I’m reading about Working At Home and I’ve already Started a few Side Hustle Gigs via Fiverr.com for Proofreading and Ghostwriting Blog Articles.
By John Irvin
So, I’ve returned from the camping trip, I hope y’all had a great weekend. It was drop-dead gorgeous while we were up there at Oak Mountain, Alabama.
The weather was sunny about 95% of the time, it only got frigid a little bit during the nights, but not as unbearable as it has been in the past.

Then of course, the night I return, the temperature drops below freezing. This morning, I could not get out from under my covers it was so cold. So that messed up my schedule. This is why I’m so late with today’s blog.
But I’ve still got a whole afternoon to worry about it.
So there’s no complaining from the peanut gallery.
I took a quick trip into town earlier and ended up having to change a blown tire. That was awesome fun in the cold—with the burning ice of the metal bars. It woke me up.
It just made me laugh, because that’s life. You just have to go with the flow sometimes, take the punches when they come, smile and say, I’m not dead yet. Keep going, eventually you’ll scale your mountain.
I’m reading an amazing book right now about Working at Home by a kindred spirit author of mine. If you’re interested in cutting out that annoying commute, no longer having those annoying bosses breathing down your necks, and a better security of being your own CEO, I recommend reading this book!
Caitlin Pyle knows what she’s talking about.
I randomly came across her article on Pinterest. I’ve been dying to leave my pizza delivery side job—you all know this from past blogs—and something inside me just said, pay for that shipping.
Well, after some miscommunications with printer and publisher, they were finally able to ship me the book. It was waiting for me in my mailbox when I got home from the camping trip on Monday night.
I’m almost finished with it.
There’s a 28-day step launch plan at the back too.
It gives me hope and also ideas for some side hustles.
Back when I first started on this Authorpreneur job and didn’t really know much about what I was doing, I advertised myself as a copyeditor and proofreader as well as a freelance writer. I really had no idea what I was doing.
Well, now that I do, and I’ve been reading this book, I’m now starting some side gigs on Fiverr.com for proofreading for my fellow authors.
We all need each other—as the saying goes, We rise by lifting each other up. And we can’t rely on our own two eyes to catch those pesky little typos after the editor has had her fill of our books.
So I’m here for my author friends. If you’re a writer, here’s my link: Fiverr.com/irvinauthor If you know a writer, please share this link with them. That would be such a blessing to me and I hope to them.
As for my own writing, I’m so happy and full of anticipation. My cover artist started working on the design for Book 2, Independence, in my Longevity series. I’m looking forward to seeing her glorious work soon!
As for Book 1, Revelation, I just checked this morning, and the E-Book IS being sold now right along side the Hardcover and Paperback on Amazon.com. I’m so happy!
Even with Life getting in the way, praise God, I’m still making headway, staying on track—it’s a little slower than I like, but slow progress is better than no progress.
I’ll talk to y’all next week or in my Broadcast if you’ve subscribed!
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