When your inner creator longs for a different life, a different history.

By John Irvin
Today’s trailer can be found through this link to my YouTube channel! Click through to watch the short little reel.
The Longevity series has got to be the story of my deepest heart. It all started my sophomore year in college when I turned 20. A friend told me I was 900.
Since then, I age myself according to that. So, this December, instead of turning 31, I’m turning 911!
It took a year before I came up with a bullet-point account of my long life. After I graduated, I started coming up with a storyline for a super-long novel.
The second year, I finally wrote a first draft. Being an amateur writer, I made the mistake of publishing that 510 page first draft novel. I did publish it before I published StarQuest, but I don’t count it as my first novel because of how horrible it was.
Thankfully, I came to my senses and cancelled the publication. But, there are still copies out there. *facepalm*
It wasn’t until two years ago, I decided to turn this story into an eight book series. Since then, I’ve written the first four novels—well, I’m not finished with the fourth yet, but close.
Today’s trailer is about the first book, Revelation, in which my Wolf-Born character discovers his true identity and his origin. He is also sent on a mission on the Second Crusade to assassinate a Rogue Wolf-Born.
The Wolf-Born are an ancient race. I’ve actually designed a card with interesting facts about the Race.
Here it is below.

So, make sure you order yourself a copy today! Open that book when it arrives and enter the world of my imagination. Don’t be afraid, I won’t betray you…I think. Mwahahaha!
While you’re here, you can click through the GoFundMe link on my Home page and donate to the upcoming Spring 2021 Toward the Pacific Book Tour!
And if you know any authors, please, have them shoot me an email at john@johnirvinauthor.com. I have plenty of spots open for the episodes!
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I’ve now been hosting a YouTube channel called John Irvin, Author Journey Series. Check it out at YOUTUBE.COM/AUTHORJOURNEY
Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Or email me at john@johnirvinauthor.com