So many things to juggle on my author plate right now, but growing my audience is at the top of my list.

By John Irvin
August, already? Really? Wow, the summer is almost over. Can you believe it? Another cool thing that’s almost over is my Ikkilion Chronicles. I’m writing the first draft for the second to last episode.
Things are really winding up for Pwyll and Fea Libane. So many plot twists!
But, you’ll only be able to join them and meet their fancy techno-fantasy world, Ikkilion, if you join my $1 per month tier patrons!
In the meantime, I’ve actually been focusing on growing my audience more. I’ve been able to meet so many amazing new friends on Instagram and LinkedIn. It’s interesting how, for the first three years, I seemed to not get anywhere with my audience. Now I’m almost reaching my first number goal.
It’s simply exciting, y’all! But, it has made me rethink some of my processes and procedures if you want to put it that way. You see, I should have focused on growing my audience first before publishing thirty-two books!
Being real, publishing all of those books and then only watching them sell like a couple of copies each month would have probably not have happened had I focused on growing my audience first. But you know, you learn as you go. It is all about trial and error. And I’m not regretting it, I’m enjoying learning from my experiences because I know that means I’m one step or two steps closer to my goals.
So, I’m not going to publish any more books until I’ve reached a certain number’s goal—what that number is, is for me to know and you to find out. Haha.
And not to mention, the goal won’t just be for Instagram or LinkedIn only, it’ll be for both together along with Patreon.
Does that mean I won’t be writing? No way at all! I will for sure be writing every day if possible. That way, when I do reach the goal number, I can simply enter the publishing phase, which means ordering book covers, hiring professional editors, etc. So many things go into publishing a single book. But, you can’t do any of them if you don’t have the book already written.
So yes, definitely working on three or four other books, taking turns setting up their plots and summaries and such when I’m not working on finishing the Patreon series.
What will I do once I’m finished with the Ikkilion Chronicles? I’ve mentioned a few ideas, but I think we’ll cross that bridge when we get there. Okay?
The Ikkilion Chronicles is Patreon-exclusive, which means, it will not be published anywhere else. The only way you can read it is to subscribe as a one-dollar-a-month patron. There will also be extra goodies in the near future too. So, don’t miss out.
Before I continue, here’s the link to my Patreon, so you can join in the world:
If you’ve been keeping up with my author journey, you’ll know that I’m also running a YouTube channel. I may not post EVERY week, but I do try to post often. They usually run about two to three minutes long just giving updates or promoting one of my books or a book I’ve been reading.
And for your viewing pleasure, here’s the video for today’s episode:
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I’m also a Patreon artist—the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!
I’ve now been hosting a YouTube channel called John Irvin, Author Journey Series. Check it out at YOUTUBE.COM/AUTHORJOURNEY
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