When the Power Grid Blows Out for a Little While, the Geo-Political Face of North America Makes a Massive Change!

By John Irvin

            It all started when I watched the TV show Revolution—a show, mind you, that should not have been cancelled after the second season! To this day, I wonder why in the worlds they did that to me. Not nice.

            But I digress.

            The idea was sparked—what if we did go through a Black Out, but not one controlled by tiny little microbots in the air. Maybe a solar flare—that’s all it would take to knock out several Power grids.

            Oh, what if when this Black Out happened, a mishap took place at a Nuclear facility and something akin to Chernobyl blew up in Washington, D.C.?

            There would be no head of government to reestablish order fast enough before sections of the country would join together and form their own new nations. Yes, there would still be those clinging to a dead horse and claiming to want to renew the United States.

            So, is it perceivable there could erupt North American War thanks to this backlash? Possibly.

            I wrote a short fake-history of such an event, set it as if I were writing from the future—around a hundred years from now. Basically something I could imagine my niece and nephew would read when they were eighty years old. Or perhaps, they were even the ones to write the textbook for their grandkids.

            I didn’t think I would write books on this short historical narrative. I even told several friends who wrote it that I didn’t plan on it, it was just something done for fun.

            Then—like most ideas, it grew into a five-volume short series.

            The Shattered series.

Shattered the Complete Collection by John Irvin
(Shattered, Volume 5: Conspiracy is not yet published)

            Volumes 1 through 4 have been published in E-Book format and Volume 5 will be undergoing the second draft in about a week—after I’ve finished the second draft for Longevity, Book 2: Independence. The publication for Volume 5, Conspiracy, is planned for mid-October.

            Volume 1, Collapse, covers the beginning phase of during which the Black Out happens, the communities unite afterward, then the power comes back on and what is left of the military attempts to regain control. The Locke Republic is born at Montgomery, Alabama—changing the name to Liberty City.

            Volume 2, Revolt, is about a team of leaders who bring order back to the streets of Atlanta then begin work on a plan to bring Georgia, Florida, the eastern part of Tennessee, and the Carolinas into a new union called the Southern Federation. Over in the west, the nation of Texas reins in their independence.

            Volume 3, Anarchy, portrays two of the only survivors from the U.S. Government, who attempt to “restore the United States” to her “rightful glory.” They have plenty of rebels and “traitors” to deal with. Then a surprise event happens, stalling their plans.

            Volume 4, Spark, is about what it sounds like. The beginning of the North American War starts with a bang. Liberty City is attacked and the President of the Locke Republic kidnapped. After 14 years of peace, you’d think everything would be okay, but no. This is not to be.

            And I will wait till I’ve published Volume 5 to really discuss what will happen. But, being the last volume—the final chapter—I bet you can guess what it’s about.

            This is my third series and I’m so excited it is finally coming to a close. It’s bittersweet for sure. I feel like I’m saying goodbye to a few friends, but then there is this sense of closure and satisfaction.

            Being able to say I’ve finished a whole series is something I’m told not everybody is able to do. The fact I have several various series open right now gives me a feeling of accomplishment when I can say I’ve closed one already. It gives me confidence I’ll be able to finish the others.

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