Just an Author over here Writing Books and Dreaming up Book Niches.

Here’s some cute Book Lovin’ Memes along with dream niches for when I’ve built my personal library in my dream home!

By John Irvin

            So, while I’m slowly trekking through this second draft of Longevity, Book 3: Wandering, I’ve been posting daily now on my Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter feeds, growing my audience.

Click on those links to follow me.

I should have begun this three years ago, but I simply didn’t have everything that it takes, like the knowledge and experience.

            Everything in its own timing, right?

            But, I find myself surfing through Pinterest quite a bit of late. There are so many good quotes and links to various informative websites. I’d like to share a few book lovin’ quotes here in this blog with you.

Book lover quotes…

            Isn’t that so true? If you are an avid reader like I am, you know in your heart of hearts what this is like.

Whisper’s funny reading quotes…

            I laughed out loud at this, because it is also true! No non-reader would understand. And here for the last one, I have to share a writer’s meme since I am one.

Fiction writer’s confessions…

Pinterest knows my Dream Home!

            I’ve also got to confess, Pinterest seems to be noticing that I’ve been dreaming about my dream home and the designs it’s going take. I want a two-story cabin made from half wood and half stone—maybe some brick mixed in. Also, tagged on, will be a wrap-around porch. Wouldn’t that be lovely? I think it would.

            But that’s not to mention the dream private library I’m working on preparing for at present already.

            When you walk into the parlour, you’ll fine a central staircase leading up to a balcony above connected to the second floor. But standing along the wall on the first floor will be bookcases with a door or two leading into the dining hall and kitchen in the back.

            On the second floor balcony will be more bookcases and a bookcase door leading into the actual main library room. There will be a secret reading room as well as a window book nook. Something along the lines of these pictures:

            So yes, this authorpreneur is dreaming about wondrous things. If you believe it is possible, then you will get it. Just be patient and stay consistent. Never give up.

            Have a great Friday tomorrow, y’all!

Also, please be sure to support my Author Team as we raise funds for my Toward the Pacific Author Book Tour 2020. Be sure to follow the link and show your love of books and reading by donating whatever amount is on your heart!


          Until next week, y’all have a great life.

If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

I’ve now been hosting a YouTube channel called John Irvin, Author Journey Series. Check it out at YOUTUBE.COM/AUTHORJOURNEY

Follow me on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram. Or email me at john@johnirvinauthor.com

Book Things, Blog Reads, Author Vlogs, and Writing Anniversaries!

I can’t believe it, a whole year has passed since I started this blog!

By John Irvin

            I seriously can’t…it was in May of 2019 I started this blog as a book reviewer affiliate and it morphed into what it is now: my Author Journey blog. And now it’s connected to my YouTube vlog for about a third of that time now.

           Amazing how life goes, you know? You do little tasks every day then one day you look back and you’ve built something.

            Check out today’s reading on my channel:

            I hope you enjoyed the funny little reading out of my third book in the Magic’s Time Split series. Forgive any mistakes, I’m an introvert. Reading to a million people makes me a little nervous.

Writing away…

            Presently, I’m finishing up the second draft for Wandering, Book 3 in the Longevity series. The cover art is ordered, it’s going to be good.

            Another thing I’ve been noticing now that I’ve been finally able to be committed to posting on all my social networks—consistency grows your audiences. My audience on Pinterest has surpassed 7.5k all thanks to being consistent with scheduling posts throughout the days every single day.

            Consistency is the key to success. Determination and Perseverance are the other two rungs on the key.

            Here’s to success folks...

            Now, of course, thanks to Corona, my team’s fundraiser has stalled—literally, I’ve seen a $5 increase in the past two weeks. That’s sad. It’s like Corona has stolen the unction out of booklovers. We’ll get through this though. I understand people’s jobs are on the line or have been taken from them thanks to this pandemic, so we’re not angry or upset at anyone.

            Timing is just the frustrating factor of late.

            Things can look up though. It’s always darkest before the dawn. The best view comes after the hardest climb. And all those encouraging quotes that may sometimes be overused, but are definitely still true.

            You can help us push forward though. Follow the link:

Toward the Pacific Author Book Tour 2020.

          Until next week, y’all have a great life.

If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

I’ve now been hosting a YouTube channel called John Irvin, Author Journey Series. Check it out at YOUTUBE.COM/AUTHORJOURNEY

Follow me on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram. Or email me at john@johnirvinauthor.com

Normalcy is the True Illusion.

I’m an Author, I create Worlds for a Living, I’m also the King of the Weird, don’t tell Me Weird is an illusion!

By John Irvin

          You know, all my life I’ve been called weird. I’m the nerd. The quiet one in the corner at a party. The one who finds more interest in books than socialising.

            Funny thing about people, when you try to fit into their “normal” circles, you’re called weird. But when you finally begin to accept yourself as being weird…

“I’m weird. I’ve accepted this, it’s time you do too.”

            I’ve noticed, in my experience, once you start setting this up, people begin to make comments like, “Weird is just an illusion, if you think about it. Because weird just means different and we’re all different—so you’re actually normal.”

            That’s a load of horse manure.

            I think, accepting yourself for who you are makes people uncomfortable, probably because they haven’t accepted themselves. Maybe you intimidate them by your confidence. To insecure people, confidence is scary.

            The other day, my brain was wandering while I was taking a shower—as it often does. Thanks to a quote by Morticia Addams, this thought finally came to me.

            “Normal is an illusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly.”

            So the same goes for human beings.

“Climb every mountain…”

            These past few years, while I struggle with climbing my mountain called “the Author’s dream” I come across so many disbelievers who tell me I need to get a real job. Then there are those whose intentions are good, when they ask how the work is going. When I tell them things like, “I’m writing away” or “I’ve been coldpitching more proofreading clients” they give me that look and you know they think a 9 to 5 would be real work.

            I know it’s out of the kindness of their hearts and they want to see me secure.

            Or, with time, when they see no success—not to mention I don’t share much unless they ask and usually they don’t—they start to doubt I’m actually working. Over time, they consider me lazy and I just don’t want a “real job.”

            It’s so easy to get frustrated, especially when you spend most of your time alone. Your brain likes to take those thoughts and turn them into self-doubt.

            Am I really doing what I should be doing?

            If I really were climbing that mountain, why haven’t I seen any success yet?

            Is this just a pipe dream? Should I really get a 9 to 5 and just suffer and settle for misery the rest of my life? Or should I keep suffering the misery of this struggle, being misunderstood and having no validation for the hard work I’ve put in over the past years?

“A writer must be insane, his only reward is absolute freedom.”

            Let me tell you something, my friend. Your friends, your family, your well-meaning acquaintances…they are not you. Yes, the struggle makes you feel like a mess. That’s what happens when there’s a struggle!

            Battles end up being extremely messy! Don’t you agree?

            When your critics or well-meaners express their doubts in what is not their dream but yours, just smile and whisper.


            I just had to share this journey with you, my friends. While I slowly become more enlightened, more self-aware, I want to share it with each of you. Maybe my struggles and thoughts will inspire someone to keep going?

            If you keep going, you’re already a winner.

            Now, I do have to share my team’s GoFundMe link again, we’re still trying to raise that goal for this book tour of mine coming up in August. We’d appreciate any amount you could give!

          Until next week, y’all have a great life.

If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

I’ve now been hosting a YouTube channel called John Irvin, Author Journey Series. Check it out at YOUTUBE.COM/AUTHORJOURNEY

Follow me on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram. Or email me at john@johnirvinauthor.com

My Mornings Start with Coffee, Meditation, and Writing.

Every Writer’s Morning Routine is different—some are similar—this is how Mine goes.

Coffee is my go-getter juice

By John Irvin

            My alarm goes off at 4:30 am. I get up, start the coffeemaker brewing, then write do some short journal writing. Once my coffee is finished brewing, I start on the first cup while reading for the next half hour to forty-five minutes.

            Starting my second cup of coffee marks the beginning—and I’ve set a special alarm for this time as well—of my writing session, usually taking a forty-five minutes to an hour. Sometimes, when I’ve got several extra things to do before heading off to my part-time job—the one that pays most of the bills right now—it’s only a thirty minute session.

            Once the morning session is over—to the shrill, annoying announcement of my “Stop writing” alarm—I start on my workout regimen with free weights. This usually takes ten to fifteen minutes every morning.

            After that is a nice hot shower, my brain all the while continuing on with whatever story I was writing during that morning’s session. This is why writers take forever in the shower sometimes, just f.y.i.

            After that, if I have enough time, I’ll do some language practicing on the cool little Duolingo app I have installed on my phone. I believe everyone should be able to converse in a second language—it widens the mind. Then it’s off to the grueling of the bill-payer.

Writing every morning, whether you feel like it or not, is the key.

            Thankfully, I’ll be leaving that soon, I’m so excited.

            But, how do I keep inspired with my writing? I’ll be honest, there are many mornings I just sit on my couch grimacing, wishing I could go back to sleep. I don’t feel like writing every morning. But some time ago, I made a mental decision, I would no longer be an amateur—a professional writes even when he doesn’t feel like it.

            Our daily routines are hints of how our futures will look.

            But, inspiration is a major motivation giver. I find reading is an amazing inspiration avenue. Switching back and forth between fiction and nonfiction (most of it about running writing businesses or writing itself) keeps my brain on a focused rhythm.  The fiction expands my imagination, while the nonfiction informs and guides me on my entrepreneurial pursuits.

            I’m almost halfway finished writing the first draft of Longevity, Book 3: Wandering. The due date for this complete draft is 28 December, 2019. So I’m almost three days ahead of schedule. That’s another great means of inspiration for me. I’ve found, when I’m ahead of schedule I get this extra thrill that keeps propelling me forward.

You feelin’ the Christmas spirit yet?

Should be finishing that around Christmas time!

            So that’s my daily mornings and how I keep inspired. If you haven’t picked one up in awhile, I recommend grabbing a good book and reading this weekend!

If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

Follow me on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram. Or email me at john@johnirvinauthor.com