I’m a few decades late with my promotion, but YouTube wasn’t a thing back then.

By John Irvin
Here’s a funny story. You know how I grew up in the 90s? If you’ve been following me any bit these past couple of years since I started the blog and the year since I started my YouTube channel, you’ll know this.
Well, you know how the Harry Potter series is a thing for 90s kids? Even the early millennials are fans usually. So, JK Rowling persisted through rejection from stupid people who didn’t know what they would be missing out on.
Now she’s a multi-millionaire from this entire franchise and an inspiration to almost every struggling authorpreneur.
Well, I’m going to be flat out open here. I did not actually start reading the books until last year! Can you believe that? Even the movies, it was only two years ago that I watched the whole series for the first time.
You see, having grown up in Eastern Europe, I missed out on a few things. Of course, I also experienced things probably 95% of my generation has never experienced. It’s a give and take.
But I’m now caught up, I think. Almost…at least. I’ve watched the whole series three times through now and only have one more book to read and I’ll have completed it.
I’m almost a pure-blood wizard, according to some ratings.
Anyways, I just found the entire book series for just $50 on Amazon! All seven books for ONLY fifty bucks. That’s under ten dollars each book. I believe that is an awesome price and worthwhile.
I’m already adding it to my to-be-bought list!
Make sure you don’t miss out on adding this stupendous collection to your bookshelves…that is, if I’m not late and you haven’t already!
Here’s the link:
I figured since today is my 249th blog post and my 95th YouTube episode, it would be high time I spotlighted this fantastic book set!
If my words haven’t convinced you to grab your complete collection copies, here’s Amazon has to say.
“Now for the first time ever, J.K. Rowling’s seven bestselling Harry Potter books are available in a stunning paperback boxed set! The Harry Potter series has been hailed as “one for the ages” by Stephen King and “a spellbinding saga’ by USA Today. And most recently, The New York Times called Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows the “fastest selling book in history.” This is the ultimate Harry Potter collection for Harry Potter fans of all ages!”
Do NOT miss out on the book set: HARRY POTTER.
Just a note, I have an author team helping me prepare for my debut Spring 2021 Toward the Pacific Book Tour. We greatly desire your support to help us take books out of that good ole comfort zone and find more readers.
The more you are able to donate, the more possible it is for me to take my books on a trip across the continent and grow our reading tribe while promoting books for the public!
So click through:
And if you know any authors, please, have them shoot me an email at john@johnirvinauthor.com. I have plenty of spots open for the episodes!
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I’ve now been hosting a YouTube channel called John Irvin, Author Journey Series. Check it out at YOUTUBE.COM/AUTHORJOURNEY
Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Or email me at john@johnirvinauthor.com
On another note, I have to make sure to let you know, all links I use for my fellow authors’ works are affiliate links because why not?