The North American War has been in an uneasy ceasefire for awhile, it must come to an end.

By John Irvin
Today’s trailer can be found through this link to my YouTube channel! Click through to watch the short little reel.
This is the final volume in the Shattered Saga. The North American War is moving on like a slug in molasses.
There’s a plot against the leaders of the Locke Republic, the Southern Federation, and the Texas Republic. Even the State of Jefferson is threatened over on the Pacific front.
So, all the heroes from the past few books join together in a secret conspiracy of their own.
Will they be able to pull it off?
A question hanging over all their heads, will they be able to do what they have to in bringing this exhaustive war to a close?
Will victory finally be theirs?
By the way, there are secession movements in the American Union and they’re put themselves in league with the southern patriots.
This last installment was a hoot and a holler to write, you might say. Bringing everybody together—some had never met each other—was a party. I was also able to use my favourites again.
When we infiltrated the enemy lines, it was intense. I wasn’t exactly sure what was going to happen. I knew there had to be a victory, but I didn’t know how we would get there.
If you want to know how we pulled it off, make sure you order yourself a copy at the link provided below.
If you enjoy it, please leave a review on the Amazon page. I really want to hear your feedback so I can know where I’m headed with my future books.
Oh, some pretty cool news, I didn’t realise until now, today marks my 200th blog post. It’s been quite a trip, y’all. From starting out with book reviews from my reading to my own books to stories and thoughts I contemplate daily as an author.
And now, to this 90-Day Author’s Assault. There is no telling where we’ll end up after this campaign is through.
So…happy Bicentennial! ;-D
Tune in tomorrow to catch the latest news from my author journey.
While you’re here, you can click through the GoFundMe link on my Home page and donate to the upcoming Spring 2021 Toward the Pacific Book Tour!

And if you know any authors, please, have them shoot me an email at I have plenty of spots open for the episodes!
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I’ve now been hosting a YouTube channel called John Irvin, Author Journey Series. Check it out at YOUTUBE.COM/AUTHORJOURNEY
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