Grant Burrows stepped off the buss to find himself walking past him.

By John Irvin
Today’s spotlight is an old favorite: Relentless by Robin Parrish.
Funny how sometimes you just randomly meet a book and before you know it, you’re best friends.
That’s right, I said book, not person.
I was hanging with a friend one day back in college and we stopped by a small dollar store. I saw this book on the shelf, the friend had read it before and recommended I try it.
So I bought it and started reading that night. I couldn’t put the crazy thing down it was so good.
You might say, it was relentlessly grasping my attention.
I was finished with it in a couple days, reading in between classes and homework. I immediately bought the second and had that finished shortly thereafter. The third one hadn’t been released and that was hard.
A friend heard about my love for this series and he pre-ordered the third book as a gift for me.
Make sure you click through to my video here.
Grant Burrows is your average Joe. He hasn’t had an interesting life up until this moment. He’s been Shifted. Someone else is now wearing his face and living his life, he’s someone else.
Oh, and he also has powers. He can affect things around him just by thinking about them.
There’s a whole underground society, a prophecy, and many more shocking revelations. He finds allies and enemies everywhere! By the way, they also find out the hard way, you don’t ever want to push Grant Burrows too far.
So, what is this whole thing about destiny?
Who are the game makers?
You will not want to miss out on this thrilling science fiction, so click this link to go buy: RELENTLESS.
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Another note, I have to make sure to let you know, all links I use for my fellow authors’ works are affiliate links because why not?