Nightshade (Book 1 in the Nightshade Trilogy) by Andrea Cremer

Speak, an imprint of the Penguin Group

A review by John Irvin


“I’d always welcomed war, but in battle my passion rose unbidden.” –Calla

            This is the first book in an international bestseller series. It takes place in an underworld of magic orders who use wolf guardians to levy out their biddings.

            These are not your average werewolves thought—they’re actually cursed with spirits of wolves, or rather wolves cursed with human forms. You’ll have to read the book to figure out what that means.

            Book 1 introduces Calla, the alpha female of a shape-shifting pack. She’s matched with another alpha, Ren Laroche, by the order over them—also called, the “Keepers.” They would govern the pack and protect sacred sites.

            Then one day, Calla rescues a human boy and, of course, he captures her heart. Thanks to this twist, she questions her fate and existence. From these questions arise more questions until rebellion joins into the mix. Is it worth the risk though? To go against everything she is or was raised to be, is it worth it?

nightshade andrea cremer

            I’m all about werewolves—though more in the traditional sense. But I found this book’s different origins line quite fascinating. Of course, this is a Young Adults fantasy so it is required—as it seems to be today—to have the Love triangle. But I didn’t mind it, in fact, it worked out well with the plot.

            Some things happen that are meant to cause us to question our beliefs, our origins, anything. And if Calla never fell into a love triangle she would never question her own being which wouldn’t have brought on the rebellion against the actually evil Keepers.

            It did take awhile for me to decide which guy to root for though. I won’t say which. I guess, I’ll leave that up to you. And hey, maybe we could get a discussion going picking teams hahaha.

            So, take my recommendation and click this link to go buy it: NIGHTSHADE.

As a side note, I am required to inform you that my links provided are affiliate links to the said products. Hey, I’ve got to pay the bills somehow. I hope this is understandable!

The Skin Map (A Bright Empires Novel) by Stephen Lawhead

Thomas Nelson

A review by John Irvin


“Had he but known that before the day was over he would discover the hidden dimensions of the universe, Kit might have been better prepared. At least, he would have brought an umbrella.” –The Skin Map

            Kit Livingstone is one of those naive heroes it seems. The story begins with his stumbling through a ley line—something thought only to be stuff of legend—to find his great-grandfather waiting for him. An unforgettable story of intrigue and fantasy unravel before his and the reader’s eyes.

            Come to find out there is an entire multi-verse, with various versions of the same individuals but also time travel is thrown into the midst.

            There is the discovery of one secret hero who took a voyage through time and space, beating or averting every danger. Throughout his hidden trek across the many dimensions, he manages to map out the directions and places—etching the strange markings in his own skin.

            Kit is one of the finders of this skin map. But will he be able to decipher the meaning?

skin map stephen lawhead

            I’ll tell y’all one thing, this book kept me up late every night until I finished it. I was so immersed into the mysteries and adventures it was the hardest struggle to put it down. I’m not just saying this.

            From the very first sentence, you get this overshadowing sense that there is so much more to this universe than we realise and you are about to find out what it is.

            Stephen Lawhead is one of my top favourite authors because of this series. Yes, it is a series—five books in fact. As soon as I finished one, I’d order the next.

            There is also a tiny bit of clean romance too. Honestly, the way it unfolded felt like a breath of fresh air. But the emphasis was more on the adventure. I’d say the genre this book fits in would be alternate reality, epic treasure hunt, and ancient historical fantasy.

            So, take my recommendation and click this link to go buy it: THE SKIN MAP.

As a side note, I am required to inform you that my links provided are affiliate links to the said products. Hey, I’ve got to pay the bills somehow. I hope this is understandable!

Magic Burns (A Kate Daniels Novel) by Ilona Andrews

Ace Books

A review by John Irvin


“The phone rang in the middle of the night. The magic wave was in full swing, and the phone shouldn’t have worked, but it rang anyway, again and again, outraged over being ignored…” –Kate Daniels

            Second installation in the Kate Daniels series—Magic Burns brings a new definition to the word intense. Because she is a member of the Mercenary’s Guild, Kate is sent to clean up after magic gone awry.

            This adventure is after some maps, stolen from the Pack, but there is more to it than just a bunch of paperwork. There’s a magic flare coming and when flares hit, gods can be reborn and take on human form.

            Kate also has new enemies to battle—the Fomorians, sea demons. With the aide of the Witch Oracle, can she win? Will the Oracle even help? Those coven folk seem to have plans of their own.

magic burns ilona andrews

            Not only was this book another page-turner like the first one, the dry humor had me nearly rolling on the laughter. The emotional conflict as well is a titular experience—between Curran and Kate especially. You just know their relationship is building up to something amazing.

            Honestly, it’s such an awesome book, I find myself at a loss for words. I’ve considered sharing a little bit, maybe a page’s worth, of a taste but then, I feel, that would just take away from it.

            If you’ve already bought the first book, then, of course, you’re going to have to buy this second work! Even Patricia Briggs commented on how amazing it is—calling it an “edgy dark fantasy” and said there was just “the right amount of humor.”

            So, take my recommendation and click this link to go buy it: Magic Burns.

As a side note, I am required to inform you that my links provided are affiliate links to the said products. Hey, I’ve got to pay the bills somehow. I hope this is understandable!

Mermaid Seas: Discovery

by John Irvin

A commentary by John Irvin


“From the look on her angelic face, it was a message of warning.” –Mermaid Seas: Discovery

As promised, I’m going to take this first Friday for my blog review and talk about one of my own works. Mermaid Seas: Discovery is the first book in a historical fantasy trilogy. Right now it is only found through Kindle, but there are plans for an in-print version soon.

Cameron Weatherall recently joined the Confederate States Army and is shipped to Ft. McRree near Pensacola, Florida. His heart isn’t in the war, he longs for something else. It’s as if he were born for another world.

When he sees the mermaid and understands her frantic message, it’s up to him to save the ship.

Upon arrival at the Fort, the soldier in gray is on a mission to figure out if he’d only been daydreaming or if mermaid mythology is reality.

mermaid seas discovery

Will the two befriend each other? Will Cameron make it out of the oncoming battle alive? What is the life-changing decision that the mermaid offers and he must make? Can two people from two totally different worlds fall in love and be happy? Click this link to go check it out: Mermaid Seas Discovery.

As a side note, I am required to inform you that my links provided are affiliate links to the said products. Hey, I’ve got to pay the bills somehow. I hope this is understandable!

Relentless by Robin Parrish

Published by Bethany House Publisers

A review by John Irvin


“Collin Boyd stepped off the Metro bus on his way to work, and across the street he saw himself strolling down the sidewalk.” –Relentless by Robin Parrish

The first installation to a spine-tingling, hair-raising, nerve-gripping trilogy, Relentless is what I would call a sci-fi thriller. Grant Borrows is Shifted. What does that mean? It means, in the tic between heartbeats, his entire identity is altered.

He no longer looks like himself, talks like himself. Even more, the changes are deeper than skin-level. He now has powers and abilities that might get the better of him.

Next thing Grant knows, he’s whisked into a global conspiracy based on an ancient prophecy seven thousand years old. Both friend and foe locate him, trying to pull him in every direction.

What everyone—including Grant—doesn’t realize: you don’t want to push him over the line. Bad things happen. I mean, really bad things.


Let me say, I grabbed this book off the shelf several years ago just out of sheer chance it seems. Next thing I knew, I was yanked into a shattering world right along with Grant Burrows. I can safely say, I always ended up sitting on the edge of my sit whenever I read this book—all the way to the end.

            The emotional experience took me to the heights of awe and the valleys of depression—in a good way. If a book doesn’t make you cry or laugh at least once, it’s not a good book. This one had me gripping the cover and flipping the pages.

            If you enjoy a fiction even Ted Dekker praised—if you love hero’s journeys complete with conspiracies, sword-wielding assassins, prophecies of doom, people with mental powers of all varieties, click this link to go buy: Relentless by Robin Parrish.

As a side note, I am required to inform you that my links provided are affiliate links to the said products. Hey, I’ve got to pay the bills somehow. I hope this is understandable!

DemonWars First Heroes Saga of the First King By R.A. Salvatore

Published by Tom Doherty Associates, LLC

A review by John Irvin


“He looked at Bransen for a long, long time, then barely believed his own words as he said, ‘Get out of Pryd.’”—The Highwayman, First Heroes

            This specific volume actually includes the first two books of a tetrology set in R.A. Salvatore’s land of Corona: The Highwayman and The Ancient. Starting off as a despised cripple who slaves for a group of priests, the Highwayman discovers magical stones that aide him in straightening his body, giving him superhuman abilities.

            Battle for the lands are two opposing religions, various monsters like goblins and powries who love human flesh, and a subtle hope that maybe tyranny would be vanquished.

            With his new powers and a sword at his side, the Highwayman is on a quest. Is it for justice or vengeance? He must look inside himself to discover his true reasons and his purpose in the world.

demonwars saga of the first king

During his travels, Bransen Garibond—the Highwayman—is tricked to take a journey across the Gulf of Corona to a vile land called Vanguard. Will he survive?

            I enjoyed these first two installments in the Saga of the First King and would recommend them to any high fantasy readers. I felt like I was taken along on an adventure, being gifted with tours of these new realms. The hero also jumped out at me. The fact that he did not start off as some invulnerable, unflawed character was refreshing. Then to have him discover the powers and go on to use them for good was impressive.

            The writing is deep, but not slow as some older works are. If you’ve ever seen Princess Bride and know how amazing that film is, you will definitely enjoy this book—it’s even deeper than ROUSs and a swordsman out for vengeance against a six-fingered man. Click this link to go buy: DEMONWARS: SAGA OF THE FIRST KING.

As a side note, I am required to inform you that my links provided are affiliate links to the said products. Hey, I’ve got to pay the bills somehow. I hope this is understandable!