A populated colony ship has been traveling space for centuries, will they ever reach their new home?

By John Irvin
This young adult science fiction will give you a few surprises: Across the Universe by Beth Revis.
I had never heard of the Across the Universe series. One day I just came across it on Amazon and thought, “Huh, I like the sound of this,” and ordered it.
Funny how many times the best books are found that way, right?
Then I read the book and, naturally, I need the rest of the trilogy. This is one of those trilogies I wish was a series, not just a trilogy. You know?
Watch the episode on YouTube and make sure you click through my links I’ve provided to order yourself a copy and begin the trek Across the Universe!
This spaceship, Godspeed, has been traveling the universe for three hundred years. Amy is seventeen years old, she was frozen as cargo with her parents in the ship to awaken on their new home planet.
But someone wakes her up prematurely.
Come to find out, there are secrets being kept and someone’s been murdered.
Who could want to keep the ship’s generational crew from reaching their destination?
It’s a race against time to stop the murderer and save the ship.
By the way, Amy was awakened fifty years too early.
I bet that makes you want to do this…
Click this link to go buy: ACROSS THE UNIVERSE.
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Another note, I have to make sure to let you know, all links I use for my fellow authors’ works are affiliate links because why not?