DemonWars The First King (The Dame and The Bear) by R. A. Salvatore

Published by Tom Doherty Associates, LLC

A review by John Irvin


“The woman has shaken me to my core, has taken my expectations and twisted them into unrecognizable knots.” –Bransen Garibond

            The conclusion to the Saga of the First King, combined into two parts as the first installment was, brings more surprises and twists to the life of Bransen Garibon—the Highwayman. Salvatore enchants and lures us back into the world of Honce, which has been given the promise of a peaceful coalition between two lairds. This is all thanks to the extensive highways. But, as most rulers do, the struggle for complete rule is turning into a nightmare.

            In The Dame, Bransen sets out on a journey, seeking truth. But, those in power seek to use his battle prowess and magical skills for their own mischievous desires.

            In The Bear, Bransen starts his quests again on his own. While Honce’s war rages on, he seeks to free himself from the turmoil brought on by all the self-centered plans of both sides. Fates are twisted, old allies become enemies but even old enemies could become allies.

demonwars saga of the first king the dame and the bear r a salvatore

           I ate up the tales of this second half of the Saga. The Highwayman is a hero of my heart—I’m not trying to be cheesy, y’all. His struggle with figuring out who actually seeks to be his friend simply to be his friend instead of for alternative agendas is near to my heart.

            The quest for truth is another personal love of mine. Whenever I find a book that lightens upon this trail, I find myself plunging into its world. I love Bransen and would follow him to the ends of the earth.

            Coming full circle, the story made me feel as if I’d lived a complete life, ending with contentment at its outcome.

            So, take my recommendation and click this link to go buy it: DEMONWARS SAGA PART 2.

As a side note, I am required to inform you that my links provided are affiliate links to the said products. Hey, I’ve got to pay the bills somehow. I hope this is understandable!

Shades of Earth (Book 3 in the Across the Universe Trilogy) by Beth Revis

Published by Penguin Group

A review by John Irvin


“I’ve heard that when you’re in a life-and-death situation, like a car accident or a gunfight, all your senses shoot up to almost superhuman level, everything slows down, and you’re hyper-aware of what’s happening around you. As the shuttle careens toward the earth, the exact opposite is true for me.” –Amy

            Third and final installment into the Across the Universe trilogy—finally answers have been found. Finally they’ve made it to Centauri Earth. Finally they can leave the ship and build a home.

            But, new surprises meet Elder and Amy. From poisonous flowers to monstrous, man-eating birds, this new planet is not without its danger. But what intrigues our two heroes more are the ruins. Who built them? Is this really Centauri Earth? Are Godspeed’s passengers the only people here or are they not alone?

            With all the suspenseful intrigue and death-defying resistance, can Elder and Amy finally find a peaceful moment to build their home together? Is their love enough to hold them together amidst these new threats?

shades of earth beth revis

            Following in the footsteps of her previous two books, Beth Revis pulls through with a satisfying action-packed young adult science fiction drama. More deep thoughts are pulled to the surface that cause you to stop and think. But you’ll keep turning the page as I did all those late nights.

            If you want to read an ending that will at first make you want to jump out of your chair and scream then breath in relief, this work meets those standards. When I closed the book after finishing, I felt both content and happy but also like I’d just had to say goodbye to my two friends. Thinking about it now, I miss them.

            So, take my recommendation and click this link to go buy it: SHADES OF EARTH.

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As a side note, I am required to inform you that my links provided are affiliate links to the said products. Hey, I’ve got to pay the bills somehow. I hope this is understandable!

Blood of the Father by John Irvin

Published by Amazon Kindle

A commentary by John Irvin


“’What are you doing?’ He shouted. ‘What you don’t want to finish this? You cursed beast! You stole my fingers!’” –Tiras

This Friday will cover one of my favourites of my own works—don’t tell the others I said that.

Blood of the Father is based in ancient times, when Greece was but a young nation. Tiras, the seventh son of Japheth, one of the three sons of Noah, is attacked by a monstrous wolf. But instead of being killed, he is given a gift—the Gift of the Wolf-Born.

After many years, he travels the ancient world in search of his new spouse—the one while will unite with him. The two of them will become the First Parents of the new Wolf-Born Race.

Is this special someone the Egyptian Princess?

blood of the father john irvin

            Based in the same world as my upcoming Longevity series, this is basically an origin tale which sets the stage for the series. Tiras is the great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather of the Ihon Iraes, the protagonist of Longevity.

I feel like this short novella was a fun preparation for the seven or eight book series that has come to be a favourite of mine. I’m looking forward to when they are all published.

As for Blood of the Father, I enjoyed finding out for myself how the Wolf-Born Race was even started. It is an intriguing tale—also brings up the origin of the anti-Race, archenemies to the Wolf-Borns in the following centuries: the Spawn.

Click this link to go check it out: BLOOD OF THE FATHER.

As a side note, I am required to inform you that my links provided are affiliate links to the said products. Hey, I’ve got to pay the bills somehow. I hope this is understandable!

A Million Suns (Book 2 in the Across the Universe Trilogy) by Beth Revis

Published by Penguin Group

A review by John Irvin


“Amy, you’re going to have to make a choice. The ship is dying, Godspeed won’t last much longer. And you—you must decide for everyone. Because you’re running out of time.” –from the back cover of the book.

            Elder has assumed rule of Godspeed. Phydus is no longer controlling everybody’s mind. The romance between he and Amy are struggling against is winning.

            Three months have passed since Elder unplugged Amy. Three months inside a crammed, dying spaceship and Amy is starting to feel like she’s losing her mind—if she hasn’t already gone crazy.

            There’s also another mystery unraveling. Where are they? Is the ship actually still cruising outer space? Or has something happened to it along the way? Are they lost?

a million suns beth revis

            Taking on the same suspenseful intrigue as Book 1, this work yanks you by the collar and drags you along with our two heroes. What exactly is happening? I had to keep flipping those pages, feeling as if life depended on my figuring out the mystery.

            Beth Revis hypnotises you in her stories. It’s no wonder she’s a bestseller. Bringing up deep philosophical questions along the way of this action tale set in the young adult science fiction genre, she does not disappoint.

            And the tension just keeps building until Elder and Amy come to the ultimate conclusion: they have to leave the ship or else.

            So, take my recommendation and click this link to go buy it: A MILLION SUNS.

As a side note, I am required to inform you that my links provided are affiliate links to the said products. Hey, I’ve got to pay the bills somehow. I hope this is understandable!

Across the Universe (Book 1 in the Trilogy) by Beth Revis

Published by Penguin Group

A review by John Irvin


“The President called it the ‘epitome of the American dream.’ Daddy called it the ‘unholy alliance of business and government.’” –Amy.

            Amy and her parents thought they would sleep for three hundred years in cryo-chambers and awaken on the new planet, Centauri-Earth. But, fifty years prior to the scheduled awakening, Amy is violently yanked from oblivion to find out someone tried to murder her.

            Now stuck on a ship that—the largest one ever constructed two-hundred-and-fifty years ago—feels so constricting and suffocating because of the 2,300 plus passengers aboard it, Amy finds one confusing question after another.

            In order to survive, the passengers have given up all rights and power to a ruler called the Eldest. Each Eldest has raised an heir, naming him Elder.

            There is something wrong beneath all the mystery and revelations. Will Amy and Elder be able to figure it out?

across the universe beth revis

            This story will always have a special place in my heart. Besides the thought-provoking, spine-chilling points and suspenseful plots, I fell in love with the two main characters. Elder and Amy became two of my good friends. I was always rooting for them, even when I wasn’t sure I trusted them.

            Just like any person, they had their trials, their mistakes, their misdeeds, but they learned and grew as heroes should always do.

            This is the first book of the trilogy, so expect a thrilling cliff-hanger at the end. But that’s okay, I’ll write the next review about the sequel.

            So, take my recommendation and click this link to go buy it: ACROSS THE UNIVERSE.

As a side note, I am required to inform you that my links provided are affiliate links to the said products. Hey, I’ve got to pay the bills somehow. I hope this is understandable!

Of Poseidon (Book 1 in the Syrena Legacy) by Anna Banks

Published by Square Fish, imprint of Macmillan

A review by John Irvin


“Either way, he knows what happened. He knows why my cheek is plastered to his bare chest.” –Emma

            She’s a Syrena, she doesn’t know it. The day she meets Galen, her life changes forever. He’s the prince of the Syrena, on a mission to find a girl he’s found can communicate with fish.

            Their connection is instant and like nothing either of them have ever felt before. After meeting a few times, Galen is sure she’s his destiny—or at least, the destiny of his people.

            Through the discovery of merpeople, Emma stumbles upon a revelation. She’s not who she thought she was. Can she face the facts and accept her true self? Is she the key to the kingdom everyone keeps claiming her to be? Do these feelings she develops for Galen mean anything?

of poseidon syrena legacy anna banks

            The opening chapter hooked me from the start. I’ve always had a thing for mermaids—just thought I’d mention that. This is a unique take on the lore. It is a Teen book, but I found it still intriguing, captivating, and a page-turner.

            There’s an ancient mystery too. Who are the Syrena? Who are these humanoids—or rather, Half-Breeds? And who thought there’d still be arranged marriages in today’s society. Yes, I’m hinting at several reasons why you should buy this book!

            The genre would be young adult fantasy, romance (I’m going to be personal right here and say, when I read the kissing scene, the writer inside me wept with joy and I said, I want to write like that!)

            So, take my recommendation and click this link to go buy it: OF POSEIDON.

As a side note, I am required to inform you that my links provided are affiliate links to the said products. Hey, I’ve got to pay the bills somehow. I hope this is understandable!