by Aine Greaney

Published by Writer’s Digest Books

A review by John Irvin


“As an artist, your goals are broad, visionary statements which will give your daily work direction and a larger context.”

            From the back cover blurb:

            You can work full time and still have a productive writing life. Many writers waste time waiting for the day they can finally quit their day jobs and live the so-called writing dream. Don’t wait. You can do both—and your writing will be the better for it.

            Balancing a full-time job with your writing goals is no easy feat, but author Aine Greaney provides the exercises, inspiration, and techniques you need to build creative expression into your daily life and establish the productive writing life you’ve always wanted.

  • Make the most of your writing time early in the morning or late at night.
  • Harness the power of your lunch hour for writing, editing, and revising.
  • Use your commute—driving or riding—to power your writing.
  • Plan the perfect writing getaway.
  • Set goals, revise your work, and share your writing with coworkers.

You’ll also get quick, practical tutorials to help you master scenes, point of view, characters, settings, dialogue, and more.

            Writer With A Day Job gives you the strategies and motivation you need to work 40 hours a week (or more!) and still find the time to achieve writing success.

Writer With A Day Job by Aine Greaney, A Review

            When I bought this book, I was working an Emergency Room full-time job that drained my creative side’s energy. But reading this book helped me put things in perspective.

            No you don’t have much time to write when you’re working 40 hours plus at some job you probably hate—most people do. This inspirational book will show you how you can make that time.

            It definitely helped me in the last leg of my full-time job before I left it for a part-time job—this is how I gave myself even more writing time!

            But for most people, that’s not possible—you need that full-time paycheck. Well, this book is for you if you want to see success in your writing career.

            So, take my recommendation and click this link to go buy it: WRITER WITH A DAY JOB.

As a side note, I am required to inform you that my links provided are affiliate links to the said products. Hey, I’ve got to pay the bills somehow. I hope this is understandable!

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