I don’t know about You, but next Year holds the Promise of Good Things to Come, Including, but not limited to: My First Book Tour and Monthly Publications.
By John Irvin
As you already know, if you read my Monday’s Blog this week, I’m planning a Vlog on YouTube and shrinking this Blog on my Website down to coincide with the Vlog once a week.
I’ve already begun writing down next year’s Business Plan for my Authorpreneur Career. The Launch date for my YouTube vlog is 4 January, 2020 (the first Thursday of the year). The Launch date for my Patreon exclusive short story series (the Ikkilion Chronicles) is set for that Saturday (the first Saturday of the year) on 6 January, 2020.

Meanwhile, I’m budgeting the orders in steps up to the publication of Independence, Book 2 in my Longevity series. I’ve already ordered the Cover and it should be arriving soon. I’ll share it as soon as I am satisfied with it.
Cherie Fox is amazing, she did the cover for Book 1, Revelation, and first try, I was so pleasantly shocked I nearly fell out of my chair when I opened the file. If you’d like some artwork done, you should check her out at CherieFox.com. We’ve already entered an agreement for her to do the cover art for the rest of the series!
Eight books, that’s how much I trust her!
Back to Independence, I’ll be ordering the ISBNs for all three formats (Hardcover, Paperback, and E-Book) over the next few weeks. The Formatting is also due soon, which costs. Yes, publication costs quite a bit when you’re independent. But I’d rather be self-sustaining than depend on some lame traditional publishing company who takes however long they want getting my book out then doing basically no promotions.
Then in February, I’ve got As Flesh Rots, Book 3 in the Magic’s Time Split series, coming out. The plan is to publish one book per month and only going between those two main series until they’re finished.
Although, I’m going to be giving my StarQuest novel (My very first printed novel ever published) a makeover on the interiors as it is way over due for an update.
Then I’m also considering publishing a Complete Trilogy in print for Mermaid Seas. It would be cool to have a new cover designed more up my alley and be able to hold it in my hands and smell the paper.
We’ll see about that. I have the tentative date set for 30 January, 2020. But unless I’m doing better financially by then, I’ll have to postpone it.
Still in the starving artist phase, but my gut is telling me this chapter is about to end and I’ll be turning the page to the “Growing into Livable Income” chapter in my Author Career.
So that’s just a little tidbit on my near-future plans and publishing ordeals.
I look forward to talking to y’all next week or, if you’ve subscribed to my newsletter, on Friday!
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