I’m finding myself needing more encouragement so I’ve been finding some real gems when it comes to “business sense” books to read.

By John Irvin
Earlier this week, I announced the postponing for the Book Tour until next year. But, my team and I will be keeping the fundraiser open and going until the Book Tour which will be either in April or May next year.
This way, it’ll make people feel like they can breathe, I think.

Other than that, Longevity, Book 3: Wandering is finally published though it may take a few days to get sorted out online.
Books I’m reading…
I finished reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire last week. Already added the next book to my Kindle, but I’m going to finish the three books I’m reading right now before moving on.
The first book is called The Entrepreneur Mind and it’s written by the millionaire, Kevin D. Johnson. Already has me rethinking and plotting other business ventures with my proofreading as well as my author careers. A great read if you’re needing both insight, motivation, and wisdom from experience!

The second book is Ghost Writing by Rayne Hall and Mariana Sabino. I’m possibly going to being joining in a ghostwriting venture secretly here in the near future—I’m hoping for it on the edge of my seat, I should say. So I figured I’d get some back up knowledge while I’m waiting.
The third book, Knightly Virtue: Living the Old Code in a Modern World, is by Jason Bright and already has me a bit captivated from the codes set forth. I was raised to be a gentleman. I know I’ve faltered and made mistakes in my past and this is a good book for refreshing that code instilled in me as a child.

So, these are just some of the reading I’m doing and, like I said, I’m looking forward to starting Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix shortly after finishing these ones.
Back to my GoFundMe campaign: my team and I will be sharing it off and on over these next several months and maybe by April we’ll have the desired total goal. I’ll have more books out by then and thus be in need of ordering the stock for the author events. We covet your support and thank you ahead of time for any donations you can make!
Until next week, y’all have a great life.
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