The first book left you at a cliffhanger, you know I had to grab the second book and you will too!

By John Irvin
It is interesting how sometimes you don’t feel interested in starting a book series, but you read the first book and you’re hooked.
That was me when it came to the Bright Empire series by Stephen Lawhead.
I’ve already covered the first book in this mystical series almost three weeks ago. You can scroll down my 90-Day Author’s Assault playlist if you want to watch it.
This is the second installment. Let’s just say, the moment I finished the first book, The Skin Map, I had to order the sequel.
Intrigued by what was to come next and wondering how Kit was going to get home, I had to lay claim to this fantastic adventure.
And you should too:
This is taken from Amazon’s description:
An avenue of Egyptian sphinxes, an Etruscan tufa tomb, a Bohemian coffee shop, and a Stone Age landscape where universes collide …
Kit Livingstone met his great grandfather Cosimo in a rainy alley in London where he discovered the reality of alternate realities.Now he’s on the run – and on a quest, trying to understand the impossible mission he inherited from Cosimo: to restore a map that charts the hidden dimensions of the multiverse while staying one step ahead of the savage Burley Men. The key is the Skin Map – but where it leads and what it means, Kit has no idea. The pieces have been scattered throughout this universe and beyond. Mina, from her outpost in seventeenth-century Prague, is quickly gaining both the experience and the means to succeed in the quest. Yet so are those with evil intent, who from the shadows are manipulating great minds of history for their own malign purposes. Across time and space, through manifest and hidden worlds, those who know how to use ley lines to travel through astral planes have left their own world behind in this, the second quest: to unlock the mystery of The Bone House.”
So, whatever you do today, make sure you grab this book: THE BONE HOUSE!
Just a note, I have an author team helping me prepare for my debut Spring 2021 Toward the Pacific Book Tour. We greatly desire your support to help us take books out of that good ole comfort zone and find more readers.
The more you are able to donate, the more possible it is for me to take my books on a trip across the continent and grow our reading tribe while promoting books for the public!
So click through:
And if you know any authors, please, have them shoot me an email at I have plenty of spots open for the episodes!
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Another note, I have to make sure to let you know, all links I use for my fellow authors’ works are affiliate links because why not?