I’m announcing the start of a new series.

By John Irvin
Click through to watch today’s YouTube episode announcing the start of what I’m calling my 90-Day Author’s Assault.
Although this is a short blog today, I’m excited to share the news with you. For the past month, I’ve been working on a host of episodes for my John Irvin, Author Journey series.
For the first thirty days, I’ll be sharing short book trailers for my own works. There will probably be more than thirty by the end of it, because I’m still publishing more books even as this blog comes out!
After that, I have sixty days to share the works of so many of my fellow authors. I’ve already reached out to several author friends I’ve gotten to know over these past couple of years. Some of them are new authors, some have been doing this official authorpreneur business longer than I have.
I’m so excited to share all of this with you.
Although, you just might get tired of seeing me on all your social networks because I’m going to be sharing these posts every single day on every single network.
This is devotion. This is commitment. This is probably also a little crazy.
But crazy keeps the world going round.
Personally, I’m looking forward to seeing what my author friends will be filming for their trailers I’ll be sharing later.
Also, this will run 90 days, which means, it’s going to charge into the New Year of 2021!
Hopefully, the visibility this could bring for my author friends and myself, we’ll be able to have an amazing launch of the New Year for our works.
I do know one thing. Every single episode, I’ll be sharing my team’s GoFundMe fundraiser for the Book Tour in Spring 2021. So, if it doesn’t get on people’s nerves, we’ll probably get better donations then.
And if you know any authors, please, have them shoot me an email at john@johnirvinauthor.com. I have plenty of spots open for the episodes!
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I’ve now been hosting a YouTube channel called John Irvin, Author Journey Series. Check it out at YOUTUBE.COM/AUTHORJOURNEY
Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Or email me at john@johnirvinauthor.com