You’d think after fighting a war between the Republic and the Vampires then the Were-Beast Civil War the Immortals would get a chance to go home and rest!

By John Irvin
Today’s trailer can be found through this link to my YouTube channel! Click through to watch the short little reel.
After defeating the animal god and winning the Were-Beast Civil War, the Immortals are contacted by Sir Iden Falconmist, leader of the Guardian Knights of the Fae.
He asks for their help over in the Swiss Alps.
Why would he need a group of Immortals’ help?
They step through the shimmering portals onto a mountaintop. The beautiful vista is barely enjoyed when they’re suddenly attacked by something giant in the sky.
Next thing the Immortals know, there’s a birth of ancient races erupting from beneath the mountains.
Dwarves who actually breed Dragons have been in slumber these past few decades since Magic was unleashed. They are late bloomers, you might say.
But, so are their old foes.
Giants, breeders of Wyverns, were competitors of the Dwarven Dragon Lords back in the day…you know, 10,000 years ago?
But this time around, the Giants seem to have something totally different up their sleeves. Their prime directive doesn’t seem to be breeding wyverns or racing the dwarves anymore.
Now, these colossal creatures are out to conquer the world.
Can the Dwarves defeat them? Can the Immortals help their shorter comrades in this ensuing conflict?
Can the Fae and the Dwarves get along enough to unite in a common front?
Also, who is the mystical leader pushing the Giants to conquer Italy? Where did he come from? What is he?
Click through to the website page and order this next installment in the Magic’s Time Split series!
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And if you know any authors, please, have them shoot me an email at I have plenty of spots open for the episodes!
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