I’ve Written in Various Genres, but One Keeps Popping Up
By John Irvin
When I first started writing, all the way back in high school, it was superheroes. Into college I grew an interest in science fiction—mostly Star Wars and StarGate. I started the StarQuest series back then.
That became the novel published several years back and the added e-book episodes published this past year.

I’ve delved more into the fantasy genre, still read some sci-fi though. I’ve written in both genres along with apocalyptic and historical fiction. But, looking at my two main series I’m writing at the moment and the few short e-books leading up to them, I’ve noticed a trend.
Dark Fantasy is the Realm I live in, deep within my mind. Looking back over dreams and nightmares I’ve experienced since I can remember, it always has been.
Something about the magic with the shapes-hifters or sorcerers has always drawn me in.
When it takes place on a totally different world—like in High Fantasy—it’s even cooler. Like in my Wolf’s Rising e-book.
One would think at first it might be related to my Longevity series, such as Blood of the Father.
But the star of the book, Duncan, a Wolf-Born has nothing to do with the Wolf-Born of the Longevity world.
Duncan wakes up in a dungeon, he can’t remember who he is until a woman is thrown into the dungeon with him.
Then, while they make their escape, he finds the world he is returning to was one he had sought to rid his people of.
The Dark Elves have long since held the Wolf-Born Race under bondage, but there’s a rebellion. Only things aren’t going as planned—for both sides. When Duncan is sent to the Otherworld, he finds a Shade seeks dominion over his home. On accident, he returns only to find he’s let out the Shade and his minions.
Enemies must become allies.
This is one of many dark fantasy books I’ve enjoyed delving into. The other main series I’m presently working on, besides Longevity, is the Magic’s Time Split series. If you haven’t bought the first book for free—yes, I know, that’s kinda contradictory. How can you buy something for free?—then go here download it!
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