What it Takes to Be a Writer, a YouTube and Blog Worthy Discussion.

Sharing this month’s YouTube vlog and also continuing its discussion about the facets of being a writer—or full-time author.

By John Irvin

            This month’s YouTube Author Journey Series episode is out this morning. Here is the link below. Click through to watch yours truly talking about what it takes to be a writer.

            I would like to continue the brief chat about being a writer. Many people have asked me of late, how do you do it? Where do you find the time? How do you become a writer?

            Personally, I’ve always been a writer, even before I started writing. You can ask my family. Growing up, I was always sharing stories or dreams with my younger brothers. I’d initiate stories with them to the point, my bed was moved out of the shared bedroom.

            It was through this move, I think, I decided it was time to start writing my stories down. Sometimes, people begin their writing journal because no one else listens. Not to say my family didn’t listen, but there was a point where they tired of hearing of all these “far-fetched” ideas I had.

            So, there was a day, when I was fourteen years old, I sat down and started penning the first line to the first story I ever truly wrote. Years later, I discovered old pictures I’d drawn when I was a young child years before that. I drew these cartoons and wrote little snippets when I was too young to know the proper sentence structure.

            You could say I was born writing.

            Other people start writing later in life. It doesn’t matter when you start, but start you must. If there is a story inside you, don’t suppress it. Don’t hide it. Let it out or it will strangle you.

            Many times, we writers have no idea what is coming out of our fingers. We don’t tend to share this with folk, except for those we feel close to, maybe. Just because an author is successful, doesn’t mean he or she still knows what he’s doing.

            We are servants of that muse. Our only duty is to be writing when she shows up.

            There are stories inside us that surprise even ourselves. How could we come up with something so dark? How could we sound so evil? Aren’t we good people? Then how did we imagine that murder scene? Aren’t we friendly people? How come our characters seem to despise humanity?

            Every book is a piece of its author, but an author is not responsible for the character’s thoughts, words, or actions. The book summons the author, not the other way around.

            Writing is our freedom to delve into parts of ourselves we do not dare become. But, it gives us the freedom to explore the consequences of these pieces.

            Sometimes, there’s a sense of justice that must be served and these plots are to help us find closure. Maybe someone did us wrong in the past, we’ve forgiven them—or maybe we haven’t—but this book must be written to truly bring justice against that wrong.

            By the way, don’t ever wrong a writer. They get their revenge in print.

            We can also flip that on its head. If a writer falls in love with you, you’ll live forever.

            I find some of my best writing comes from falling in love or being heartbroken.

            Sometimes I feel I’m only along for the ride, following my protagonist around and letting him show me things I haven’t even realised myself. It can be a life lesson to follow the journey of an author.

            Take my Longevity series. I don’t think I’ve ever been more emotionally involved with a story than with this one. I can’t share how many tears I’ve shared with my character in certain heart-wrenching scenes.

            In the last book, Wandering, my editor gave me feedback about my protagonist’s actions. They pointed out, they were enjoying watching how this person was discovering he was standing in the way of himself.

            And it hit me. Have I been standing in my own way? I’ve always struggled with self-confidence. Most people don’t realise this, but doubting is one of my biggest weaknesses. I think this is why my career path has been so fettered by one stumbling block after another.

            But, I’m slowly understanding myself more and more and beginning to implement more confidence in my actions or my beliefs. Life is unfolding for me just as it is for my Wolf-Born character.

            Interesting things these books—even more, when you are their creator.

            Another thing I talk about in the YouTube episode is how a writer needs to step out of his comfort zone and take his books to his readers. I feel like social networking is only one way of making connections. The old way can sometimes be the good way.

            This is why I planned the Toward the Pacific Author Book Tour for next month. Now, if you’ve been keeping up to date with me, you’ll know my team has postponed it for Spring of 2021. We are, however, keeping the campaign open for the fundraising. Maybe an extra eight or nine months will give us the preparation we need?

            It’ll also give more people the chance to show their support and donate to the campaign! Click through to the link below and join our supporters! We’re excited to share these books and our adventures with you as we get ready for next year!


          Until next week, y’all have a great life.

If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

I’ve now been hosting a YouTube channel called John Irvin, Author Journey Series. Check it out at YOUTUBE.COM/AUTHORJOURNEY

Follow me on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram. Or email me at john@johnirvinauthor.com

Some Changes, Some Plans, Interview with Another Character.

All things Authorpreneur and Publishing This Month.

By John Irvin

            So, one big change this month of June 2020, I’ve dropped my YouTube vlog down to an episode a month. With my Proofreading business starting to grow, I’ve been focusing more on expanding visibility via the Pinterest platforms and LinkedIn.

            Yes, I know, YouTube helps with visibility, but I wasn’t seeing much growth for awhile and after so many episodes, it’s lost its priority. Do I plan to make it a priority again? Naturally.

            Until then, y’all will have to suffer not seeing much of my face in real time. Yes, I know, that’s so hard for you.

            Just kidding.

            Now with the publishing venue, I’m still working on that for this month. Mountains Are Living is getting close. In fact, I believe, at the rate I’m going, it will be ready to publish over this weekend—if not Monday next week!

            Wandering is still being reworked by my editor. I’ll be sending her an email soon if I don’t hear back before the end of this week. But I’m moving that publication due date to the end of this month.

            Now, for my next character interview—I have a friend from my Shattered series showing up today. She’s not the main character, but she definitely has a role to play. This is former President Emily Morgan of the Southern Federation.

President Emily Morgan (S.F.)

            John: Thanks for joining us today, Miss President.

            Emily: Please, John, call me Emily. Being President of the Southern Federation was just a job while I had it.

            John: Thanks, Emily. So, tell me, where were you born?

            Emily: I was born in a small town outside of Atlanta, Georgia.

            John: And you were obviously raised by a Southern couple?

            Emily: Yes, my Daddy and Mother were Southern-bred also and they raised me up proper, teaching me about Jesus Christ and standing for what was right.

            John: And could you give us a brief summary of why you got into politics?

            Emily: Certainly. In the beginning, I wanted nothing to do with politics. I hated all the agendas and propaganda. But when the Black Out hit North America, the nuclear chain reaction that sent Washington, D.C. and the northeast to kingdom come, my people were struggling.

            John: Excuse me, forgive me for interrupting. But could you let us know what the Black Out was?

            Emily: You’re the author, John, you couldn’t do that? *giggling* Anyhoo, back to the seriousness. The Black Out was a worldwide EMP caused by a solar flare, it sent the world wide grids into a black out, killing power everywhere. There was an accident in a nuclear facility because of this and the U.S. Capital along with its northeastern seaboard was blown up.

            John: This must have left the States in complete chaos?

            Emily: It definitely did. In fact, the gang wars and loss of command basically disintegrated true law and the governments became little dictatorships. But this did not stop freedom fighters all across North America starting new nations. The first spark was with the Locke Republic, this revolution was led by a Samuel Turnover and a small militia network in the former Montgomery, Alabama.

            John: You say former?

            Emily: Yes, once they won their revolution, they changed the whole territory from Birmingham down to Pensacola and west to the Mississippi to the Locke Republic. Montgomery’s name became Liberty City, the Capital of the new nation.

            John: And how did this related to you and your country?

Flag of the Southern Federation

            Emily: The Southern Federation came a little over a year later. With all the gang wars going on, mostly in Atlanta, a new revolution broke out across Tennessee, the Carolinas, Georgia, and the rest of Florida. Men of honour stepped up to the plate and a plan was executed. After winning our revolution, I was found it my duty to join in the new politics and found myself climbing the ranks pretty quickly. My whole desire was to serve my country to the best of my ability and bring back order and freedom to our peoples. Before I knew it, I was elected president of the new country.

            John: This helped you play a major role in the coming war?

            Emily: I haven’t gotten there yet, John, hold your horses. Yes, revolutions raged across North America. Of course, you had the few remaining loyalists to the old regime who wanted to restore its imperialist boundaries. They called themselves the Washington Empire and the American Union.

            John: You say, these were the villains in this…North American War?

            Emily: Yes, the people had spoken, these tyrants only wanted to subvert the people’s will.

            John: Spoken like a true patriot.

            Emily: Thank you, John.

            John: Well, I’m guessing you can’t give us the news about how the war is won or anything along those lines?

            Emily: Where would the fun be in that? You’ll have to tell your readers to buy the books.

            John: Thank you. Emily Morgan of the Southern Federation, folks.

Click through to Order your Copy today of Shattered: The Complete Collection!

            That’s all the time I have for today. I hope to see you back next week! In the meantime, my team and I are still raising the funds for our book tour. Join our supporters who have already donated to the cause and help us reach our goal!


          Until next week, y’all have a great life.

If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

I’ve now been hosting a YouTube channel called John Irvin, Author Journey Series. Check it out at YOUTUBE.COM/AUTHORJOURNEY

Follow me on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram. Or email me at john@johnirvinauthor.com

The Author Reads His Work, the Listeners Support Him…Hopefully?

I’m reading an excerpt from the exclusive serial for my Patreon Gryphons ($5 a month backers), the Ikkilion Chronicles.

By John Irvin

So, here’s Part 3 in my Author Reading Excerpts trilogy for my YouTube channel. It’s from the exclusive Ikkilion Chronicles—this is the only time you’ll get to hear a snippet from it, unless you go to Patreon and click the “pledge $5 a month” button.

Click the logo to check me out!

Becoming one of my awesome supporters who helps me with my monthly finances so I don’t have to spend as much time at my other jobs away from my writing. I want to thank you ahead in advance for your support.

If you can’t support financially right now, sharing this blog, or the vlog, liking both of them, commenting on either, will help me as well. So thank you in advance for that also!

Now, go check out the reading:

            What’s in the Works for Now?

            So, if you’ve been keeping up with both my blog and vlog, you know I’m launching a GoFundMe campaign sometime next month. The money we bring in from this campaign will fund my first Author Book Tour, set for August of this year!

            I’ll be discussing this more in next week’s vlog just so you know. That video I’m actually going to be sharing across my networks and I have a Launch Team ready to share it as well.

            I also would like to announce, Book 3: As Flesh Rots, is finally published! Here is the link to Amazon:

          And now, the vlog transcript.

            John Irvin, Author Journey Series
Episode 9, Reading Excerpts Part 3

Welcome back to John Irvin, Author Journey Series, Episode 9, Reading Excerpts Part 3.

            What is Patreon? It’s a site where artists of all types can set up a profile and share the work with the world. People can sign up and make monthly pledges for these artists, which gives them a chance to spend more time with their own work rather at some dead-end job.

It’s almost like a monthly crowdfunding, one person can pledge $5 a month so it only costs him maybe a Starbucks coffee once a month. But then, when an artist has 100 of these backers, he’s getting $500 a month while not costing each backer that much. I also reward my backers as does the rest of the Patreon community, in tier levels.

My rewards are mentions in my upcoming book dedications as well as two free e-books—one the first month and the second on the second month—and a weekly episode in the Ikkilion Chronicles serial.

This is an excerpt taken from Ikkilion Chronicles, Episode 2: The Great Escape:

“You just going to watch or are you going to help like a good husband?”

Clearing my throat, I scurry to her side, reaching for the wall. My skin brushes against cold wet stone.


The moss growing between the cracks is gooey.

I narrow my eyes in the dark. Gooey moss between the stones might actually be a good thing. My fingers move southward as I crouch. I grin when I find what I’m looking for.

Fea kneels down at my side.

“Find something?”

“Just maybe.” I bob my head, still grinning. I trace the edge of sandstone.

There’s a puff of air in constant stream against my fingers.

Clenching my jaws, I push one hand against the crevice and nearly shout for joy when it gives way.

The stone bricks crumble, opening up into a small hand-sized hole.

I grab both sides with my hands, ramming again. With every push, I tear the wall to pieces until there is a gaping maw large enough for both my wife and me to crawl through.

“You first, my Love.” I grab Fea’s arm, ushering her forward.

Fea bends over, scooting through the gap. Her jeans right cuff snags on a corner, nevertheless she yanks it away, tearing a small seam.

I drop to all fours, scrambling through after her. I notice her black leather boots are covered in the muck of the cell.

I’ll clean those for her if we make it out of this, I promise myself.

“This isn’t the outside of the dungeon.” Fea squeaks. Her voice echoes in the chamber we’ve crawled into.

I propel myself onto my feet, surveying the room.

It’s twice as large as our cell and a little brighter.

Where’s the light coming from? I wonder. My cold steel eyes bounce around until I find what I’m looking for.

A small window lodged in the sandstone brick wall to our right.

“You think we can reach it and get through?” Fea voices the questions in my mind.

I shrug, tip-toeing over to the wall. Staring up at the window, I measure how high up it is. My lips moving while I calculate, I narrow my eyes.

The window is set twenty bricks above us. With each brick measuring maybe four inches in height, the window is eighty inches above—or rather, five feet and ten inches. Perfect.

“You’ll have to climb onto my shoulders.” I inform Fea.

She crosses her arms over her chest. “What will you do once I’m through?”

“I’ll climb up.” I grin, trying to exude confidence. Kneeling down in front of her, I wink. “Remind you of a day not too long ago?”

She crinkles her nose at me, yet says nothing. Her boots rise from the floor, planting themselves on my shoulders.

I’m glad they’re not steel-toed. That would probably hurt.

For her height, she barely weighs a thing. My Fea has always been about staying healthy, keeping fit, all that good stuff—every since our engagement, she was my go-to workout partner.

“Coming up.” I grit through my teeth, pushing on my knees. I stretch until I’m standing upright.

Fea grabs the window sill. “It’s wide enough for both of us to fit through.” Her fingers latch onto the bottom ledge.

I hoist my shoulders, giving her a little extra boost while she pulls herself through the escape hatch.

“So glad someone didn’t think to put bars on that window.” I remark to no one in particular. Turning around, I gaze toward the window, watching my wife’s butt disappear outside. I’ve always thought she had the sexiest butt and those legs, Mmm. Wow.

“You climbing yet?” Fea’s voice interrupts my observations.

“Right now.” I smirk, shaking my head. Stretching my hands above my head, I find a toe hold at the base of the wall. My own black leather boots fit my feet nice and snug, making it easy for me to feel my way up.

My fingers find all the crevices while I strain my forearms, pulling the entirety of my body weight every inch.

When my hands reach the window, Fea reaches in and grabs a hold. She grunts and groans while I squeeze air through my teeth.

My head feels like it’s about to explode—climbing stone walls shouldn’t be this hard. Finally, my shoulders fit through the window. I’ve nowhere else to go, except out.

The cool night breeze puffs on my face.

I smell salt.

When the blood stops pounding in my ears, I start to hear waves beating against a shore nearby.

Breathing in deeply, I crawl the rest of the way before going rigid.

If I’d kept going forward another foot, I’d find no more brick wall beneath my hands and knees. I’m right on the edge looking down at a drop of maybe thirty feet.

Below, the ground slopes for another twenty feet before diving into frothing waves.

That’s the Utragorn Bay which leads out to the Southerly Sea.

The West Wing of the Palace sits right on a small peninsula to the south of town, overlooking the Bay—at a lesser life-threatening time, I’d say it was the most beautiful view I’d ever seen.

This side of the Palace doesn’t have the city lights in view so there were more stars in the evening sky.

Apparently the sun had gone down while we were still being questioned by the Witch Queen.

“There’s a ledge heading around the West Wing.” Fea points off to her left—I do not like how close to the edge her heels are. “If we follow it, I think I see a staircase heading down outside the wall. Since we’re on top here, we can jump over the gate at its top.”

“Sounds like a plan to me.” I state. Rising to my feet, I almost trip over a dislodged piece of sandstone.

And that’s all for today’s book reading. This completes my book reading trilogy.

If you’re interested in supporting me, please click the link below and it’ll take you to my Patreon site.

Come back next week to get the latest run down on my GoFundMe Campaign Launch.

So, please subscribe, drop by my website through the link below, subscribe for my newsletter, shoot me a message—I try to always respond in a timely matter.

Until next week, have a great life.

If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

Follow me on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram. Or email me at john@johnirvinauthor.com

My Book Family of Short Reads and the Rest of My Works, Covered Here and on YouTube for Part Three

Today, over on YouTube, I’ll be covering the rest of my works I’ve published in the past three years.

By John Irvin

Already the third week into January, time is already flying by. The publication date for Longevity, Book 2: Independence is approaching fast and I still have a few loose ends to tie up. Yeehaw!

Today’s vlog is published on YouTube, check it out here. I hope you can tolerate my lame speaking skills, I write better than I talk.

            I have covered the Longevity series, the Magic’s Time Split series, and my StarQuest Anthology. Beyond that, today I’m covering my Mermaid Seas Trilogy and several other short works. I have quite a few more, so now that I’m recording the video, I’m beginning to wonder if I should perhaps add a Part 4 to this opening YouTube series.

            I’m trying to keep the videos to an average of 5 minutes.

            It’s been a busy month already to say the least.

            But, I feel more like an authorpreneur and CEO of my own business. Because that’s what business is: business. No pun intended. No, nothing like the Harry Potter pun I read the other day, you gotta watch out for those, they Slytherin.

            Sorry. Moving on.

            This morning, I’m working on the second draft to Book 3, As Flesh Rots, in my Magic’s Time Split series. Next week will be the second draft for Book 4, When Nights Bleed. After that I’m writing the next installation of the Ikkilion Chronicles for my Patreon backers.

            So the rest of my January is booked in my writing domain.

            I’m also gathering more volunteers for my GoFundMe Fundraiser Launch Team set for March. The plan is to have a pre-launch party, get up to 15 volunteer members for the team and make sure they’re all on the same page. We hope to gather a good chunk of pre-launch pledges.

Look for volunteers for a Launch Team
Looking for a team…

            All funds raised in this campaign will only be sent on the expenses for and related to the John Irvin Author Book Tour 2020. That is set for August and could tentatively take me all the way to Los Angeles! Fingers crossed.

            I’ll keep sharing more info on this as the Launch Day approaches.

Teams make faster progress.

            Backers will be placed in tiered levels, depending on the amount they can give. Believe me, every dollar counts, so whatever can be given is appreciated. Each tier gets a reward, each reward stacked on top of the previous the higher the amount reaches in the stacked tiers.

            It’s been done before, many entrepreneurs in this day and age use crowdfunding to startup their businesses. I’ve done a ton of reading and research on this topic and am finally using this medium in hopes to see my Author dream come into fruition.

            My books may be fiction, but I do believe there is a message—even a small one—in each story. There is always the quote I love reciting, I think C.S. Lewis said it, if not, I apologize.

            “Fairy tales are not real because they tell us dragons are real. Fairy tales are real because they teach us dragons can be beaten.”

            If you know the real person who said that, let me know. Thank you ahead of time.

If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

Follow me on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram. Or email me at john@johnirvinauthor.com

What Book made Me Realize Reading Meant Something to Me?

I started reading at an early age, as far back as I can remember, but, I think, the one Book that entrenched my love for reading more was…

By John Irvin

A tale of knights and ladies…

            It was a tale of knights and ladies, lords and princesses, of vengeance and justice, it was a tale carved from the dark ages, to bring light to this young lad.

            Men of Iron by Howard Pyle was one of those books you read more than once. It is the tale of a boy who becomes a page then a squire, seeking to restore his father’s good name.

            He falls in love with the Earl’s daughter, sneaking visits to her throughout the years. When he is knighted and finally able to challenge his family’s rival in a duel to the death, he garners her favor.

            The aches of growing into manhood touched down with my young heart. The desire to see justice served was close to my heart. And naturally, being a hopeless romantic who believes in soul mates, the romance was perfect—though a tad bit too light for me.

            After reading once, then twice a year or two later, I found it enjoyable each time.

            In fact, I believe the sense of honour and chivalry has stuck with me, inspired by that book. Thinking back, it is dawning on me, most of my main characters tend to act related to the hero…intriguing. I may have to revisit that work again.

            As for now, I’m past halfway with the first draft of Longevity, Book 3: Wandering. I have felt as if I were wandering time and space with my hero, Ihon.  The hardest struggle is keeping away from repetition. When your hero is a long-living Wolf-Born, the years passing by can get monotonous.

            But the hardest part is keeping that monotony interesting for my readers. This is why I have to do more than one draft. Thankfully, I have till May of next year to have this ready for publication!

Book 2 is on its way smoothly!

            Book 2, Independence, is on its way smoothly! Unlike its predecessor, it appears the first three formats (Hardcover, Paperback, and E-Book) will be able to be published at the same time.

            I’m still trying to figure out a time and way to get the final format (Audiobook) into publication for this series and the rest of my books. That’s going to take awhile.

            I’ve spent the first half of this week recording videos for my upcoming launches. It’s been intense, not to mention a struggle for this introvert. I am anticipating the turnout in the next few weeks.

If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

Follow me on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram. Or email me at john@johnirvinauthor.com

EXPLORATION—FINDING MY AVENUE. I Tried Freelance Along With My Own Writing

By John Irvin

            When I started out as a “full-time writer,” I signed up for Upwork.com and Wealthy Affiliates. W.A. helped me start my first website. I had no idea what I was doing then—looking back, I see the direction I could have gone.

            Funny how you can always look back with 20/20 vision.

            But I now see the whole first year and a half for what it was.


            I was finding myself you might say. Exploring the avenues of freelance writing, proofreading, copyediting, etc.

            Reading a couple books on being a writer—such as: Make Money As A Freelance Writer–I found the life of a freelance writer is nothing but cold pitching a 100 times every single day. Sadly, that’s not really in me.

Make Money as a Freelance Writer by Gina Horkey and Sally Miller

            Then came the scammers—the thieves, the perverts, the liars. Yeah, I have to state it here. Half of those who offered jobs, either via Upwork or email, were scams. I learned a lot for those experiences though.

            After that year and a half was over, I ended my subscription and my freelance website closed out a month later.

            It took a few months before I found someone to help me start from scratch—I was now focusing on my own books, mine alone. So I need an author website.

            That’s when I found Joanna Penn at the TheCreativePenn.com (Check her out if you’re an author looking for freedom!) She is literally stocked with information and podcasts and everything I needed to begin my Author-Entrepreneur Career!

            I signed on,

got the first free book as the incentive for that, loved it so much I’ve been collecting the rest of the Author Career series since. Only one or two books left!

            Getting my website up and running was easy with her help, the video guide she shares at her site aided me for the most part. Yes, there is room for you to explore on your own. I did that, I’m still learning a few tricks to it, but I like where I’m at. Yes, I know, I’ll change my mind later and want to change up something on the site—but that’s normal.

            Since that new day about a year ago now, I know what my career goal is and what I am now. I am 100% an authorpreneur. Do I have other side hustles? Yes! There is one quote I read, Every millionaire has at least 7 sources of income.

            Now, my goal isn’t to be a millionaire—although that would always be amazing—but rather to be financially independent. Passive income is where it is at!

            Passive income is basically “Money flowing in while you sleep.” It’s scalable income. Non-scalable income is you trading your time for money. That’s your every-day 9-5 normal job. That will get you nowhere.

            Here’s a great starter on ideas for Passive incomes: Passive Income Freedom. I’ll be sharing others as well on the subject in the near future.

            Along with my affiliate blog, I also have my books—each book is a passive income source. So, eventually, I’ll be reaching my independence goal.

            Whatever your dream job is, I believe you can do it. Through trial and error or through the help of others who’ve been where you’re at, whatever your way is. Wherever your journey leads you, never ever give up. Keep going.

            Every one of us has been given a mountain or two in our lives to show they can be moved.

If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

Follow me on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram. Or email me at john@johnirvinauthor.com