The ancient prophecy is being fulfilled before their eyes, will they be ready?

By John Irvin
Today’s trailer can be found through this link to my YouTube channel! Click through to watch the short little reel.
Arthur Eden is a descendent of Roger from the previous book, he’s known about this prophecy about mankind’s end. He also knows about the existence of mermaids.
His best friend, Cassandra, is one of them.
His two daughters love the ocean and one even wants to be a mermaid.
Being a bestselling novelist, Arthur, has some connections to help with the preparations.
The world would not believe him if he straight up said an ancient prophecy says humanity will be sent into extinction by a plague from the sea. They’d all laugh him to scorn—especially, if he mentioned knowing this secret thanks to mermaids.
Arthur decides saving a part of mankind is going to have to be enough. He sets up a cruise for winners of his book context. The book is about mermaids saving humanity from extinction—perhaps to try to get the survivors’ mindsets programmed for what’s coming.
The intensity heightens, when people start to find out what’s going on.
Will mankind end?
Will the mermaids be able to save them?
Will Arthur and Cassandra be able to introduce the two species without losing their lives in the tensions?
By the way, what’s this secret Cassandra has been hiding from Arthur and his girls the whole time they’ve known her?
Make sure you click through this link below and order the final novella in the sea adventuring trilogy!
While you’re here, you can click through the GoFundMe link on my Home page and donate to the upcoming Spring 2021 Toward the Pacific Book Tour!
And if you know any authors, please, have them shoot me an email at I have plenty of spots open for the episodes!
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