Getting Up Before the Dawn
By John Irvin
Yes, I’m one of those early risers kind of writers. I find I write best before 9am. After that, it gets harder and harder to focus for some reason.
Normally, I get up around 4:30 a.m. and write in a journal while I wait for my coffee to brew. Then I do a little reading and some spiritual mediation. This usually takes about an hour.
Then sometimes I have my exercise routine followed by a shower before finally sitting down to write—other times it is in reverse.
Oh, so I finished Living the Braveheart Life by Randall Wallace—author of Braveheart—yesterday and let me tell you, I want to buy every friend and family member a copy. I truly felt a kindred spirit within those pages.
           So it is Monday today, this means, I only have six days before I’m ready for the professional editor to go through my manuscript for Book 2, Independence, in my Longevity series.
           Yesterday, I ordered the cover art for the E-Book boxset and the Print-copy for Shattered: The Complete Collection so it is only a matter of days now till that one gets published. After over a year the five volumes of the Shattered series will finally be together AND in print!
That’ll be my first complete series published.
The next series I’ll probably end up finishing first will be my Magic’s Time Split series. Though there are ten books in that one, so we shall see. I just feel like I’ll be focusing on it and the Longevity series more than any of my other books.
Although I do hope to publish a couple stand-alone novels in the midst of the eight books of Longevity and ten books of Magic’s Time Split.
Book 1, Hidden Lake’s Light, is for free on Kindle and Nook!
Next year, after Independence comes out in January, I’m going to start talking about certain plans for later that year. I’ve been tossing them back and forth inside my head, running them by friends, and hopefully soon I’ll be able to actually sit down and write it all out.
There are some amazing things ahead—I want to keep this 4:30 a.m. schedule going too as I love finishing all my author business-related work before noon.
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