Yes, this Ebook is Permanently Free, so, I’m not sure why you wouldn’t snatch it up. Doesn’t matter if you can’t read it now, you’d always have it downloaded and ready whenever you can make time.

By John Irvin
I’ve come to find there are two main series that I like to talk about when focused on my own published books.
Longevity is one series—though it is not yet complete. I’ve recently finished the fourth book’s first draft. After that, there are still four more books to go before that wonderful dark fantasy serial is finished.
The second series—the one in today’s limelight—is the Magic’s Time Split series. This serial is only in ebook format, unlike the previous series which is and will be in Hardcover, Paperback, and Ebook. But that doesn’t take away any of my second main serial’s illustriousness.
I enjoyed writing this ten-book collection as much as I’m enjoying writing the other one. You could say it has hints of dark fantasy, but it’s also an alternate timeline type of fiction and even starts with a good little time travel jump.
If you’ve been keeping up with my blog and YouTube vlog, you would probably know that this serial is about a group of settlers who head back in time to the year 1815 and the place known as Hidden Lake in the Montana territory (which wasn’t even under US governance at the time and thus was not called by that name).
By the way, speaking of YouTube, here’s the video for today’s episode:
Anyways, back to the story, these travellers discover there’s an ulterior motive in the minds of two of the five leaders. This secret plot costs greatly, but also unleashes Magic on the world. This supernatural act kills Technology and starts a whole new timeline.
A timeline where Magic rules and Technology never advances.
But why would anyone want to do that? What would their ultimate reason be for such a gross act? Is it simply the powers they are endowed with by the shattered Egyptian idol of Thoth, the god of Magic and writing? Or is there something else?
The only way you’d be able to discover the why is to read the books.
But, guess what, this serial is special. How? I’ve set the first book to be Permanently FREE! Yes, you read that right. I know I’ve brought this up before, but I want to tell you again.
I published these ten books on Amazon’s Kindle and Barnes & Noble’s Nook. Nook allowed me to set it at $0.00 without my having to contact them. I then wrote Amazon and informed them they better match the price. They did. And now you can simply download your copy and try it out for free. You get to meet a gang of friends I made along the way and find out more goodies inside!
So why not do that? Click the affiliate link above and download your FREE copy today!
Just a note, I have an author team helping me prepare for my debut Spring 2021 Toward the Pacific Book Tour. We greatly desire your support to help us take books out of that good ole comfort zone and find more readers.
The more you are able to donate, the more possible it is for me to take my books on a trip across the continent and grow our reading tribe while promoting books for the public!
So click through:
And if you know any authors, please, have them shoot me an email at I have plenty of spots open for the episodes!
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I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!
I’ve now been hosting a YouTube channel called John Irvin, Author Journey Series. Check it out at YOUTUBE.COM/AUTHORJOURNEY
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Another note, I have to make sure to let you know, all links I use for my fellow authors’ works are affiliate links because why not?