The Dream Cast: Who would I want to see be cast in the roles of this second list from my Longevity series?
By John Irvin
If you haven’t read last week’s blog, please hop down and check it out. I’ve already talked about several different characters from the first book in my Longevity series, Revelation, and which movie stars I’d love to see star in their roles.
Now, I’m continuing on with the theme and going to mention four more characters in the book!
This will probably continue on with a Part 3 next week because there are so many characters in the three books that are already published. Oh, and there will be five more books before the main series from the Longevity world is complete.
I do want to restate, Book 3, Wandering, is only available in ebook format. There was an issue in the printing, so if you see any hardcover or paperback versions, those are not correct and they are mistakes.
So, the first character for today that plays a minor role—yet he is responsible for my main character’s enrollment into the Creed Army because he happens to be the Chief Councilman of the Supreme Council.
The Supreme Council is the governing body of the Wolf-Born Race. There have always been eight seats on the Council since its founding—which is mentioned in Book 1, Revelation and will be expounded upon in the upcoming ebook novella The First of All.

Noran Mars is the Chief Councilman when Sir Ihon Iraes (pronounced Ian Eraze) arrives on the scene. He is a firm, yet understanding character. Though he’s often presented as a serious individual, he can have a sense of humour.
This one was a hard one to come up with. But, after much consideration, I believe Gerard Butler or Russell Crowe would make great candidates for this position. Russell has that serious leadership aura about him and played a great role in Gladiator and Robin Hood.
Gerard Butler has done a number of characters from Machine Gun Preacher to 300 to The Phantom of the Opera—he’s also Scottish.
Then there are two other characters who are also on the Supreme Council. They are the “Chroniclers” for the Council. They’re also brother and sister. Angus and Merryn McKlean. Both carrying full heads of Scottish red hair, they’re a couple of the younger council members and very accepting of Sir Ihon.
Merryn plays a role that pops up at random times throughout the series, I will not give any spoilers away. But, I believe there is no one who would fit her part better than the Scottish redhead Rose Eleanor Arbuthnot-Leslie. She was my favourite woman in Game of Thrones.
The best man to portray Merryn’s brother Angus is a tougher decision. I’m going to be open here with you. When I birthed this character, there was a reason his name was Angus. It’s because the person I saw when he stepped onto my pages was Angus from Braveheart, Sir William Wallace’s redheaded best friend.
But, Brendan Gleeson is a wee bit too old now and it would be a bit redundant if he were to play another Angus who is similar to his Braveheart persona. Wouldn’t you think?
David Wenham is a redheaded actor who played the role of Faramir in the Lord of the Rings movie saga. He’s an Australian native, but perhaps he’d be superb pretending with a Scottish Accent?
Now the final character I’m going to write about and dream about in this blog today, she arrives at the very end and we don’t know much about her in Book 1, but she plays a bigger part in Book 2. What I do want you to know is, she’s an Immortal who has been a friend of the Wolf-Born Race for millennia.

Her name is Zandra. I’m going to let you in on a secret, she’s going to get her own book trilogy one of these days.
Now, there has been only one person in all the world whom I’ve envisioned could play this goddess-like character. And that would be Jennifer Garner. There’s no one else who could even come close to being considered perfect for Zandra in my eyes.
I can see her walking the peaceful Haven she created inside a parallel dimension in a mountain near the Capitol, Sanguiatro, of the Wolf-Born Race.
Now, we’ve got this far into this little mini-series of my blog and you may be wondering why I haven’t shared ANY photos of each of these actors and actresses. I’m going to be open again, it’s for copyright purposes. I’m sorry, but I would prefer to not insult these amazing people ahead of casting them in my books’ future movies.
Yes, I know, that sounded hilarious. But it’s true.
This is another reason why I haven’t done a vlog on my YouTube channel to correspond with these blogs for the past two weeks now. I’m not sure what I’m going to do with that channel for now. I’m leaving it open though!
Next week, I’ll bring up more characters from Book 2, Independence, as I continue with Bringing my Characters to Life, Part 3!
Some of the characters I’ll mention will be:
Sir William Wallace – Hero and Guardian of Scotland, best friend of Sir Ihon
King Robert the Bruce – King of Scotland and later friend of Sir Ihon
King Philip of France – Wolf-Born Higher Officer of the Creed Army
Desi Wallace – Daughter of Sir William Wallace, Sir Ihon’s ward
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