Struggling to decide where to go next after finishing a Book? Step back and go where your fingers lead.
By John Irvin
I finished the final draft for Book 5, Beasts Will Change, in the Magic’s Time Split series last week and published it on Kindle and Nook over the weekend! Then I sat down on Monday morning for my writing session….nothing happened.
You can order a copy on KINDLE or NOOK!
Nothing happened…
I wasn’t sure which series to delve further into. Should I go back to my Ikkilion Chronicles for my Patreon supporters? I still only have one patron over there. Not to mention, my focus has been on the GoFundMe campaign. I’m still a week ahead of schedule with the posts, but next week, I’ll either be canceling the serial for a little while or I need to get more out.
But I hate feeling rushed, because you can sense it in my writings, I’m told. So I try to stay away from feeling rushed.
Hence the stepping back.
I”ve got Book 3, Wandering, in Longevity already written, so I could go back to that and work on the second draft, stepping closer toward publication for that. We shall see.
Or, there’s always Book 6, Mountains Are Living, in Magic’s Time Split where I’ve already written the first two or three pages. I could continue that, get the first draft finished, and work on the second draft next month, preparing it for publication.
Although, I was originally planning to publish Wandering from Longevity in May. So I’m now being torn back and forth now.
Time to take a breath and calm down…
That’s all you can do, when confused, breathe in, breathe out. Yes, this world has us feeling like we have to race and run around like chickens with our heads cut off. But there is no sin in pausing for a breath.
As long as you don’t turn around, you’ll keep heading forward.
Success if learning from, not just your failures, but these moments of indecision as well—because your mind can get overcrowded from opinions, other people’s as well as your own. Your gut knows where it’s going. Learn to follow that…
As for the crowdfunding…
A little side note, to update you on where we’re at with the GoFundMe fundraiser. We’ve reached almost $800! Now, of course, that means we still have quite a ways to go till we reach the total goal of $10,000. But that shouldn’t daunt us. Perseverance is how we get to success.
We just need to figure out a better way to advance this, to bring in those donations. There’s only so much cold pitching a team can do on Facebook.
I’ve also pitched about thirty individuals, but about 95 percent of them just read the message and don’t even respond. Sweet and thoughtful, I know. You just learn to laugh and move on.
Because it’s those few who actually do donate who make it worthwhile.
You can help us out by clicking this image below and donating to our cause.
Until next week, y’all have a great life.
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