by Ceara Comeau

Published by Ceara Comeau

A review-interview by John Irvin


“A real war zone. It was now clear to Amber the urgency of her arrival—she had to fix this. The only question was, how?”

            Doing something Different

            With this book review blog I get to take it a different path for my readers. I actually know the author of Memories of Chronosalis personally and she was so generous and willing to answer a few questions I asked about her work.

            I’ll share that Q&A here before giving the book blurb and a short note from me at the end. I want to say upfront, Thank you, Ceara Comeau for your awesome responses.

  1. What literary pilgrimages have you gone on?

            Yes! I went to Ireland, but I wasn’t there for writing a book specifically. It just so happened that the country itself inspired me for the trilogy I’m currently working on!

2. What is the first book that made you cry?

            The last book of the Divergent series. I was so attached to a certain character that ended up dying.

3. Does writing energize or exhaust you?

            Both. Well, it really depends on the book I’m writing at the time. If there are a lot of characters involved or the scene is very complex, it can exhaust me. But if it’s just a few characters and the story is going through a “lull” then it’s not so bad. I feel the most energized when I get to a climactic part in my writing.

4. What are common traps for aspiring writers?

            One of the most common traps I’ve seen is people trying to make their work perfect for the reader. It’s not a bad thing to want one’s work it’s absolute best. As writers, that’s what we all strive for. But I always tell aspiring writers to write for themselves first. If we force our work to be something it’s not, that will show in the final product.

5. What is your writing Kryptonite?

            I wouldn’t say I have a Kryptonite, I face writer’s block like any other writer. The closest I can get to “Kryptonite” is when I have too many ideas in my head and I can’t figure out how to organize them.

6. Did you ever consider writing under a pseudonym?

            When I began writing it was a thought that crossed my mind, but I realized I wanted people to know that I was me writing all those stories. Besides, some people think my name is a pseudonym!

7. Do you want each book to stand on its own, or are you trying to build a body of work with connections between each book?

            My seventh book is the starting point to many other books. I will be creating a universe in which all the books (with the exception of a trilogy I’m working on) will be stand alone. However, these books will hint at other books. Some characters will even meet up with other characters from the books.

8. How did publishing your first book change your process of writing?

            When I published my first book, my mom helped me out. She found the self-publishing website that I still use today. I was fifteen when the first two books came out and at the time it didn’t make a huge difference to me because I was so young. In fact, I wouldn’t have even considered publishing had my mom not suggested it. I don’t think the publishing process really hit me until I became an adult.

9. How many hours a day do you write?

            Honestly, it depends on what else I have going on that particular day. I do lots of other projects on the side. There will be weeks where I’ll go without writing because I feel I need a break from it to recollect my thoughts. I always encourage new and seasoned authors to take breaks as you can get burned out very easily. But I’d say on a normal writing day, I can go three to four hours straight writing and get a good five thousand words in.

Memories of Chronosalis by Ceara Comeau, a Review.

10. How do you select the names of your characters?

            This will sound weird, but I actually listen to the characters and wait for them to tell me their names. Sometimes they come to me even before the image of the character comes to mind. But there are those rare times where I just can’t think of a name and I’ll look on baby name websites.

11. Do you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find?

            Sometimes I’ll add real life scenarios to my fictional settings. I’m one of those people that like to read a story and learn something from the characters. When I’m writing my character outlines, I ask myself, “What can I learn from this character”. By keeping that in mind, I’m able to develop the character around that question and it helps with keeping that character consistent.

12. What was your hardest scene to write?

            In general, the hardest scene for me to write is “killing off” a character that I grew attached to. That happened in “Memories of Chronosalis” and in the trilogy I’m writing.

13. What is the most difficult part of your artistic process?

            Probably being patient with myself. Because my future books all take place in the same universe, I’m often writing notes for each book all at the same time. There will be days that my thoughts will get ahead of me and they get out of control. That’s when I know I need to give myself a long break. But in regards to writing, I think the hardest part for me is description. As a kid, I couldn’t describe to save my life, but over the years I’ve gotten better at it. I still have difficulty with it from time to time.

14. How long did it take you to write this book?

            “Memories of Chronosalis” took me a year and a half to write.

15. What was your favourite scene to write?

            All of the action scenes and the psychological twists that were thrown in there. I could almost imagine the look on my readers’ face when they got to those parts.

16. Do you remember what sparked the idea for the book?

            This book came from the “Amber Oak” series that I began when I was younger. It was a four-book series that I ended up stopping because it wasn’t going anywhere and didn’t make sense. So, I scrapped it and rewrote it.

17. What is the best time of day for you to write?

            Depends on my mood. Sometimes if I feel the urge to write, I’ll do it in the afternoon, but I mostly write super late at night.

18. Are there more books in the works to follow Memories of Chronosalis?

            I recently came out with a prequel to “Memories of Chronosalis” called “A Scientist’s Remorse”. I call it my spoiler book because it contains secrets about all the characters in Memories. I always warn people to read “Memories of Chronosalis” then it’s prequel as reading the prequel first could get confusing.


From the Back of the Book Blurb:

            It’s one thing to read about heroes saving worlds in far off galaxies, but to become one is an entirely different story. Sixteen-year-old Amber Oak wanted nothing more than to stay in her own world of music and solitude. But the inhabitants of Galaseya, a Utopian planet rooted in the past, had other ideas in mind.

            According to them, only she wielded the power to stop the dark forces threatening their home. At first, Amber sympathized with the planet, but saw no reason to involve herself in the affairs of something outside her world. But the stakes have risen when she discovers that Galaseya is not only the world that has been invading her dreams, but also the place her estranged family originated from. With this new knowledge, questions began to surface and secrets of Amber’s life come to light causing her to second guess everything she knows.

            Her desire for a normal life quickly dissipates as she goes against her better judgment and agrees to journey to this strange planet. Any doubt Amber had before arriving is quickly replaced with a different reality when she finds the once beautiful land in ruin due to a terrible device forged with the knowledge from an evil world called Darmentraea.

            Through this adventure, her family’s dark past is revealed, and a new threat begins to emerge from the dark world—a threat unlike anything Amber or her family expected. The Brothers, rulers of Darmentraea, are coming with a sinister plot that puts all of humanity in jeopardy.

Contact the Author or Follow her:

Facebook: Sci-Fi With A Twist

Instagram: CearaComeau

Follower her Amazon Author Page to see ALL of her works: Amazon.CearaComeau

And make sure to follow her blog here: Ceara’s Blog

            My Short Thoughts:

            I’ve always had a thing for books that explore a new extraterrestrial world. So you know I enjoyed this book. Amber seems like your average teenager, but with these dreams she starts off with, you immediately know the aim of the plot and next thing you know, you’re kidnapped on a wild ride of a story.

            Actually having the honour of knowing the author is pretty cool to me as well. I’ve enjoyed sharing the journey of the independent author with Ceara and look forward to reading more of her works!

            So, take my recommendation and click this link to go buy it: MEMORIES OF CHRONOSALIS.

As a side note, I am required to inform you that my links provided are affiliate links to the said products. Hey, I’ve got to pay the bills somehow. I hope this is understandable!

If you enjoyed this review, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails–usually just focused on whatever book review I’ve written that day–on Mondays and Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

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THE SPIRIT WELL (A Bright Empires Novel) A Review

by Stephen Lawhead

Published by Thomas Nelson

A review by John Irvin


Quote from the Book:

“Cassandra Clarke dug bones for a living. She spent every summer of her professional life hunkered down in trenches of various depths with a trowel in one hand and a whisk broom in the other, excavating the skeletal remains of creatures long dead, many of which were known only to science and some known to no one at all.”

From the description:

            But what if the true treasure isn’t the map at all…what if the map marks something far greater? Something one world cannot contain? Those who desire to unlock the mystery are in a race to possess the secret—for good or evil.

            Kit Livingstone is mastering the ability to travel across realities using ley lines and has forged a link from the Bone House, a sacred lodge made of animal bones, to the fabled Spirit Well, a place of profound power.

            His friend Mina is undercover in a Spanish monastery high in the Pyrenees, learning all she can from a monk named Brother Lazarus. Still determined to find Kit, she is beginning to experience a greater destiny than she can fathom.

            Cassandra Clarke is overseeing an archaeological dig in Arizona when a chance-encounter transports her to 1950s Damascus. There, she finds herself unwillingly drawn to the Seekers—the last living remnants of the Zetetic Society who need her help to track down the missing Cosimo Livingstone and his grandson Kit.

            But there are darker forces at work in the universe whose agents always seem to be one step ahead of the rest—and they’re all desperate to gain the ultimate prize in this treasure hunt where the stakes increase at every turn. At the heart of the mystery lies the Spirit Well.

The Spirit Well by Stephen Lawhead (A Bright Empires Novel, Book 3)

            The Spirit Well is the third installment in the intensely intriguing Bright Empires series by Stephen Lawhead. Adding to the depth of mystery, the stakes get higher and higher.

            There were times when I was holding my breath. I felt as if I were dragged through these ley lines, twisting and spinning through time and space itself, at the side of my friends: Kit, Mina, and now Cassandra.

            The mystery just keeps getting thicker and thicker—but I loved every minute of it. I hate using the phrase “flipping the pages” but there are not many other phrases that could be used. The more I read in this book, the more I devoured it.

            Let me put it this way, writing these reviews on this series has me deciding that I’m going to have to reread these amazing books again.

            If you enjoy alternater realities fantasy or time travel—maybe you’ve heard of Stephen Lawhead or read some of his other works—then I’m certain you will fall in love with this one!

OH, and by the by, this one is actually ONLY $3.40 for the paperback version! What a deal!

            So, take my recommendation and click this link to go buy it: THE SPIRIT WELL.

As a side note, I am required to inform you that my links provided are affiliate links to the said products. Hey, I’ve got to pay the bills somehow. I hope this is understandable!

If you enjoyed this review, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails–usually just focused on whatever book review I’ve written that day–on Mondays and Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

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ROBERT THE BRUCE (A Tale of the Guardians Novel), A Review

by Jack Whyte

Published by Tom Doherty Associates, LLC

A review by John Irvin


“…Where would these supposedly free men come from? No man today—here in Scotland at least, or even in England—is free of duty or obligation to someone, be it knight, lord, or baron. That’s the way of the world.” –Robert Bruce

            From the description:

            One of the most famous warriors of his generation, Robert the Bruce led his people during the Wars of Scottish Independence against the King of England. His reign saw Scotland recognized as an independent nation. What forces might have shaped young Robert into a national hero? Jack Whyte creates a window into Bruce’s world, showing the blood and bone of the man destined to become Scotland’s greatest king.

            In 1284, ten-year-old Robert Bruce is witness to an extraordinary gathering of noblemen, including King Edward of Englahd, King Alexander of Scotland, and Lord Angus Mohr MacDonald of Islay. What he learns about the nature of power will change his life forever.

            When King Alexander dies without an heir, Scotland falls into chaos. The potential for civil war brings a growing threat of invasion from England as Edward I, young Bruce’s hero and feudal patron, develops an obsession with adding Scotland to England’s crown by conquest.

            Bruce soon comes to realize that one man’s hero is another’s villain and that duty to his people trumps all. He will have to resolve the conflicts of his own personal, feudal, and national loyalties to unite Scotland’s warring factions and become its savior.

Robert the Bruce (A Guardians Novel) by Jack Whyte.

            Presenting an historical account the way Jack Whyte does makes it that much more agreeable if one doesn’t necessarily enjoy reading books full of facts. His narrative breaths life into the dead bones of the past, maybe taking a little creative license here and there, he lays out a fascinating story about a boy who became one of Scotland’s greatest rulers.

            I love history, I love fiction, when you put them together—creating what I’ve heard is called Faction—I think that is simply grand.

            This work is rather deep in some parts, but I still enjoyed learning a unique perspective of this chaotic time in Scotland’s history.

            I’m certain this book will most likely only attract those who are of Scottish descend—like me—or those who simply enjoy reading narratives about the Dark Island and its neighbors.

            Jack Whyte was awarded an honorary doctorate of letters for his contribution to Canadian popular fiction—he is Scottish-bred and now lives in British Columbia.

            Finishing this intriguing historical fiction, I’ve already ordered another of the books in the series—The Guardian Series—and I’m looking forward to reading that one as soon as possible.

            So, take my recommendation and click this link to go buy it: ROBERT THE BRUCE.

As a side note, I am required to inform you that my links provided are affiliate links to the said products. Hey, I’ve got to pay the bills somehow. I hope this is understandable!

If you enjoyed this review, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails–usually just focused on whatever book review I’ve written that day–on Mondays and Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

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THE BONE HOUSE (A Bright Empires Novel) A Review

by Stephen Lawhead

Thomas Nelson

A review by John Irvin


“Time…strange stuff. Time is the central mystery of our existence. It confines and defines us in many ways. We are obedient to its inexorable mechanism throughout our lives, and yet we know almost nothing about it. Why does it flow in only one direction? What is it made of? How is it regulated? Is it everywhere the same for everyone? Or might its substance or speed be altered by mechanisms as yet undiscovered?” –Thomas

            From the description:

            One piece of the Skin Map has been found. Now the race to unravel the future of the future turns deadly.

            Kit Livingstone met his great grandfather Cosimo in a rainy alley in London where he discovered the reality of alternate realities.

            Now he’s on the run—and on a quest—trying to understand the impossible mission he inherited from Cosimo: to restore a map that charts the hidden dimensions of the multiverse. Survival depends on staying one step ahead of the savage Burley Men.

            The key is the Skin Map—but where it leads and what it means, Kit has no idea. The pieces have been scattered throughout this universe and beyond.

            Mina, from her outpost in seventeenth-century Prague, is quickly gaining both the experience and the means to succeeded in the quest. Yet so are those with evil intent who, from the shadows, are manipulating great minds of history for their own malign purposes.

            Those who know how to use ley lines have left their own world behind to travel across time and space—down avenues of Egyptian sphinxes, to an Etruscan tufa tomb, a Bohemian coffee shop, and a Stone-Age landscape where universes collide—in this, the second quest to unlock the mystery of The Bone House.

The Bone House (Book 2 in the Bright Empire series) by Stephen Lawhead.

            Starting off where Kit disappeared, in the middle of a Stone Age civilization, this book whisked me away to new heights in the ever evolving multiverse unraveling.

            Lawhead delivered an amazing depth of fantasy, spirituality, and adventure in this clean and delicious second installment to the Bright Empires series.

            Along with its predecessor, The Bone House implanted Lawhead on my Top Favourite Author’s list for forever.

            Over the next week and a half I’ll be blogging reviews for the rest of the series, so if you want an amazing read that will make you forget this reality as you quest with Kit and Mina into other realities—and if you already haven’t done so—order the Skin Map through my blog archives from the first week of June. Then you’ll want this next book too.

Here’s the link to The Skin Map’s Review:

            So, take my recommendation and click this link to go buy: THE BONE HOUSE.

As a side note, I am required to inform you that my links provided are affiliate links to the said products. Hey, I’ve got to pay the bills somehow. I hope this is understandable!

If you enjoyed this review, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails–usually just focused on whatever book review I’ve written that day–on Mondays and Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

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MAGIC SHIFTS (A Kate Daniels Novel) A Review

by Ilona Andrews

Published by Ace Books

A review by John Irvin


“I rode through the night-drenched streets of Atlanta on a mammoth donkey. The donkey’s name was Cuddles.” –Kate Daniels

            From the back cover blurb:

            After breaking from life with the Pack, mercenary Kate Daniels and her mate—former Beast Lord Curran Lennart—are adjusting to a very different pace. While they’re thrilled to escape all the infighting, Kate and Curran know that separating from the Pack completely is a process that will take time.

            But when they learn that their friend Eduardo has gone missing, Kate and Curran shift their focus to investigate his disappearance. As they dig further into the merc’s business, they discover that the Mercenary Guild has gone to hell and that Eduardo’s recent assignments are connected in the most sinister way…

            An ancient enemy has arisen, and Kate and Curran are the only ones who can stop it—before it takes their city apart piece by piece.

Magic Shifts (A Kate Daniels Novel) by Ilona Andrews.

Yes, I’m going to say the same thing I’ve said about every last one of the previous books in this alternate universe series about an urban fantasy of Atlanta drenched in magic. This was an amazing read—filled with dark intrigue and more of that humor I’ve found endearing about Kate.

Her view on time, life, and the universe is both sobering and hilarious. Her tough exterior merely hides the gushy softness of a woman who loves, but is afraid to lose those she cares for—seeing her past, one could only understand.

But she is no coward, it takes nothing else but courage to let someone inside your heart.

I was right there with Curran and Kate as they discovered this eerie-strange new powerful creature from eons ago. My eyebrows were raised when the cat corpse turned into a bunch of deadly lizards.

Yes, strange. I was hooked.

            So, take my recommendation and click this link to go buy it: MAGIC SHIFTS.

As a side note, I am required to inform you that my links provided are affiliate links to the said products. Hey, I’ve got to pay the bills somehow. I hope this is understandable!

If you enjoyed this review, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails–usually just focused on whatever book review I’ve written that day–on Mondays and Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

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MAGIC BREAKS (A Kate Daniels Novel) A Review

by Ilona Andrews

Published by Ace Books

A review by John Irvin


“I stood in a small concrete room and watched the undead blood lying in a placid puddle at my feet. The magic in it called to me, eager and encouraging, whispering a soft seductive song. Sometimes the Universe smiled. Mostly she kicked me in the face…” –Kate Daniels

            From the back cover blurb:

As the mate of the Beast Lord, Curran, former mercenary Kate Daniels has more responsibilities than it seems possible to juggle. Not only is she still struggling to keep her investigative business afloat, but she must now deal with the affairs of the Pack, including preparing her people for attack from Roland, a cruel, ancient being with godlike powers.

            As Roland’s long shadow looms ever nearer, Kate is called to attend a gathering of leaders from Atlanta’s supernatural factions. When one of the Masters of the Dead is found murdered by a shapeshifter, Kate is given less than twenty-four hours to hunt down the killer. And this time, if she fails, she’ll find herself embroiled in a war that could destroy everything she holds dear…

Magic Breaks (Book 7 in the Kate Daniels series) by Ilona Andrews. A kick-butt urban fantasy.

            Book seven in the Kate Daniels series has a special history with me. This book, in fact, was the book that got me interested in the series. I can remember when it first came out—I was still in college—I saw it at the bookstore and thought, woah, that’s a good looking cover. I read the back and the opening on the inside.

But, the fact that it was book seven in a series sort of deterred me. I don’t know why, I think maybe because I was struggling with finances as usual and didn’t feel like spending so much on the first six books just to get to this one.

            Well, then, almost seven years later, I made the smart decision of buying the first book. I finally made it to book seven.

            I consider Magic Breaks to be a climax of its own for the series. It’s also a conclusion in several of the subplots. But, being the seventh in a ten book series, there are plenty more questions raised.

            Sticking to the Kate Daniels dark urban fantasy theme with her amazing dry humor, Ilona Andrews satisfied my expectations. I was up late flipping pages, feeling like I couldn’t read fast enough.

When it was over, I felt bittersweet—as I have with all of the Kate Daniels novels—in the fact I finally finished a book I’d taken over half a decade to finally buy, but then, it also means I’m that much closer to finishing this amazing and brilliant series that ranks in my top three!

Seriously, if you like this genre, you must collect this book and the rest of its family that I’ve already listed in my Archives for my Book Review Blog!

            So, take my recommendation and click this link to go buy it: MAGIC BREAKS.

As a side note, I am required to inform you that my links provided are affiliate links to the said products. Hey, I’ve got to pay the bills somehow. I hope this is understandable!

If you enjoyed this review, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails–usually just focused on whatever book review I’ve written that day–on Mondays and Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

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