It’s a beautiful morning and I’m getting to do what I enjoy most!

By John Irvin
Finally, back on track with the author life, writing away, editing away, and publishing tomorrow!
Book 7, The World Burns, in my Magic’s Time Split series brings us back to the Deadlands where Jenna and Gael discovered zombies are real. Only, this South American continent is transforming into something totally different.
There’s an Ifrit—not your every day friendly wish-granting genie—more zombies, and other new creatures introduced in this new installation of the series.
Even more exciting news, I get to publish the consecutive books on a weekly basis this month—can you believe it’s already October? So I’ll be finished with the Magic’s Time Split realm in four weeks. Such a bittersweet thought. But, I’m finally ready to move on to the next world!
My plans for the rest of the year? I’ll be returning to the Longevity series while also considering a few stand-alone novellas that have been waiting to be published this year. They’re only missing their cover art.
We’ll see how things go.
I’d like to share two of them: Unexpected Friends and Bringing Him Back. One is about a werewolf and a mermaid and the other is about a woman on the quest to resurrect her husband in a paranormal city.
Yes, I know, sounds out there, right?
This is one of the things I enjoy doing: sharing some of my most far-fetched imaginations with you, my wonderful readers.
As you know, if you’ve been keeping up with my posts, I’ve switched my Patreon account to a tip-giving basis. There are some people out there who enjoy helping artists out and don’t want rewards. So, if you’d like to start giving a dollar a month, that would be so appreciated! But, you don’t have to.
It’s just there for anyone who wants to: Click Here!

Now, another thing I’ll be working on with my author career for the next month or two is I’m switching up my YouTube channel again. I’ll be returning to a daily episode posting. So these next several weeks will be crammed with my stocking up on videos. I want to have a stash before committing to this.
I’m also considering taking a break from fiction writing and finishing a nonfiction ebook I started last year. It’s called, Paranormal Passions: How to Write with Ghosts, Vampires, and Werewolves.
I figured, now that I have more than thirty published books under my belt, it’s time to start giving back and helping those younger aspiring writers out there. So, the idea is to have this book out there for free while also offering a writing webinar.
Now, don’t hold me to this, it’s only been bouncing back and forth inside my brain along with the gazillion other ideas in there.
I’ll have to research and study how to design the best webinar as I don’t want to waste anyone’s time or money. That’s being a thief and I hate thieves.
So there’s just a couple of the hundreds of ideas I’d like to make reality this coming season. It’ll be Christmas before we know it and I have no holiday stories planned for publication this year—sorry if you feel like I’m cheating you.
Oh, the other point before I close today. GoFundMe fundraiser for the Toward the Pacific Spring 2021 Book Tour. Yes, I’m going to keep bring this up until we’ve reached our goal. Please, join our supporters and help my team raise what we need. Help us make this dream come true!
Have a great life, see ya next week.
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I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!
I’ve now been hosting a YouTube channel called John Irvin, Author Journey Series. Check it out at YOUTUBE.COM/AUTHORJOURNEY
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