authors do not get vacation though, for we are always writing or thinking about writing.
But, now that I’m home in Florida, I’ll be continuing the Ikkilion Chronicles and scheduling them ahead of time for their weekly submissions. My Author Journey has taken on a new level. Every level I reach, it’s been fun and stressful, but then after awhile, it’s not as hard—funny how life is like that.

Every Master was an Apprentice
You are afraid to start something, because you feel unready or scared you’ll fail. But then you start, and yes, you hit those speed bumps and tumble out on your butt. You get back up and keep pushing through. After awhile, you’ve learned all the ends and outs of that level and it’s now no longer so hard. It’s more a routine, in fact.
Every master of anything must first begin as an apprentice.
Same goes with running an authorpreneur business. This is the writing life, and just like any life of freedom, we must take full responsibility of it. We must become CEOs of our own work.
Every one has their journeys to take. This is mine. I’m finally learning to appreciate and to enjoy each step.
Do I wish I was already making a six figure living as an author? Yes, who wouldn’t? But I know, I’ll get there soon enough. Right now, I need to focus on today, hone my skills, and keep learning.
We must all keep learning, if we are to succeed. Isn’t that right?
Anyways, I hope you have an amazing Friday tomorrow, subscribe to my newsletter below and you’ll get personal emails on Fridays. Here’s the link to last week’s YouTube vlog: Check Out My YouTube!
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I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!
Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Or email me at john@johnirvinauthor.com