It has already proven a challenge, which I already knew it would, but still.

By John Irvin
Yes, it has been a challenge, but my team and I are still confident we will be able to convince people to donate to our fundraiser. The Book Tour isn’t set until August so dear, sweet, and thoughtful Corona should be gone by then.
She and I in the meantime seem to be in some kind of competition for people’s attention.
What about you, any projects that are struggling thanks to COVID-19?
Hang on, we will get through this.
No vlog for today. But quite a bit going on in the life of John Irvin.
If you are able to spare $5 or more, we would be much appreciated, and I can promise you, there are rewards involved once the campaign is finished. GoFundMe, for some unexplained reason, simply won’t allow me to share that on the page.
Here’s the link to go support an aspiring Authorpreneur!
Working on this month’s featured book…
While I’m slowly finishing up the Ikkilion Chronicles for my Gryphon supporters on Patreon, I’m also working on the final edits and revisions for Book 5, Beasts Will Change, in the Magic’s Time Split series.
On top of that, I’ll be working on the first draft for Book 6, Mountains Are Living!
Our friends are discovering the Magic-ruled timeline they’ve been living in is flourishing more and more with monsters and creatures and wonders galore.
With the former United States succumbing to the Vampire pandemic, the war raging, new creatures are shifting onto the stage—shapeshifters. And I’m not talking about just werewolves. There are weretigers, werebears, and more! Oh my!
Checking out worlds beyond this one…
Hey, I also do propose something here. Many states and countries are now under forced quarantine. You’re stuck in your homes, bored out of your minds. Why not read a book? I’ve got quite a few books up on my menu, click on the “Books” tab.
I have read and heard from my fellow authorpreneurs that in-print distributors are behind schedule thanks to the corona issue, so e-books are more mainstream right now. Good news for you, most of my e-books are under $2.99!
Well, I hope you try them out and enjoy and if you are able to donate to the fundraiser, thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Until next week, have a great life.
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I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!
I’ve now been hosting a YouTube channel called John Irvin, Author Journey Series. Check it out at YOUTUBE.COM/AUTHORJOURNEY
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