by John Irvin

A commentary by John Irvin


“Did they know what they were asking him? To be king? Not only king, but the first king of a united Lycaenia?”

Book Description:

Wilyon the First is called upon to unite the clan lands of Lycaenia into a kingdom to resist a foreign invader.

For centuries now the clans have governed themselves and there are many disputes among them. But when an outsider dares claim rule over them, union is called for. 

Will they be able to defeat this foe? Can they work together to fight against him? Can Wilyon govern his people the right way? Can he lead from the front lines? 

This is a historical fantasy taking place in the world of Alia–not Earth. It is a tale of origins. The first installment to a chronological series, it is sure to grab your attention.

The King (Children of Alia, Volume 1) by John Irvin, A Commentary/Review

            Ever since I can remember, I’ve always loved book series that shift down a family tree in chronological order. When I was a child I came up with this massive tree that spanned several hundred years and several different continents, every person had their own story too.

            Then I read Jack Cavanaugh’s American Family Portrait series and was inspired to actually write my own family tree series.

            The Children of Alia sparked into existence several years back—I think it was shortly after I graduated college. After a few revisions, a few changes and revamps, I finally decided to turn it into a short novella series. Though I may still stick with one of my original ideas and only do the first five main characters in novellas and the rest in actual novels—we’ll see.

            The King is the very first in a long branch of this family tree. Wilyon is a clan chieftain who is offered the kingship over all the clans in order to unite them in a stronger front against an invading king.

            This short story puts forth his decision while also mentioning a Medallion that will be the family heirloom passed down to every following generation. In fact, Volume 2 is going to be entitled: The Medallion.

            Finishing up with a battle scene, I enjoyed watching Wilyon lead his countrymen against this conquering foe.

            Though this work is not my highest selling, I still hold a spot for it in my heart—I think it’s mostly because I published it earlier on when I still wasn’t as knowledgeable as I am now with how Kindle works. Anyway, I hope you enjoy meeting Wilyon the First.

Click this link to go check it out: THE KING.

As a side note, I am required to inform you that my links provided are affiliate links to the said products. Hey, I’ve got to pay the bills somehow. I hope this is understandable!

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