Announcement for my New Weekly Blog Schedule and the Upcoming Author Vlog.

I’m dropping the Days and Raising the Expectations with the Audiences.

By John Irvin

            There are quite a few changes—several different revamps and new launches—approaching on the horizon.

           I’ve already been slowly talking about already if you’ve been reading my recent posts. So this one will be extra short.

            My authorpreneur blog will be moved to Thursday only. The Broadcast—or newsletter—will still be on Fridays. So this will be my last Monday blog and I won’t be doing a Wednesday blog. This Thursday—which is the 28th of November will NOT have a blog. It’ll be starting the new phase next week!

There are always revamps in life, make sure there’s no quitting

            Reason for this being, I’m launching a YouTube vlog around New Year’s and it will be coinciding with my blog thenceforth. It’ll make my job a little less complicated so I can have more time writing and publishing.

            Basically, I’ll figure out how to provide the video link in my blog on my website and in the video relate the link back to the blog. Circular, but efficient, I think.

            I have so many videos to record in the coming month! But it is exciting. All this work I’m adding onto my plate makes me think that by the end of 2020, I’ll be able to accomplish my main goal.

            That’s Freedom.

            Freedom to take a Book Tour whenever and wherever I please.

            Freedom to write whenever and wherever I want.

            Freedom to get to know my readers better since I could make more time socializing instead my time off from my Author career working a 9 to 5 (or rather 10 to 6 or 7 in my case).

            Freedom to be my own CEO.

            Thank you for joining me on my journey…let’s be friends!

            Here’s to Freedom!

I am an affiliate marketer for Amazon and some of the links provided are affiliate links, meaning I make a tiny percentage of a sale if you go through my links.

If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

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It’s Cold and My Heater Isn’t Working, but I’ve got a Good Book to Read

I’m reading about Working At Home and I’ve already Started a few Side Hustle Gigs via for Proofreading and Ghostwriting Blog Articles.

By John Irvin

            So, I’ve returned from the camping trip, I hope y’all had a great weekend. It was drop-dead gorgeous while we were up there at Oak Mountain, Alabama.

            The weather was sunny about 95% of the time, it only got frigid a little bit during the nights, but not as unbearable as it has been in the past.

Vista from King’s Chair at Oak Mountain, Alabama

            Then of course, the night I return, the temperature drops below freezing. This morning, I could not get out from under my covers it was so cold. So that messed up my schedule. This is why I’m so late with today’s blog.

            But I’ve still got a whole afternoon to worry about it.

            So there’s no complaining from the peanut gallery.

            I took a quick trip into town earlier and ended up having to change a blown tire. That was awesome fun in the cold—with the burning ice of the metal bars. It woke me up.

            It just made me laugh, because that’s life. You just have to go with the flow sometimes, take the punches when they come, smile and say, I’m not dead yet. Keep going, eventually you’ll scale your mountain.

            I’m reading an amazing book right now about Working at Home by a kindred spirit author of mine. If you’re interested in cutting out that annoying commute, no longer having those annoying bosses breathing down your necks, and a better security of being your own CEO, I recommend reading this book!

            Caitlin Pyle knows what she’s talking about.

            I randomly came across her article on Pinterest. I’ve been dying to leave my pizza delivery side job—you all know this from past blogs—and something inside me just said, pay for that shipping.

            Well, after some miscommunications with printer and publisher, they were finally able to ship me the book. It was waiting for me in my mailbox when I got home from the camping trip on Monday night.

            I’m almost finished with it.

            There’s a 28-day step launch plan at the back too.

            It gives me hope and also ideas for some side hustles.

            Back when I first started on this Authorpreneur job and didn’t really know much about what I was doing, I advertised myself as a copyeditor and proofreader as well as a freelance writer. I really had no idea what I was doing.

            Well, now that I do, and I’ve been reading this book, I’m now starting some side gigs on for proofreading for my fellow authors.

            We all need each other—as the saying goes, We rise by lifting each other up. And we can’t rely on our own two eyes to catch those pesky little typos after the editor has had her fill of our books.

            So I’m here for my author friends. If you’re a writer, here’s my link: If you know a writer, please share this link with them. That would be such a blessing to me and I hope to them.

            As for my own writing, I’m so happy and full of anticipation. My cover artist started working on the design for Book 2, Independence, in my Longevity series. I’m looking forward to seeing her glorious work soon!

            As for Book 1, Revelation, I just checked this morning, and the E-Book IS being sold now right along side the Hardcover and Paperback on I’m so happy!

Longevity, Book 1: Revelation by John Irvin
Hardcover, Paperback, and E-Book NOW available on!

            Even with Life getting in the way, praise God, I’m still making headway, staying on track—it’s a little slower than I like, but slow progress is better than no progress.

            I’ll talk to y’all next week or in my Broadcast if you’ve subscribed!

I am an affiliate marketer for Amazon and some of the links provided are affiliate links, meaning I make a tiny percentage of a sale if you go through my links.

If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

Follow me on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram. Or email me at

When Paying Attention to What’s Going On, I Have a Lot on My Plate with this Author Book Thing

While I’m working on getting my Books into Bookstores and Libraries, I’ve realised I need to jump on the Waves called Audio Books and Non-US Sales.

By John Irvin

            So I’ve been listening to a podcast by one of a my Authorpreneur mentors. I’m going to have to talk about her work sometime or interview her or something along those lines in the near future. We’ll see.

            But she’s been talking about how Audiobooks are the fastest growing collective in the book field. The reason for this is people don’t have the kind of time they used to—thanks to Netflix, Hulu, and other wonderful streaming sites. There is also a growing number of high schoolers graduating college unable to read.

            Then there are those among us—some of my friends—who learn and retain information better through sound. I retain things when I can read them on a page, I discovered that in college.

            But every one is different.

            So I’ve decided I need to go audio. As for whether I’m going to hire a narrator or do it myself—I’m certain 97% of audio book readers would agree with me. An author should narrate his own work.

            Now, I’ve never considered myself a speech kind of person. I’m an introvert through and through.

            That’s the whole reason I’m a writer—I have so many things to tell you, but I don’t want to have to look you in the face. Not because I’m a coward, it’s just my personality. I feed off of vibes.

            That’s besides the point.

            So yes, that’s going to be one of my next steps with my Longevity series.

            Though I would like to have other voice actors speak for my characters—that’s too expensive sadly. So I’m still contemplating and figuring things out.

            You know the funny and cool thing about this blog. When you read it, if you read it when you get it, I’ll be driving back down from a camping trip with a bunch of friends. Of course, it may rain and we had to cut the trip short so I may already be home, but we’ll see.

            No one can predict the future to the decimal.

            But I’ve scheduled the post to make sure I keep on time. I hate being late.

Europe’s e-book domain is growing exponentially…

            As for the other idea, I’m going to be looking into the foreign market for my books. My mentor has shown Kindle is growing in leaps and bounds over in Germany and France.

            Plus, I already have a United Kingdom Book Tour planned—not sure whether that will be 2021 or 2022—so it would make sense I make sure my books are selling first over there.

            So these are two waves, I feel in my gut I need to be riding. I have some hopes and goals for this coming New Year. I’m looking forward to it.

I am an affiliate marketer for Amazon and some of the links provided are affiliate links, meaning I make a tiny percentage of a sale if you go through my links.

If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

Follow me on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram. Or email me at

The Entrepreneurial Struggle Will Wear You Down

But You Have to Keep Going and Believing, Think of Those Behind You.

By John Irvin

            After last weeks theme of breaking the chains of Corporatism, I sure feel “plum tuckered out” that’s old hillbilly speak for I’m tired.

            It’s funny how in the Author journey—as in every aspect of life it seems—your motivation comes in waves. One week you can be all fired up and the next down in the dumps.

            This is where discipline comes in.

            This is where determination comes in.

I will keep writing, no matter what.
Why are we not running like we’re on fire toward our dreams?

            We only have one life on this planet, it runs out fast, why are we not running like our butts are on fire toward our dreams?

            But, when you work hard, keep going, pushing yourself to the limit, every single day and get little upfront reward. When you watch you bank account fluctuate so close to the red line for so long. When your mind begins to tell you your friends and family are giving up hope in your dreams.

            When people start to question you, Why are you doing this? Why aren’t you looking for a better job? It’s been three years, if it was meant to be, don’t you think it would have shown up by now?

            Doubt settles in. Life laughs and punches you in the groin.

            You fall. Push yourself up.

            Life hits you again.

            You fail again.

            So you start to lie on the ground a little longer each time.

            The ground starts to feel like a comforter. It whispers in your ears, You can’t do this, why don’t you give up? You’ll only hurt yourself more.

            But we weren’t made to stay on the ground.

            It’s when you feel like you just flat out can’t go on—every single cell in your body screams to give up. You actually start to want to give up. But you take another step anyways, that’s true strength.

            So I’m going to keep with my plan, try a new plan, and keep going.

Magic's Time Split, Book 1: Hidden Lake's Light by John Irvin
This book is Permanently Free! (PermaFree)

            I’d like to let you know, thought I’m still exhausted, I got up this morning and started writing the next book in my Magic’s Time Split series. Book 5 is going to be a fun one. I still haven’t exactly figured out a title that zings with me though.

            Since I started writing down the idea of the whole series, the title was tentatively called People Change Too. Because the main mythic creature type to be introduced in this one will be Shapeshifters.

            I finished Book 4, When Nights Bleed, last week and its main mythic creature type was Vampires. The one before that was Zombies. So you’re starting to see my trend here, aren’t you?

            But I want a better working title, maybe by Wednesday’s blog I’ll have figured one out. I’ll let you know.

            Over in my Longevity series, Book 2, Independence, was just returned to me by my Editor and I’m excited. I’ve finished adding in the interior stuff like Copyright page, author profile page, other works page, etc. so now it’s only waiting for a formatter and the cover art and ISBNs, a some little tweaking then it will be ready for its due date in January 2020.

            Just talking about that gives me a little energy to keep going. I’ve come so far, there’s no point stopping now.

            If you’d like download Book 1 in my Magic’s Time Split series for FREE go to this link: Hidden Lake’s Light.

            If you’d like Book 2 for free, make sure you sign up for my newsletter!

            If you’re interested in starting the Longevity series, you should check it out on Amazon! I’ve got it in Hardcover, Paperback, and E-Book. Though I think Amazon is still taking its time adding the E-Book. But here’s the link: Revelation.

Longevity, Book 1: Revelation by John Irvin is out on Hardcover, Paperback, and E-Book
Revelation comes in three formats!

            Next blog post I’ll share an excerpt from each of these three books. Does that sound good?

            All right, I’ll talk to y’all on Wednesday!

I am an affiliate marketer for Amazon and some of the links provided are affiliate links, meaning I make a tiny percentage of a sale if you go through my links.

If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

Follow me on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram. Or email me at

Freeing Myself From the Traditional Lies that have Enslaved Me. You Can Too!

The Continued Rant of an Artist who No longer Believes the Lies of Corporatism.

By John Irvin

            Welcome back, thanks for suffering through this rant with me. I’m seriously trying not to let this be a rant. But, I don’t know about you, this whole “you need a real job” advice I get from friends and loved ones has pushed me to the line.

I don’t want a ‘real’ job, I want a job that’s real to me

            Every job I’ve worked at I end up going through the same routine. I make friends with my coworkers—I fall in love with them. But I’ve never had the urge to advance in my positions no matter what job I’ve worked, whether it’s warehouse or hospital or pizza delivery.

            Many bosses have tried to promote me—it’s not a promotion when you already don’t enjoy the work. Why would I want to add more responsibilities and stress on my own shoulders?

            But most of my coworker-friends don’t think this. They see a promotion as something profound they can add onto their Resume to make them look good for the next job. I get this, not hating on them for this.

            The problem comes when the job suddenly gets between us. Whether it’s a miscommunication between us or their higher-ups stuffing things down their throat (in general, I’ve come to learn, the higher in power you go, the more common sense you lose. You forget the people under you when all those numbers start to parade in front of you) and suddenly we’re no longer friends, but rather boss and employee.

            It hurts. It stings. And when people outside of work tell, Apply to other jobs. That frustrates me. Why would I want to repeat the cycle again? I want freedom from this monotonous soul-crushing like society places on our shoulders as soon as we graduate from high school or college.

Why repeat the cycle again?

            I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of or taken the Myers-Briggs Personality Test, but according to it, there are 16 types in the world. I am an INFJ, the rarest of all—making up only 2 to 3 % of the world population. I’ve always been independent, butting heads with anyone who tried to boss me around.

            But ever since I decided to set out on this authorpreneur journey, become my own boss, my mindset has shifted even more. I no longer feel the employee-employer relationship. Yes, I still obey the rules and policies of the company. Yes, I still do my job. But I can’t stand being treated like an employee—an underling beneath some manager who hasn’t even been working at the company as long as I have.

            It just doesn’t work in my brain anymore.

            Okay, this is now sounding more like a rant. But all I am trying to do is explain to those who tell me I need a real job or more on to another company since I’m frustrated.

            To you wonderful people, I love you, I appreciate your thoughtfulness, but no. That doesn’t work for me.

            My writing IS my real job and I have come to no longer expect you to understand that. You still see it as just another hobby.

You still see writing as just another hobby…

            To those of you among my readers who are of a kindred spirit, I love you. Whatever you do, do NOT give up. If you know what your passion is, stick to it. One of these days, we will find our dream careers. We will be able to kiss corporatism good-bye and we will figure this mess out.

            Here’s to making money in our sleep or while we build a life we no longer have to take a vacation from. Here’s to us who believe dreams do come true. Let the peasants stay stuck at their dead-end jobs living from paycheck to paycheck.

            To each their own.

            We’ll build the new world without them.

If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

Follow me on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram. Or email me at

Why Do You Want to Be a Writer? Why Don’t You Want a Real Job?

Find What is Real to You and Stick to It!

By John Irvin

            I get these questions so many times—every since I quit a corporate job and became a full-time author. I had to grab a pizza delivery part-time job to help with the bills, been there for two and a half years and it is running thin.

With Freedom comes Responsibility, but also Happiness
With Freedom comes Responsibility, but also Happiness.

            Society has trumped up these lies that if you don’t work a 9 to 5 or you don’t work 40 hours or more a week, you’re not working a real job. Society has us believing we must trade 8 to 12 or more hours every single day just to live from paycheck to paycheck.

            Lies, lies, and more lies.

            Corporatism in America has done a great job brainwashing us.

            And our friends and family are on that bandwagon so it makes it that much more of a struggle to stand for what we are passionate about. Everyone has plenty of advice to give, but no support.

            This traditional way does not work for me, it never has. I believed the lies for too many years. Now that I’m about to hit 30, my mindset is finally flipped. I no longer think the same way I did five years ago after wasting 5 years and over $40,000 on an education that—though fun for the most part—has no worth in this corporate-led economy we slave under.

            I’m not angry, I hope I don’t sound like it. I’m just tired of people not getting it.

            You don’t need a ‘real’ job—you were NOT made to live the same year 75 times and call it a life. You were NOT made to live from paycheck to paycheck, slaving at a job you either hate or simply have no love for—don’t call that a life.

            Find what you love to do then find someone who needs that and get them to pay you.

I write because it’s real to me.

            Shed those lies of traditional corporatism and take the risk of freedom.

            To those who love this traditional way, forgive me. It’s not for me.

            Why do I write? Because I was born to be a writer—it just took me twenty-six years to realise it! I have no time to waste on a 40 plus job just because I need to pay bills the government or some other business decides they have authority to slap on me.

            For now, I’m working a traditional 9 to 5 (or rather, in my case, 10am to 7 or 8pm), because I have to pay those bills, but I only give them part of my time, only what is necessary for the bills as well as paying for publishing my books. My friends and coworkers at the job understand this: it is a means to an end.

            But I’m also finding the job is now threatening some friendships I’ve come to cherish. When I got written up for something stupid a couple days ago, I was a hairline away from putting in my two weeks not just because it stung (I’m not the kind of employee who gets written up often) but suddenly the job was a threat to this relationship.

            Only logic and reason convinced me to hold on a little longer. My books are a source of income, but it’s still too small for freedom…yet.

            Maybe I should split this into a two part series, it’s getting rather long. So I’m going to cut it short and I’ll continue on Wednesday.

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I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

Follow me on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram. Or email me at