Colin is back and so are They

The world’s history has changed so much, someone has returned, ready to usurp the planet.

By John Irvin

          Today’s trailer can be found through this link to my YouTube channel! Click through to watch the short little reel.

This is the ninth and second-to-last installment in my flagship series. This is a dark fantasy novella serial that takes us back in time to a Magic-ruled Earth and a different timeline with no Technology, but plenty of mythical monsters and beings.

After the last book’s heart-wrenching episode, this book lets loose a whole new cast of characters on top of our heroes.

Will the Immortals manage to come out of this approaching war with the victory?

Also, I can’t bring it up because it would be a spoiler, if you haven’t read the latest books. But, there is a plot twist at the end of the last book that plays a major role in this book. It was gut-punching when I wrote it.

I even had tears in my eyes when I was editing and rewriting!

So you know it’s good, right?

If you haven’t watched the trailer yet, hop on over to YouTube and watch it. Most of these daily episodes are averaging around two minutes and fifty seconds. Very short!

I don’t believe in wasting people’s time. I think that’s long enough to grab your attention and share what I got and give you the choice to order a copy or sign up or subscribe!

If you haven’t subscribed or signed up, please do. I’d hate for you to miss out on any deals in the near future. You will also be able to keep up to date with everything going on in my author life.

Tune in tomorrow for the final novella in my flagship series. After that, there are plenty more books coming and I get to share them with you!

Make sure you click through this link to order your ebook copy of Magic’s Time Split, Book 9: When Gods Battle!

It’s published both on Kindle and Nook, so whether you have a Nook or a Kindle, doesn’t matter—you can enjoy this series.

While you’re here, you can click through the GoFundMe link on my Home page and donate to the upcoming Spring 2021 Toward the Pacific Book Tour!

And if you know any authors, please, have them shoot me an email at I have plenty of spots open for the episodes!

If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

I’ve now been hosting a YouTube channel called John Irvin, Author Journey Series. Check it out at YOUTUBE.COM/AUTHORJOURNEY

Follow me on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram. Or email me at

The Fires are Gone, a New World is Here

The Immortals are now discovering this strange new world, how will the combat the new evils?

By John Irvin

          Today’s trailer can be found through this link to my YouTube channel! Click through to watch the short little reel.

After the hellish conflicts from the last book, are you ready for a break?

Do you think Gael, Jenna, Jessica, and Levi are too? They’re home again, been back for a decade since the conflict with the burning Deadlands and the creation of a new continent.

But, now, upon a chance visit to their Zerzuran Mansion, they discover there’s a new cult in town and, possibly, a new deity.

Who is this false god no one has ever heard of before, but so many are ready to worship him—even kill in his name?

There are two cities on this new continent, named after ancient mythic cities, they’re following in their namesake’s footsteps.

Prosperity and peace are all they’ve known, but naturally, nothing good can last, right?

If you’ve been following along with this series, you’ll know this is the eighth installment to my dark fantasy series set in an alternate historical timeline ruled by Magic instead of Tech.

I hope you’re enjoying these books!

Keep up to date with the daily blogs by signing up and also hopping over to my YouTube channel and subscribing there. We’ve got many things planned for the near future.

I’m excited to share all of this with you!

Make sure you click through this link to order your ebook copy of Magic’s Time Split, Book 8: New Realms Born!

It’s published both on Kindle and Nook, so whether you have a Nook or a Kindle, doesn’t matter—you can enjoy this series.

While you’re here, you can click through the GoFundMe link on my Home page and donate to the upcoming Spring 2021 Toward the Pacific Book Tour!

And if you know any authors, please, have them shoot me an email at I have plenty of spots open for the episodes!

If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

I’ve now been hosting a YouTube channel called John Irvin, Author Journey Series. Check it out at YOUTUBE.COM/AUTHORJOURNEY

Follow me on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram. Or email me at

After a War with the Giants, our Immortals are back in the Deadlands

This dark fantasy series in my Magic-rule Timeline is coming along as our Immortals have to uncover a dark secret in the burning Deadlands.

By John Irvin

          Today’s trailer can be found through this link to my YouTube channel! Click through to watch the short little reel.

Can you believe we’ve already passed the sixteenth episode in this 90-Day Author’s Assault?

Oh, but good news, you still have a lot more to see of me!

Today’s trailer and blog is about the seventh installment in my alternate-timeline, historical magic fantasy series. Things have taken a turn for the worse.

Our four Immortals rejoin Sir Iden Falconmist and his Guardian Knights of the Irish Fae on their quest to reclaim all the missing pieces of the Faerie Royal Sceptre of Life.

The next fragment is located in what used to be the South American Amazon River. Now this arid desert world called the Deadlands—because of its undead claim by the former Zombie Apocalypse—is burning to high heaven.

What’s making it burn?

There are clues during a zombie attack late in the night.

Someone or something is controlling the undead minds, giving them more tactics, and lighting the world on fire.

Can the Immortals save the world again? Can they defeat this new foe? Can they ever return home?

Make sure you click through this link to order your ebook copy of Magic’s Time Split, Book 7: The World Burns!

Welcome to the many worlds listed in my home universe centered around my website.

While you’re here, you can click through the GoFundMe link on my Home page and donate to the upcoming Spring 2021 Toward the Pacific Book Tour!

And if you know any authors, please, have them shoot me an email at I have plenty of spots open for the episodes!

If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

I’ve now been hosting a YouTube channel called John Irvin, Author Journey Series. Check it out at YOUTUBE.COM/AUTHORJOURNEY

Follow me on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram. Or email me at

A Montana Romance with the Guy playing Hard to Get

I mean, why would you play hard to get when a gorgeous girl throws herself at you?

By John Irvin

          Today’s trailer can be found through this link to my YouTube channel! Click through to watch the short little reel.

I’m just kidding above, the girl doesn’t throw herself at the guy. It’s more, she sees it, their mutual friends see it, but he refuses to see it because he’s scared of having his heart broken again.

He’d much rather tend his horse ranch.

But, when he meets her at the store, he can’t get over the ‘coincidence’ of their meeting and can’t get her out of his head.

Spending the holidays with his friends next door, he gets to know her a little better, but still holds out.

That’s when something happens, changing his life.

But, he’s still too stubborn to accept the love he deserves.

This is a short Montana sweet romance novella for anyone wanting a quick holiday read.

After writing this little diddly, I kinda want to get into writing full-length Montana romance novels. Hmmm…

I guess we’ll see where my writing adventures take me!

There is still so much to write! And the ideas keep piling up.

I think the hardest part about writing is when a new story idea pops into your head and you want to stop writing the work-in-progress you have just to explore a little in the new world.

But, a professional author is ready for these interruptions. He writes down notes for these new ideas and stores them away so he’s not cheating on his WIP, but also doesn’t forget the cool ideas for later.

Make sure you click through this link to order your ebook copy of All the Reasons Why!

Welcome to the many worlds listed in my home universe centered around my website.

While you’re here, you can click through the GoFundMe link on my Home page and donate to the upcoming Spring 2021 Toward the Pacific Book Tour!

And if you know any authors, please, have them shoot me an email at I have plenty of spots open for the episodes!

If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

I’ve now been hosting a YouTube channel called John Irvin, Author Journey Series. Check it out at YOUTUBE.COM/AUTHORJOURNEY

Follow me on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram. Or email me at

They’ve just won Two wars, why another?

You’d think after fighting a war between the Republic and the Vampires then the Were-Beast Civil War the Immortals would get a chance to go home and rest!

By John Irvin

          Today’s trailer can be found through this link to my YouTube channel! Click through to watch the short little reel.

After defeating the animal god and winning the Were-Beast Civil War, the Immortals are contacted by Sir Iden Falconmist, leader of the Guardian Knights of the Fae.

He asks for their help over in the Swiss Alps.

Why would he need a group of Immortals’ help?

They step through the shimmering portals onto a mountaintop. The beautiful vista is barely enjoyed when they’re suddenly attacked by something giant in the sky.

Next thing the Immortals know, there’s a birth of ancient races erupting from beneath the mountains.

Dwarves who actually breed Dragons have been in slumber these past few decades since Magic was unleashed. They are late bloomers, you might say.

But, so are their old foes.

Giants, breeders of Wyverns, were competitors of the Dwarven Dragon Lords back in the day…you know, 10,000 years ago?

But this time around, the Giants seem to have something totally different up their sleeves. Their prime directive doesn’t seem to be breeding wyverns or racing the dwarves anymore.

Now, these colossal creatures are out to conquer the world.

Can the Dwarves defeat them? Can the Immortals help their shorter comrades in this ensuing conflict?

Can the Fae and the Dwarves get along enough to unite in a common front?

Also, who is the mystical leader pushing the Giants to conquer Italy? Where did he come from? What is he?

Click through to the website page and order this next installment in the Magic’s Time Split series!

While you’re here, you can click through the GoFundMe link on my Home page and donate to the upcoming Spring 2021 Toward the Pacific Book Tour!

And if you know any authors, please, have them shoot me an email at I have plenty of spots open for the episodes!

If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

I’ve now been hosting a YouTube channel called John Irvin, Author Journey Series. Check it out at YOUTUBE.COM/AUTHORJOURNEY

Follow me on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram. Or email me at

What do You expect when you happen on a nice Southern Town?

They’re just making their way home when our four Immortals discover a strange secret in this nearly forgotten Southern town!

By John Irvin

          Today’s trailer can be found through this link to my YouTube channel! Click through to watch the short little reel.

Leaving the War with the Vampires, Jenna, Gael, Jessica, and Levi start on a journey home. They’re practicing new Power words when they happen upon a back country town.

While there, they’re attacked by a beast.

Then other beasts come to their rescue.

Who and what are these beasts?

They’re shapeshifters!

Oh, and yes, they actually have their own secret government—the Clan Head resides in the White House of Montgomery, Alabama. At least, that’s what it should be.

These beasts have yet to come out and reveal themselves to their human counterparts in the Republic.

There’s an ancient animal god down in Florida who teaches his followers humans are for eating.

Will the Immortals be able to help the no-eat-humans crowd? Will they be able to convince the rest of the shapeshafters that it’s not healthy?

For that matter, will they be able to convince this animal god? If not defeat him?

You’re going to have to click through and order yourself the copy to find out this unraveling tale!

What kind of shapeshifters do you think will play a part?

Will they be able to convince their human neighbours not all shapeshifters are bad?

While you’re here, you can click through the GoFundMe link on my Home page and donate to the upcoming Spring 2021 Toward the Pacific Book Tour!

And if you know any authors, please, have them shoot me an email at I have plenty of spots open for the episodes!

If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

I’ve now been hosting a YouTube channel called John Irvin, Author Journey Series. Check it out at YOUTUBE.COM/AUTHORJOURNEY

Follow me on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram. Or email me at