Time is already ticking away, I’ve got 24 more days till Launch Day, still got a few things to take care of before then…Can I make it?

By John Irvin
This week, I don’t have a vlog to post over on YouTube. I decided last week to drop down to a bi-weekly posting over there. It will open up my busy schedule a little more.
Since I’m still preparing for the GoFundMe Launch, I need more time to work with my team and get these plans—and hopefully, pre-pledges—set and ready for the day.
This past Tuesday, I gathered and organised a whole list of phone numbers for so many libraries and bookstores in Pensacola, Nashville, Denver, Los Angeles, and Dallas.
Yesterday, I started contacting them. I’ve mostly been focusing on actually figuring out how to get my books into their stock so I can actually have a reason to have an Author Book Event at their sites.
Already my team member in Dallas, Texas has been working on his side making requests for me at his local libraries for my books. I want to send out a thank you to Calvin! Thank you for your enthusiastic willingness to get this ball rolling.
Books on my To-Do List:
I’m also beginning the first draft of Book 6 in my Magic’s Time Split series. The title is Mountains Are Living,

The time travelling Immortals are back in this epic volume to the alternate magic-ruled time reality. They’re about to discover the meaning of life springing from the Swiss Alps and find connections to ancient myths and even the very first city ever built on Earth.
Who were the ancient Immortals? Who were the gods of primitive man? Do they truly exist or did they ever?
After finishing this first draft, I’ll be working on the final draft of Book 4, When Nights Bleed, readying it for publication this month! If you sign up to my newsletter, I’ll share its due date with you soon.
Today’s going to be a short blog, because of the many articles on my list.
Thank you for stopping by and I look forward to talking with you next week when I will be posting my updates over on YouTube. By the way, find the link below and you can go ahead and subscribe to it now, that way, you won’t miss out on any news happening along my Author Journey!
Until next week, have a great life.
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I’ve now been hosting a YouTube channel called John Irvin, Author Journey Series. Check it out at YOUTUBE.COM/AUTHORJOURNEY
Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Or email me at john@johnirvinauthor.com