Writers are meant to listen and observe the world around us so we cane have more substance for our writing…

By John Irvin
I find the more I observe people and situations, the more I have to write about later. People don’t realise the unsaid messages they give off.
At present, I’m listening to three different podcasts to help me along this business journey with my two jobs as writer and freelance proofreader.
Joanna Penn and her “The Creative Penn Podcast” has always had a wealth of information and ideas for this indie author. She’s a fellow indie author who has taken her business to the six figures! I’m always finding goodies on that show.
I’ve been collecting her books as well and claim her as a authorpreneur mentor.
The second podcast would be the “Six Figure Authors” podcast, hosted by Andrea, Joseph, and Lindsay. They’ve been a funny trio, answering questions from their listeners as well as discussing various ideas on how to market your books.
The third channel I have tuned in on my podcast app is Work-At-Home Heroes by Caitlin Pyle, she is an advanced freelance proofreader with a side hustle of helping others enjoy the freedom of the freelance world.

I’ve conversed with Caitlin before and find her an encouraging mentor in this side hustle of mine. Her podcasts always have good info to chew on as well.
Speaking of ideas and information, I’ve been considering returning to an every-single-day-blog-and-vlog phase taking my readers to new heights as I advance this blog and my YouTube vlog over the hill.
I’m thinking, after 169 articles, returning to a 90-day run, posting every day, maybe I’ll be able to launch this business higher. The thing is, I need to write all those blogs and film all those episodes first in advance.
Just throwing ideas at the wall right now as I prepare to market my books in the bookstore now as well as that upcoming Book Tour, hope you don’t mind.
Speaking of that Book Tour—the Toward the Pacific Author Book Tour for Spring 2021—we’re making our way to the first milestone and with your help we can get there. You can join our supporters who have already donated and launch my team to new heights!
What do you say?

Click through this link or the picture and it’ll take you to our homepage and you add to our climbing pile as we prepare for an amazing Book Tour this coming spring!
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I’ve now been hosting a YouTube channel called John Irvin, Author Journey Series. Check it out at YOUTUBE.COM/AUTHORJOURNEY
Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Or email me at john@johnirvinauthor.com