Just an Author over here Writing Books and Dreaming up Book Niches.

Here’s some cute Book Lovin’ Memes along with dream niches for when I’ve built my personal library in my dream home!

By John Irvin

            So, while I’m slowly trekking through this second draft of Longevity, Book 3: Wandering, I’ve been posting daily now on my Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter feeds, growing my audience.

Click on those links to follow me.

I should have begun this three years ago, but I simply didn’t have everything that it takes, like the knowledge and experience.

            Everything in its own timing, right?

            But, I find myself surfing through Pinterest quite a bit of late. There are so many good quotes and links to various informative websites. I’d like to share a few book lovin’ quotes here in this blog with you.

Book lover quotes…

            Isn’t that so true? If you are an avid reader like I am, you know in your heart of hearts what this is like.

Whisper’s funny reading quotes…

            I laughed out loud at this, because it is also true! No non-reader would understand. And here for the last one, I have to share a writer’s meme since I am one.

Fiction writer’s confessions…

Pinterest knows my Dream Home!

            I’ve also got to confess, Pinterest seems to be noticing that I’ve been dreaming about my dream home and the designs it’s going take. I want a two-story cabin made from half wood and half stone—maybe some brick mixed in. Also, tagged on, will be a wrap-around porch. Wouldn’t that be lovely? I think it would.

            But that’s not to mention the dream private library I’m working on preparing for at present already.

            When you walk into the parlour, you’ll fine a central staircase leading up to a balcony above connected to the second floor. But standing along the wall on the first floor will be bookcases with a door or two leading into the dining hall and kitchen in the back.

            On the second floor balcony will be more bookcases and a bookcase door leading into the actual main library room. There will be a secret reading room as well as a window book nook. Something along the lines of these pictures:

            So yes, this authorpreneur is dreaming about wondrous things. If you believe it is possible, then you will get it. Just be patient and stay consistent. Never give up.

            Have a great Friday tomorrow, y’all!

Also, please be sure to support my Author Team as we raise funds for my Toward the Pacific Author Book Tour 2020. Be sure to follow the link and show your love of books and reading by donating whatever amount is on your heart!


          Until next week, y’all have a great life.

If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

I’ve now been hosting a YouTube channel called John Irvin, Author Journey Series. Check it out at YOUTUBE.COM/AUTHORJOURNEY

Follow me on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram. Or email me at john@johnirvinauthor.com

Book Things, Blog Reads, Author Vlogs, and Writing Anniversaries!

I can’t believe it, a whole year has passed since I started this blog!

By John Irvin

            I seriously can’t…it was in May of 2019 I started this blog as a book reviewer affiliate and it morphed into what it is now: my Author Journey blog. And now it’s connected to my YouTube vlog for about a third of that time now.

           Amazing how life goes, you know? You do little tasks every day then one day you look back and you’ve built something.

            Check out today’s reading on my channel:

            I hope you enjoyed the funny little reading out of my third book in the Magic’s Time Split series. Forgive any mistakes, I’m an introvert. Reading to a million people makes me a little nervous.

Writing away…

            Presently, I’m finishing up the second draft for Wandering, Book 3 in the Longevity series. The cover art is ordered, it’s going to be good.

            Another thing I’ve been noticing now that I’ve been finally able to be committed to posting on all my social networks—consistency grows your audiences. My audience on Pinterest has surpassed 7.5k all thanks to being consistent with scheduling posts throughout the days every single day.

            Consistency is the key to success. Determination and Perseverance are the other two rungs on the key.

            Here’s to success folks...

            Now, of course, thanks to Corona, my team’s fundraiser has stalled—literally, I’ve seen a $5 increase in the past two weeks. That’s sad. It’s like Corona has stolen the unction out of booklovers. We’ll get through this though. I understand people’s jobs are on the line or have been taken from them thanks to this pandemic, so we’re not angry or upset at anyone.

            Timing is just the frustrating factor of late.

            Things can look up though. It’s always darkest before the dawn. The best view comes after the hardest climb. And all those encouraging quotes that may sometimes be overused, but are definitely still true.

            You can help us push forward though. Follow the link:

Toward the Pacific Author Book Tour 2020.

          Until next week, y’all have a great life.

If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

I’ve now been hosting a YouTube channel called John Irvin, Author Journey Series. Check it out at YOUTUBE.COM/AUTHORJOURNEY

Follow me on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram. Or email me at john@johnirvinauthor.com

Normalcy is the True Illusion.

I’m an Author, I create Worlds for a Living, I’m also the King of the Weird, don’t tell Me Weird is an illusion!

By John Irvin

          You know, all my life I’ve been called weird. I’m the nerd. The quiet one in the corner at a party. The one who finds more interest in books than socialising.

            Funny thing about people, when you try to fit into their “normal” circles, you’re called weird. But when you finally begin to accept yourself as being weird…

“I’m weird. I’ve accepted this, it’s time you do too.”

            I’ve noticed, in my experience, once you start setting this up, people begin to make comments like, “Weird is just an illusion, if you think about it. Because weird just means different and we’re all different—so you’re actually normal.”

            That’s a load of horse manure.

            I think, accepting yourself for who you are makes people uncomfortable, probably because they haven’t accepted themselves. Maybe you intimidate them by your confidence. To insecure people, confidence is scary.

            The other day, my brain was wandering while I was taking a shower—as it often does. Thanks to a quote by Morticia Addams, this thought finally came to me.

            “Normal is an illusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly.”

            So the same goes for human beings.

“Climb every mountain…”

            These past few years, while I struggle with climbing my mountain called “the Author’s dream” I come across so many disbelievers who tell me I need to get a real job. Then there are those whose intentions are good, when they ask how the work is going. When I tell them things like, “I’m writing away” or “I’ve been coldpitching more proofreading clients” they give me that look and you know they think a 9 to 5 would be real work.

            I know it’s out of the kindness of their hearts and they want to see me secure.

            Or, with time, when they see no success—not to mention I don’t share much unless they ask and usually they don’t—they start to doubt I’m actually working. Over time, they consider me lazy and I just don’t want a “real job.”

            It’s so easy to get frustrated, especially when you spend most of your time alone. Your brain likes to take those thoughts and turn them into self-doubt.

            Am I really doing what I should be doing?

            If I really were climbing that mountain, why haven’t I seen any success yet?

            Is this just a pipe dream? Should I really get a 9 to 5 and just suffer and settle for misery the rest of my life? Or should I keep suffering the misery of this struggle, being misunderstood and having no validation for the hard work I’ve put in over the past years?

“A writer must be insane, his only reward is absolute freedom.”

            Let me tell you something, my friend. Your friends, your family, your well-meaning acquaintances…they are not you. Yes, the struggle makes you feel like a mess. That’s what happens when there’s a struggle!

            Battles end up being extremely messy! Don’t you agree?

            When your critics or well-meaners express their doubts in what is not their dream but yours, just smile and whisper.


            I just had to share this journey with you, my friends. While I slowly become more enlightened, more self-aware, I want to share it with each of you. Maybe my struggles and thoughts will inspire someone to keep going?

            If you keep going, you’re already a winner.

            Now, I do have to share my team’s GoFundMe link again, we’re still trying to raise that goal for this book tour of mine coming up in August. We’d appreciate any amount you could give!

          Until next week, y’all have a great life.

If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

I’ve now been hosting a YouTube channel called John Irvin, Author Journey Series. Check it out at YOUTUBE.COM/AUTHORJOURNEY

Follow me on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram. Or email me at john@johnirvinauthor.com

Two More Weeks to Go, it’ll be May before We Know it and this Author has plans.

I’ve finally decided I’ll be working on the second and final drafts for Longevity, Book 3: Wandering!

By John Irvin

            Yes, remember last week I was struggling to figure out which way to go? Which book to start or continue with? Should I go with the next book in Longevity, the next book in Magic’s Time Split? Or another story?

            My original publication timeline had May as Book 3, Wandering, coming out in publication. So I’ve decided to stick with that. I’ve begun working on the second draft this week and thanks to the donations already made to my team’s GoFundMe campaign for the book our, I’ll be able to use that designated amount specifically set aside for the next few books’ publications.

            You can help my people and me get to our goal quicker! This way, we’ll be prepared for when the States re-open, finally, and things get back to normal and this Book Tour can be set up!


I may actually be able to publish this one on time too. Although, the plan is to only concern myself with publishing the Hardcover and EBook formats with the rest—six to go—and continue that way until I’m finished next year.

            That will cut down on costs for ISBNs and other expenses for now. Once the entire series is published, I can go back and publish the Paperbacks.

            I’m also hoping, before this year is out, to publish the first Audio. We shall see.

            Maybe, I’ll use that as a reward for my future Patreon supporters? There’s an idea.

            You would get upfront and first-hand experience of my books in audio! Then, I would have to question whether I’ll share them with the rest of the world and publish later. Hmm, lots of things to think about for the future.

            For now, I need to focus on the present, a lot to do!

            I want to also share the link to my revised Book 2, Independence, in the Longevity series. The cover was finally fixed and she is now available to order. Things are still looking up.

            If you want to listen to me reading a snippet from this new book of mine, check out today’s vlog episode over on my YouTube channel:

            I hope you continue to stay safe and well, make sure to show love in the midst of all this growing hostility I’ve been noticing of late. Destruction only comes from hate and division. Love brings creation and miracles.

            And I’m not spouting some over-used mantra. This is the truth, my friends.

          Until next week, y’all have a great life.

If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

I’ve now been hosting a YouTube channel called John Irvin, Author Journey Series. Check it out at YOUTUBE.COM/AUTHORJOURNEY

Follow me on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram. Or email me at john@johnirvinauthor.com

Sometimes as an Author, You’ve Got to Step Back and Re-Evaluate.

Struggling to decide where to go next after finishing a Book? Step back and go where your fingers lead.

Writing takes you on a journey…

By John Irvin

To take my reader over to Kindle to buy a copy of the book!
Order a copy

            I finished the final draft for Book 5, Beasts Will Change, in the Magic’s Time Split series last week and published it on Kindle and Nook over the weekend! Then I sat down on Monday morning for my writing session….nothing happened.

            You can order a copy on KINDLE or NOOK!

          Nothing happened…

I wasn’t sure which series to delve further into. Should I go back to my Ikkilion Chronicles for my Patreon supporters? I still only have one patron over there. Not to mention, my focus has been on the GoFundMe campaign. I’m still a week ahead of schedule with the posts, but next week, I’ll either be canceling the serial for a little while or I need to get more out.

            But I hate feeling rushed, because you can sense it in my writings, I’m told. So I try to stay away from feeling rushed.

            Hence the stepping back.

Just breathe…

            I”ve got Book 3, Wandering, in Longevity already written, so I could go back to that and work on the second draft, stepping closer toward publication for that. We shall see.

            Or, there’s always Book 6, Mountains Are Living, in Magic’s Time Split where I’ve already written the first two or three pages. I could continue that, get the first draft finished, and work on the second draft next month, preparing it for publication.

            Although, I was originally planning to publish Wandering from Longevity in May. So I’m now being torn back and forth now.

            Time to take a breath and calm down…

            That’s all you can do, when confused, breathe in, breathe out. Yes, this world has us feeling like we have to race and run around like chickens with our heads cut off. But there is no sin in pausing for a breath.

            As long as you don’t turn around, you’ll keep heading forward.

Together we can find success!

            Success if learning from, not just your failures, but these moments of indecision as well—because your mind can get overcrowded from opinions, other people’s as well as your own. Your gut knows where it’s going. Learn to follow that…

            As for the crowdfunding…

            A little side note, to update you on where we’re at with the GoFundMe fundraiser. We’ve reached almost $800! Now, of course, that means we still have quite a ways to go till we reach the total goal of $10,000. But that shouldn’t daunt us. Perseverance is how we get to success.

Teamwork is where it’s at!

            We just need to figure out a better way to advance this, to bring in those donations. There’s only so much cold pitching a team can do on Facebook.

            I’ve also pitched about thirty individuals, but about 95 percent of them just read the message and don’t even respond. Sweet and thoughtful, I know. You just learn to laugh and move on.

            Because it’s those few who actually do donate who make it worthwhile.

            You can help us out by clicking this image below and donating to our cause.

          Until next week, y’all have a great life.

If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

I’ve now been hosting a YouTube channel called John Irvin, Author Journey Series. Check it out at YOUTUBE.COM/AUTHORJOURNEY

Follow me on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram. Or email me at john@johnirvinauthor.com

Things Can Always Look Brighter, Even In A Storm.

It truly is all about mindset and perception.

By John Irvin

          This week is my biweekly YouTube episode, check out the link here:

            What my week has looked like so far…

            I’m finishing up the final draft for Book 5, Beasts Will Change, in the Magic’s Time Split series. It’s a little tough, because my personal printer broke down and with the Floridian “stay-at-home” order, it’s kinda hard getting around to a shop that will print stuff for you.

            So I’m having to do it the old way—editing and revising in Microsoft Word on my laptop screen. This is tough because it tires my eyes out and words blur together easily. Compared to actually having the pages printed, it’s a slower process. But we’ll get through it, just like we’ll get through this pandemic.

            More exciting news, I’m starting the preliminary stages with a potential client for ghostwriting a book. I can’t say anything about who and what it’s for, but I can say, I’m looking forward to this endeavour and it will be a blessing in many ways.

            The GoFundMe campaign is rolling along. It’s a little slow, but we’re only in the second week so still plenty of time. We’re at three percent raised, I think, might be a little more.

            I’ve also been conducting training sessions as a back-up producer at a Car Clinic here in town, it’s only a two day a week job so not stressful at all. Plus, it’s more fulfilling than a pizza delivery job as it actually helps people solve problems.

            Back to the Campaign…

            Back to the GoFundMe campaign, I do want to reiterate that we will be giving out rewards once the campaign is closed in May. These past few days, I’ve been specifically asking individuals for, at least, a $10 donation. Some have donated more while others have donated less.

            We appreciate each one no matter how much they give, because, every dollar, truly does count.

            With Corona hanging out, it is hard to know who still has jobs, who has to wait till this is all over to get back to their jobs, who is receiving paid-leave, etc. So we are just asking, if you are able, please think of us. Think of the lives I, as an author, could be touching later on this year.

            And Corona, I have one thing to say. GO AWAY!

          Until next week, y’all have a great life.

If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

I’ve now been hosting a YouTube channel called John Irvin, Author Journey Series. Check it out at YOUTUBE.COM/AUTHORJOURNEY

Follow me on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram. Or email me at john@johnirvinauthor.com