Books, reading, promoting, publishing, and book tours!

By John Irvin
Yes, I actually have two covers to reveal for two different books planned for publication in June! Talk about spitting them out.
Tomorrow, I’m supposed to receive the edited file for Wandering, Book 3 in Longevity. Then it’s a quick look through with my own eyes and it’s adding the rest of the interior and off to my formatter who will make it publishing proofed!
So, hopefully, by the next time I blog next week, it’ll be published.
Here’s the cover, what you think?

At present, I’m writing the first draft for Book 6, Mountains are Living, in the Magic’s Time Split series. These ebook novellas usually don’t take more than a month to write, edit, proof, and publish.
Our Immortals are off to the Swiss Alps to discover something an ancient race awakening deep within the mountains. Or is that two races? Maybe it’s three?
Guess you’ll have to wait to find out!

So, this is what is going on the worlds of John Irvin. Along with all of this, I’ve been finding my audiences growing faster than they have in the past three years. I’m ecstatic to meet all of you. Please, reach out!
Speaking of reaching out, I’m going to share my Author Team’s fundraiser campaign again. All Book Lovers and Avid Readers, please show your love of books and the authors who create them. Please donate to the cause of a cross-country Book Tour!
I know, that idea is already a hard one to sell. People wonder why an author should need money for a book tour? I’m an indie author, which means, yes, I’m independent—in that I don’t use a traditional publisher.
Those are a big lie now these days. They turn down so many amazing authors who have actual good stories to sell. And those they actually accept, they do nothing for—seriously, traditional publishers do little to no marketing or promotions anymore.
So, why should I waste my time being rejected by someone who won’t even promote me even if they accept me?
You tell me.

Back on topic, even though I’m an indie author, we’re still talking about community here. An author is nothing without his readers. We need you to help us visit new places, meet new people, and find our reading tribe!
Until next week, y’all have a great life.
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