Still on the hunt for the skin map, Kit and his friends are growing desperate as they uncover more of the truth.

By John Irvin
This Bright Empires series by Stephen Lawhead just gets better and better the further you delve into the series.
After reading the first two books, I picked up The Spirit Well, knowing I wouldn’t be disappointed.
Stephen Lawhead always comes through.
With the twisting plots and the conniving villains, Kit, Mina, and everyone else is in a battle for the multi-verse.
If you haven’t grabbed books 1 and 2, you really need to do that and also snatch this one too.
If I remember correctly, each new book to the Bright Empires series had me staying up later and later the more I read.
I also fell for one of the girls, yes, I know she’s fiction. That’s probably a problem, but oh well. At least, I’m honest about it.
I wonder if any of my readers could guess which character I fell for. I’ll give you a hint, so far, I haven’t mentioned her in my blogs about each of these fantasy thrillers.
I think, you’ll have to buy the books and read them then guess, because I’ve been mentioning a lot of characters.
Here’s the link:
Before I go, I’m going to mention yesterday’s blog. It was focused on a non-fiction book. For some reason, I just noticed that I’d called in an urban fantasy thriller—my brain must have been stuck on the previous blog from the day before. So I’m sorry about that.
Now, back to The Spirit Well, here’s Amazon’s description:
“The Search for the Map—and the secret behind its cryptic code—intensifies in a quest across time, space, and multiple realities.
But what if the true treasure isn’t the map at all . . . what if the map marks something far greater? Something one world cannot contain? Those who desire to unlock that mystery are in a race to possess the secret—for good or evil.
Kit Livingstone is mastering the ability to travel across realities using ley lines and has forged a link from the Bone House, a sacred lodge made of animal bones, to the fabled Spirit Well, a place of profound power.
His friend Mina is undercover in a Spanish monastery high in the Pyrenees, learning all she can from a monk named Brother Lazarus. Still determined to find Kit, she is beginning to experience a greater destiny than she can fathom.
Cassandra Clarke is overseeing an archaeological dig in Arizona when a chance encounter transports her to 1950s Damascus. There, she finds herself unwillingly drawn to the Seekers—the last living remnants of the Zetetic Society who need her help to track down the missing Cosimo Livingstone and his grandson Kit.
But there are darker forces at work in the universe whose agents always seem to be one step ahead of the rest—and they’re all desperate to gain the ultimate prize in this treasure hunt where the stakes increase at every turn. At the heart of the mystery lies the Spirit Well.”
Do NOT miss out on the book: THE SPIRIT WELL.
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