When you discover a world with the same name as a world you created many years ago.

By John Irvin
A young adult high fantasy: Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes.
Y’all, I picked this book off the shelf and started reading the summary. When I discovered the name of the world, Mytica, I had to read the book.
You see, back in high school, I wrote a short fiction about another dimension where there was this realm called Mytica…
Weird, right?
Turns out, this place and that place are NOT the same places.
But, I loved this book and can’t wait to continue the rest of the series!
Watch the video below—you already know, I know—and click one of the links I’ve provided to buy your own copy of Falling Kingdoms!
There are three kingdoms in Mytica and they’re all under a fragile peace that’s been ruling for centuries. Magic has been forgotten, apparently.
There are four main characters: Cleo, Jonas, Lucia, and Magnus.
There are crazy plots and overwhelming betrayals, murders, hidden alliances, and love that you never saw coming.
With everything going on, you know there is only one certain outcome.
Kingdoms will collapse.
Join the princess, the sorceress, the rebel, and the heir as they embark on missions out of their leagues!
I you love high fantasy, make sure you grab a copy…Click this link to go buy: FALLING KINGDOMS.
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Another note, I have to make sure to let you know, all links I use for my fellow authors’ works are affiliate links because why not?