Here’s some cute Book Lovin’ Memes along with dream niches for when I’ve built my personal library in my dream home!

By John Irvin
So, while I’m slowly trekking through this second draft of Longevity, Book 3: Wandering, I’ve been posting daily now on my Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter feeds, growing my audience.
Click on those links to follow me.
I should have begun this three years ago, but I simply didn’t have everything that it takes, like the knowledge and experience.
Everything in its own timing, right?
But, I find myself surfing through Pinterest quite a bit of late. There are so many good quotes and links to various informative websites. I’d like to share a few book lovin’ quotes here in this blog with you.

Isn’t that so true? If you are an avid reader like I am, you know in your heart of hearts what this is like.

I laughed out loud at this, because it is also true! No non-reader would understand. And here for the last one, I have to share a writer’s meme since I am one.

Pinterest knows my Dream Home!
I’ve also got to confess, Pinterest seems to be noticing that I’ve been dreaming about my dream home and the designs it’s going take. I want a two-story cabin made from half wood and half stone—maybe some brick mixed in. Also, tagged on, will be a wrap-around porch. Wouldn’t that be lovely? I think it would.
But that’s not to mention the dream private library I’m working on preparing for at present already.
When you walk into the parlour, you’ll fine a central staircase leading up to a balcony above connected to the second floor. But standing along the wall on the first floor will be bookcases with a door or two leading into the dining hall and kitchen in the back.
On the second floor balcony will be more bookcases and a bookcase door leading into the actual main library room. There will be a secret reading room as well as a window book nook. Something along the lines of these pictures:
So yes, this authorpreneur is dreaming about wondrous things. If you believe it is possible, then you will get it. Just be patient and stay consistent. Never give up.
Have a great Friday tomorrow, y’all!
Also, please be sure to support my Author Team as we raise funds for my Toward the Pacific Author Book Tour 2020. Be sure to follow the link and show your love of books and reading by donating whatever amount is on your heart!
Until next week, y’all have a great life.
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