Scotland is rich with heritage, with thousands of years, the folk lore runs rampant in these lochs and highlands.

By John Irvin
While growing up, I would often find myself sitting in my dad’s study/office and listening to stories about our ancestors that he’d uncovered that week or previously. I enjoyed these chats and miss them quite often.
I feel like these memories and the love of reading many of the books in his library about the history of Scotland as well as the rest of Europe played a role in my zest for history and the story of our ancestors.
My clan originated back in the early 900s A.D., according to ancient account. We played roles of advisors to the first kings and even became Kings of the original Scottish Kingdom. Of course, they were murdered and the crown stolen, hence my near pauper state of being an artist.
The War of Independence…

I rarely come across an individual who has not, at least, heard of the classic film directed by Mel Gibson, Braveheart. This movie not only inspired my dad and me, it inspired a nation. From what I’ve read, it made the greatest impact on Scotland since the stealing of the Stone of Destiny from London.
Set during the national upheaval, while King Edward the Longshanks was ruling the rest of Britain and taking control of his northern neighbour, the film is about a man who refuses to mess with political matters—until it becomes personal. Going on to lead one of the greatest “rebellions” history has ever known, Sir William Wallace nearly saw his nation win her independence and freedom.
Betrayed by a friend, he was captured by the English and sentenced to a brutal execution. But, he inspired Robert the Bruce to lead the army and years later, the Declaration of Arbroath was written, signed, and sent to the Pope in 1320. This document has been used as a nationalist inspiration for Scotland’s independence.
It is during this time that my second novel in the Longevity series is set. Independence is about Sir Ihon (pronounced Ian) Iraes has returned from his visit to the Haven to find the land of his birth in the midst of war. He meets the famed Sir William Wallace and is caught up with the cause.

Wallace’s Sword…
One historical aspect the film kept accurate was the Sword of William Wallace. According to historical evidence this patriot was a big man. Wielding about a sword of five and a half feet steel took great strength and leverage. Known as the claymore, the greatsword was a chief weapon among the Scots.

It has become a favourite type of sword for me as well. Possibly the Scottish blood in me, but I also am endeared to its design. The two-handed hilt with the broad bare and the thick double-edged blade with its length, the Scottish Claymore is an exceptional tool.
It is Wallace’s Claymore that inspired the sword used in the first two books of the Longevity series. Passed down from his father to him, Ihon enjoys the cold and hefty steel. The insignia on the claymore’s hilt is not the family crest as he used to think. The wolf symbolizes his other life, the date is the founding of the Supreme Council, and the rest is the rank his father bore in the Second Great War with the Spawn.
I’m hoping to be able to craft this sword one day into reality. The Sword of Ihon Iraes, Knight of Scotland, Superior Officer of the Wolf-Born Army…one day.
The Wolf-Born Capital…
Its origins deep in ancient legends, the city of the Wolf-Born, Sanguiatro, was built shortly before the first Supreme Council was convened. Its name literally means “dark blood.” Wolf-Born carry blood so dark it’s black—a disturbing sight to any human who witnesses its spill.
The Capital has been through two moves. Originally, it was hidden within the Turkish Highlands before Christ. It then settled near Ancient Rome’s founding and, eventually, moved with the Second Great Migration to the Highlands of Scotland.
If you’d like to learn more, click through the link and order a copy of Longevity, Book 2: Independence. The link will take you directly to the Longevity page where I’ve got the previous books gathered as well.

Also, Independence is one of the books I’m taking with me on my Toward the Pacific Book Tour come Spring of 2021. Your donations, however big or small, will help tremendously toward that goal. Thank you so much! Click through to join our supporters as my team and I prepare.
Until next week, y’all have a great life.
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