The Syrena are an interesting aquatic society that have lived at the bottom of the ocean for thousands of years.

By John Irvin
A young adult romantic fantasy: Of Poseidon by Anna Banks.
I don’t know about you, but I love mermaids. When there’s a different and unique presentation of that awesome race, you know I’ll enjoy it…most likely!
When I came across Anna Banks’s Syrena Legacy, I had no idea what I was getting into. I was not disappointed, in fact, I was flipping pages!
Following along as the great mystery about the ancient origins of the Syrena was one of the most enjoyable times I had. I wish I could forget I read this and read it again.
You seriously do not want to miss out on this awesome story.
After watching the video below, click through and grab yourself a copy here: Of Poseidon.
This is the description from the Goodreads page:
“Galen is the prince of the Syrena, sent to land to find a girl he’s heard can communicate with fish. Emma is on vacation at the beach. When she runs into Galen—literally, ouch!—both teens sense a connection. But it will take several encounters, including a deadly one with a shark, for Galen to be convinced of Emma’s gifts. Now, if he can only convince Emma that she holds the key to his kingdom…
Told from both Emma and Galen’s points of view, here is a fish-out-of-water story that sparkles with intrigue, humor, and waves of romance.”
Click this link to go buy: OF POSEIDON.
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