by Alan Grant

Published by Pocket Star Books

A review by John Irvin


“They were tombs, especially built to house the bones of the tribe’s religious leaders. Our pyramid would appear to have been built for a different purpose entirely. Religious, perhaps.””

            From the back cover blurb:

            Something has been unearthed in Gotham City, something that should not have been disturbed. An ancient pyramid has unleashed supernatural energies throughout the world.

            Drawn to the eye of this arcane storm, the heroes of the JLA become caught in a grip of a force far beyond their extraordinary powers. Only Gotham’s protector, the Batman, manages to escape—but to free his allies and stop the chaos that is fast engulfing the world, the Dark Knight must somehow unlock the pyramid’s secret curse.            Starting off at a hook point—the Gotham City dam breaking up—this book pulled me right in. When the ancient pyramid was uncovered by the flood waters, I wondered what was going to happen next.

Batman: The Stone King (Justice League of America) by Alan Grant, A Review

            The struggles thrown at the Justice League are powerful. This urban fantasy is an intriguing volume of arcane mystery and ancient lore. Will the Caped Crusader be able to rescue his friends? That’s the question asked and the question answered in the end.

            I enjoyed the brisk and to-the-point style of the writing. Being a Batman fan as well, I was rooting for him the whole way.

            Plus, it’s not too long of a book either—you just might enjoy it.

            So, take my recommendation and click this link to go buy it: THE STONE KING.

As a side note, I am required to inform you that my links provided are affiliate links to the said products. Hey, I’ve got to pay the bills somehow. I hope this is understandable!

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I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

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by Arcturus Holdings Limited

Published by Arcturus Publishing Limited

A review by John Irvin


“Each tale is an adventure into an unknown world—one that will not be easily forgot.”

From the back cover blurb:

            Wondrous worlds abound in the stories within. Heroes go on great adventures through magical realms, encounter alien races, and use their ingenuity to overcome impossible difficulties.

            From Robert E. Howard’s thrilling stories of Conan the Barbarian to Nathaniel Hawthorne’s subtle tale “The Artist of the Beautiful,” the power of the imagination is breathtaking. The settings range from the frozen wastes of Antarctica to the red plains of Mars.

Themes of space travel, apocalypse, magic, and power permeate these stories, but at their heart, as with all good fiction, are the characters—who remain as human as you and I.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Short Stories, Edited by Andrew Erikson, A Review

            There’s something about being able to base my reading sessions on short stories. Usually you read a chapter or two or three before putting in the bookmark to go take care of life’s issues—unless it is just that awesome of a book you can’t put it down. But when it is a book filled with a collection of short stories, you read one for the day and you feel like you’ve accomplished a good piece.

            I enjoyed the classic tales shared in this collection of a book. To hop into the minds of men mostly all dead by now, to see what they envisioned the future would be or what a world of magic revealed, to see some of their subtle predictions already become reality—these are all amazing stories.

            Naturally, I lean more to the fantasy genre, but the science fiction collection were all intriguing and held my interest just as much as the fantasies. To think people would try to transform carbon from the air into edible blocks and thus destroy the planet—that’s insane, but sounds like humans to me.

            If you enjoy science fiction and fantasy and also would like to read a bunch of short stories—stories that can be read in one sitting—then I’m honestly certain you’ll enjoy this one.

            Next book in this series that I’d like to buy is the Supernatural short stories. They’ve also got Horror and Mystery and other such collections too. Quite a variety.


As a side note, I am required to inform you that my links provided are affiliate links to the said products. Hey, I’ve got to pay the bills somehow. I hope this is understandable!

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I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

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by Orson Scott Card

Published by Writer’s Digest Books

A review by John Irvin


“Stories start working on you in a thousand different ways.”

From the back cover blurb:

            You’ve always dreamed of writing science fiction and fantasy—tales that pull readers in to extraordinary worlds and fantastic conflicts. Best-selling author Orson Scott Card shows you how it’s done, distilling years of writing experience and publishing success into concise, no-nonsense advice. You’ll learn how to:

  • Wield story elements that “define” the science fiction and fantasy genres
  • Build, populate and dramatize a credible, inviting world your readers will want to explore
  • Develop the “rules” of time, space and magic that affect your world and its inhabitants
  • Construct a compelling story by developing ideas, characters and events that keep readers turning pages
  • Find the markets for speculative fiction, reach them and get published
  • Submit queries, write cover letters, find an agent and live the life of a writer

The boundaries of your imagination are infinite. Explore them with Orson Scott Card and create fiction that casts a spell over agents, publishers, and readers from every world.

How to Write Science Fiction and Fantasy by Orson Scott Card, A Review

            This was the very first Orson Scott Card book I ever picked up. From reading it, being inspired with several ideas that have been developing over the years since I bought and read this work, I now want to collect many of his other books.

            Even when he’s talking about writing Science Fiction & Fantasy, I was drawn into his world. The examples he gave lit my imagination! I could see the creatures he described, the cloaked characters possessing magical powers, the serene landscapes on other worlds—there is something about Card’s writing that allures me.

            I want to write like that. I hope one day my own writing will be just as desirable. I want my readers to be so swept up in my stories they forget to turn off the rice boiling on the stove—wait, no, I don’t want that. That’s mean and also dangerous. But you get what I mean, right?

            Are you a beginning writer? Or maybe you already have one book published under you belt? Either way, I believe this book is a must need for anyone wanting to write science fiction or fantasy. It’s one of those you’ll re-read!

Not sure? Check the link out: HOW TO WRITE SCIENCE FICTION & FANTASY.

As a side note, I am required to inform you that my links provided are affiliate links to the said products. Hey, I’ve got to pay the bills somehow. I hope this is understandable!

If you enjoyed this review, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails–usually just focused on whatever book review I’ve written that day–on Mondays and Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

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by John Irvin

A commentary by John Irvin


“The mushroom cloud descended from the heavens as its fiery-red plumes filled the TV screen. No one saw this coming.”

Book Description:

How did it start? A deadly virus from the Arctic. An international team of US, Russian, Chinese, and Korean scientist uncovered a prehistoric artifact frozen in the ice of the North. What they didn’t know is it carried a slumbering disease more fatal than the Medieval Black Plague.

Gideon Cole is the son of a US General stationed in San Francisco. Gideon is surprised when the first nuclear missile hits New York City, ushering in the Apocalypse. His Dad calls, telling him it’s time to head to a secret war bunker.

Along the way, as time is running out, they pick up Lynda Brodunvich and her father. Lynda was Gideon’s high school crush a decade ago.

Will they make it to the bunker in time, before the bombs drop? If the plague doesn’t wipe out humanity, will they destroy each other on apocalyptic scales? If they do, is this the end of the world? Or can two people begin mankind over again?

If you enjoy the dystopian genre, the end times, the last days theme, you’ll enjoy this book. With a Rise of the Machines, Terminator 3, style (without the evil robots), or Book of Eli, Armageddon theme, this author brings out a different aspect of what a nuclear holocaust could start. What if we could start the world over again? What would that be like?

Pochatok (An Apocalyptic Sweet Romance) by John Irvin

            There is something about the end-days, apocalyptic genre that I love. Never quite put my finger on it—something about death and destruction isn’t attractive to me, but the survival of people, especially when there’s a fling, is what draws me.

            Watching Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, I started thinking about this theme. A couple, thrown together by an Armageddon of sorts, turning to each other in the middle of the final days of the world’s nations sparked in my mind.

            I decided to turn it into a short ebook and Pochatok was born. Why did I pick that title? It fit, I guess. It’s Ukrainian—I lived in Ukraine for ten years of my childhood so there’s a special affinity of such things for me.

            Lynda was inspired by a model I randomly found. Yes, I know, that sounds weird and hilarious. But to be honest, I was simply wondering what this character looked like. I knew she was a redhead with blue eyes—a rare combination—but I wanted to actually envision her, see her in a real person. So I surfed Pinterest one night and stumbled across Vanessa Jade.

            I don’t know or follow the girl—but, if you ever read this blog, Vanessa, or read the ebook, I want to thank you for being an inspiration!

            I enjoyed writing this short novella and I hope you enjoy reading it. I’m considering writing another apocalyptic romance book or two in the future. We’ll see. I definitely want to visit the genre again for certain.

            So I hope you enjoy meeting my friends as they struggle to survive Nuclear Judgment Day!

            I also ask, if you do enjoy it, please leave a great review on its Amazon page so others can enjoy it too!

Click this link to go check it out: POCHATOK.

As a side note, I am required to inform you that my links provided are affiliate links to the said products. Hey, I’ve got to pay the bills somehow. I hope this is understandable!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

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by Randall Wallace

Published by Pocket Books

A review by John Irvin


“I have fought. And I have hated. I know it is in me to hate and to kill. But I’ve learned something else away from my home. And that is that we must always have a home, somewhere inside us.”—William Wallace

            From the back cover blurb:

            In one of history’s darkest hours there arose from humble beginnings a man of courage and honor—the likes of whom the world may never see again.

            Amid the color, pageantry, and violence of medieval Scotland unfurls the resplendent tale of the legendary William Wallace, farmer by birth, rebel by fate, who banded together his valiant army of Scots to crush the cruel tyranny of the English Plantagenet King.

Braveheart by Randall Wallace, A Review

            Have you seen the movie? I’ve got to tell you, Braveheart—starring Mel Gibson—is right there at the top of my most watched films. So, you know I had to buy the book.

            Much shorter than expected, the book will keep you entertained and—if you’ve already seen the film—you’ll hear and see everything happen in the book as if you were watching the movie.

            I found that endearing. This historical fiction stirred the Scottish blood in my veins.

            Randall Wallace—I wonder how related he is to the hero—did a swell job with portraying the man that William was. We oft think of heroes as gods or some supernatural type of beings, forgetting they are humans just like us, with the same longings, same passions, and same desires.

            But it is those who do their duty to defend the homes they love against evil that stand out off the pages of history, trying to teach us something.

            So, take my recommendation and click this link to go buy it: BRAVEHEART.

As a side note, I am required to inform you that my links provided are affiliate links to the said products. Hey, I’ve got to pay the bills somehow. I hope this is understandable!

If you enjoyed this review, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails–usually just focused on whatever book review I’ve written that day–on Mondays and Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

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by Steven Harper

Published by Writer’s Digest Books

A review by John Irvin


“Supernatural stories feed the human desire for escape. We can pretend we’re riding that magic carpet, making those three wishes, or swinging that sword because we know (deep sigh) it’s never going to happen for real.”

            From the back cover blurb:

            Writing a paranormal novel takes more than casting an alluring vampire or arming your hero with a magic wand. It takes an original idea, believable characters, a compelling plot, and surprising twists, not to mention great writing.

            This helpful guide gives you everything you need to successfully introduce supernatural elements into any story without shattering the believability of your fictional world or falling victim to common clichés.

            You’ll learn how to:

  • Choose supernatural elements and decide what impact the supernatural will have on your fictional world
  • Create engaging and relatable characters from supernatural protagonists and antagonists to supporting players (both human and non-human)
  • Develop strong plots and complementary subplots
  • Write believable fight scenes and flashbacks
  • Create realistic dialogue

            Complete with tips for researching your novel and strategies for getting published, Writing the Paranormal Novel gives you everything you need to craft a novel where even the most unusual twist is not only possible—it’s believable.

Writing the Paranormal Novel by Steven Harper, A Review

            Okay, did you happen to notice how many times Steven Harper used the word “believable” in that book summary blurb? No, just me? Oh really? Not just me? Sweet!

            Well, he is telling the truth. This work of his is definitely a must read if you want to be any type of successful paranormal writer.

            Believe me, with my Longevity (dark fantasy/paranormal) series and the Magic’s Time Split (alternate timeline/magic-induced paranormal) series both coming out to be my main two franchises—this book of Harper’s was added to my library a long time ago.

            If anything, I want my own stories to be believable. I’ve read too many books and watched too many movies (*clears throat* Twilight) where the supernatural was too unreal to me, not to mention the horrible plots—That is one of my biggest concerns with my books: is my plot believable? Does it feel like I just grabbed one scene and another and threw them together?

            So, if you are a writer who loves the paranormal—and with this I mean: werewolves, vampires, ghosts, witches, you name it—then you need to read this How To book.

            So, take my recommendation and click this link to go buy it: WRITING THE PARANORMAL NOVEL.

As a side note, I am required to inform you that my links provided are affiliate links to the said products. Hey, I’ve got to pay the bills somehow. I hope this is understandable!

If you enjoyed this review, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails–usually just focused on whatever book review I’ve written that day–on Mondays and Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

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