Rick Riordan brings us another classic, starring Percy Jackson, Jason Grace, Annabeth Chase, Leo Valdez, and so many other fine heroes in this fast-paced novel.

By John Irvin
I tell you what, there are very few books that have made my heart literally almost stop. I know, that doesn’t sound healthy, but it is a good sign the book is amazing when that happens.
I had no idea what was about to hit when I picked up The Mark of Athena.
I enjoyed the five-book prequel series of Percy Jackson and the first two books in this spin-off series Heroes of Olympus with its new variety of cast members.
But, I did not realize just how jarring and gripping the story would play out to be.
I was tricked! They said it would be a great read! They lied! This is a thrilling and monumental read that will probably change your life, if not mess it up for a little while.
So, do I recommend this third installment in the Heroes of Olympus? YES! A resounding echo YES!
Here’s the book you need:
If you’re still on the edge of decision, here’s the brief description from Amazon.
“In The Son of Neptune, Percy, Hazel, and Frank met in Camp Jupiter, the Roman equivalent of Camp Halfblood, and traveled to the land beyond the gods to complete a dangerous quest. The third book in the Heroes of Olympus series will unite them with Jason, Piper, and Leo. But they number only six–who will complete the Prophecy of Seven?
The Greek and Roman demigods will have to cooperate in order to defeat the giants released by the Earth Mother, Gaea. Then they will have to sail together to the ancient land to find the Doors of Death. What exactly are the Doors of Death? Much of the prophecy remains a mystery. . . .
With old friends and new friends joining forces, a marvelous ship, fearsome foes, and an exotic setting, The Mark of Athena is be another unforgettable adventure by master storyteller Rick Riordan.”
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