Kate left the Pack, she’s no longer the Beast Lord’s Mate.

By John Irvin
With so much infighting and subtle plotting, Kate Daniels has had enough of the Pack life in Magic Shifts.
Former Beast Lord Curran loves her more than his Pack.
With the plot twist that takes my favourite book couple down a new pathway in life, I was excited to see what happened next.
I mean, Roland is still hanging out nearby the Atlanta city limits.
As we grow closer to the final book in this fantastic urban fantasy series, the tension is steadily mounting. And you love them for it!
I definitely hope you haven’t been avoiding your chance to add these stupendous books to your bookshelves.
I think, this year, I’m going to re-read the series for fun. I miss Kate and Curran. Not to mention, they’re quick reads and my reading goal for 2021 is 62 books, so yeah, having read them already, that’ll help.
That will also knock ten books off my goal!
I’ve read one book these first two weeks of the year and almost finished a second. I’ve got a ways to go.
Let’s just say, last year, I read 31 and I wanted to double that!
By the way, here’s the book you need:
If you’re still on the edge of decision, here’s the brief description from Amazon.
“Magic is coming and going in waves in post-Shift Atlanta—and each crest leaves danger in its wake in this gripping novel in the #1 New York Times bestselling Kate Daniels series.
After breaking from life with the Pack, mercenary Kate Daniels and her mate—former Beast Lord Curran Lennart—are adjusting to a very different pace. While they’re thrilled to escape all the infighting, Kate and Curran know that separating from the Pack completely is a process that will take time.
But when they learn that their friend Eduardo has gone missing, Kate and Curran shift their focus to investigate his disappearance. As they dig further into the merc’s business, they discover that the Mercenary Guild has gone to hell and that Eduardo’s recent assignments are connected in the most sinister way…
An ancient enemy has arisen, and Kate and Curran are the only ones who can stop it—before it takes their city apart piece by piece.”
Do NOT miss out: MAGIC SHIFTS.
Just a note, I have an author team helping me prepare for my debut Spring 2021 Toward the Pacific Book Tour. We greatly desire your support to help us take books out of that good ole comfort zone and find more readers.
The more you are able to donate, the more possible it is for me to take my books on a trip across the continent and grow our reading tribe while promoting books for the public!
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And if you know any authors, please, have them shoot me an email at john@johnirvinauthor.com. I have plenty of spots open for the episodes!
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Another note, I have to make sure to let you know, all links I use for my fellow authors’ works are affiliate links because why not?