If it were up to the gods, Percy would be put to death for stealing Zeus’s lightning bolt…or did he?

By John Irvin
So here is another series that I missed out on growing up, but I got to experience as an adult and, I think, enjoyed it more because of that.
The Percy Jackson series is a fantastic fantasy with clean humor because of its focus on kids.
I had seen the movies, disappointed they did not continue. I’d been recommended the books by several friends.
I’d seen the memes and the cartoons.
Finally, I found a friend who had more than one copy of the entire book series.
He was willing to sell me the box set for a good price.
So, when I read one book and needed to continue with the next fast, thanks to the cliffhanger, I had the next four ready wand waiting.
That’s why I’m recommending this box set for today.
For an awesome price on Amazon, you get all five books of this adventure!
Here’s the link:
If my words haven’t convinced you to grab your complete collection copies, here’s what Amazon has to say.
“Accompany the son of the sea god Poseidon and his other demigod friends as they go on a series of quests that will have them facing monsters, gods, and conniving figures from Greek mythology. Do they have what it takes to save the Olympians from an ancient enemy?
Whether it is for readers who are experiencing Percy’s funny and thrilling adventures for the first time, or for fans who want to devour the saga again, this gift will be prized by readers aged 8-80.
This beloved series, read in schools across the world, has inspired two motion pictures and a Broadway musical. It is currently in development for a television series on Disney+”
Just a note, I have an author team helping me prepare for my debut Spring 2021 Toward the Pacific Book Tour. We greatly desire your support to help us take books out of that good ole comfort zone and find more readers.
The more you are able to donate, the more possible it is for me to take my books on a trip across the continent and grow our reading tribe while promoting books for the public!
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And if you know any authors, please, have them shoot me an email at john@johnirvinauthor.com. I have plenty of spots open for the episodes!
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Another note, I have to make sure to let you know, all links I use for my fellow authors’ works are affiliate links because why not?