It truly is all about mindset and perception.

By John Irvin
This week is my biweekly YouTube episode, check out the link here:
What my week has looked like so far…
I’m finishing up the final draft for Book 5, Beasts Will Change, in the Magic’s Time Split series. It’s a little tough, because my personal printer broke down and with the Floridian “stay-at-home” order, it’s kinda hard getting around to a shop that will print stuff for you.
So I’m having to do it the old way—editing and revising in Microsoft Word on my laptop screen. This is tough because it tires my eyes out and words blur together easily. Compared to actually having the pages printed, it’s a slower process. But we’ll get through it, just like we’ll get through this pandemic.
More exciting news, I’m starting the preliminary stages with a potential client for ghostwriting a book. I can’t say anything about who and what it’s for, but I can say, I’m looking forward to this endeavour and it will be a blessing in many ways.
The GoFundMe campaign is rolling along. It’s a little slow, but we’re only in the second week so still plenty of time. We’re at three percent raised, I think, might be a little more.
I’ve also been conducting training sessions as a back-up producer at a Car Clinic here in town, it’s only a two day a week job so not stressful at all. Plus, it’s more fulfilling than a pizza delivery job as it actually helps people solve problems.

Back to the Campaign…
Back to the GoFundMe campaign, I do want to reiterate that we will be giving out rewards once the campaign is closed in May. These past few days, I’ve been specifically asking individuals for, at least, a $10 donation. Some have donated more while others have donated less.
We appreciate each one no matter how much they give, because, every dollar, truly does count.
With Corona hanging out, it is hard to know who still has jobs, who has to wait till this is all over to get back to their jobs, who is receiving paid-leave, etc. So we are just asking, if you are able, please think of us. Think of the lives I, as an author, could be touching later on this year.
And Corona, I have one thing to say. GO AWAY!
Until next week, y’all have a great life.
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I’ve now been hosting a YouTube channel called John Irvin, Author Journey Series. Check it out at YOUTUBE.COM/AUTHORJOURNEY
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