The Species of the Gothic Fantasy, WOLF’S RISING.

In this short ebook, there are several different races that play a part in the world of Kyn.

By John Irvin

            This short favourite of mine, Wolf’s Rising, was conceived in my mind a few years back. It wasn’t until last year that I actually wrote, edited, and published the tale of a freedom. I had no idea there would be so many different species taking part in this Gothic Fantasy.

            It could also be considered a High Fantasy like Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, since the story does not take place on the planet Earth.

            This world is called Kyn. Yes, it sounds a lot like “kin” so you could probably take that and run with some kind of theory about the origin stories.

            All I know, the Wolf-Born have been enslaved to the Dark Elves for centuries. Recently, a rebellion is begun among the ranks and our story picks up with one of the leaders, Duncan. Although he has no memory at the start of who he is or what he’s doing chained up in a damp dungeon.

            There a woman is brought in and thrown at his feet.

            He recognises her.

            But finding out his memory is not the subject of this blog today.

            Actually, I wanted to talk about the various species that take part in the story.

            The world of Kyn is inhabited by Wolf-Born and Dark Elves—that’s all we know near the start of the book. But, once we’ve been delving deeper, we discover there is a spiritual realm that can be connected to called the Otherworld.

            This disturbing realm is home to Ghouls and Shades. Stalking the recesses of the shadow realm, these creatures like to prey on the unsuspecting. But that can’t seem to touch the residents of Kyn, though it’s obvious, sometimes they can see them.

            People of Kyn cannot see the Shades or the Ghouls, they’ve been ignorant of their existence for millennia…apparently.

            So caught up with the rebellion the Dark Elves have no idea they are threatened.

            Dark Elves…

            Dark Elves were first mentioned in Norse mythology. They were known as the Dökkálfar and it was claimed they lived beneath the earth. They had a counterpart known as the Light Elves—or Ljósálfar—who lived above the earth and were “fairer than the sun.”

            The Light Elves are not mentioned in Wolf’s Rising—so we’re not certain if they even exist. Not to mention, Dark Elves live in castles on top of Kyn’s terrain—not much into cave-dwelling.

            J. R. R. Tolkien also mentions Dark Elves in his legendarium.


            Now, the Wolf-Born, I’ve discussed this species before in previous blog articles covering my Longevity series. But, these folk in Wolf’s Rising—though identical to my Wolf-Born Race in the Longevity series—are not related at all.

            Yes, they are shape-shifters. Yes, they do stand like humans when in Beast form, but covered in fur and wolf’s head. But, they’re not even on the same planet. These Wolf-Born have been slaves for a thousand or so years.


            The Ghouls are the next species mentioned. Though, they might be arriving on Kyn soon, these creatures stalk the lands of the Otherworld.

            Ghouls originated in pre-Islamic Arabian mythology and were said to be demon-like or humanoid monsters who ate flesh and hung around graveyards. I’ve tried to keep this persona as close to the original as possible. The Ghouls, though not necessarily called demons in Wolf’s Rising, are definitely flesh-eaters and look similar to zombies.

            They are not exactly sentient, but are keen to mind-control by a certain Shade.


            The Shade whose name is Bezarnok is part of a malevolent species who rule the spirit realm. These creatures originate millennia ago and span across various ancient mythologies. The Greeks believed them to be dead people wandering the Underworld. The Egyptians also believed Shades stalked the Underworld and were cursed souls. Even in Jewish folklore, Shades were called tsalmaveth which means “death shadow.”

            So, a lot of cool history as to the Earthly origins of these species even though this story does not take place here, but in a world called Kyn.

            Click through to read the brief description and maybe buy a copy. I’ve been told by my readers they enjoyed it. If you’re into fantasy, I’m pretty sure you will too. I loved writing it.


Also, while you’re at it, please go over to GoFundMe and check out my team’s page for our fundraiser. We were planning a Book Tour to cross the continent and take my books to the public, but Covid and other issues has forced us to postpone from end of August to Spring of 2021! But, we are keeping our fundraiser open to give people the ability to join our previous supporters and help us prepare for an even greater Book Tour when it finally does happen!

          Until next week, y’all have a great life.

If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

I’ve now been hosting a YouTube channel called John Irvin, Author Journey Series. Check it out at YOUTUBE.COM/AUTHORJOURNEY

Follow me on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram. Or email me at

Travelling Across the World and Up and Down through It.

I’ve stepped back into the dark recesses of the Underworld again, a lot sooner than I expected.

The Underworld

By John Irvin

            I’ve returned to the world of my Magic’s Time Split series—click through this link to check out the previously published ebooks in the series, found on Amazon Kindle and Barnes&Noble’s Nook!

            It feels like as soon as I began the new draft, my friends, the Immortals, were thrust into a new foreboding adventure. Back in Book 3, As Flesh Rots, two of them, Gael and Jenna, were attacked by zombies and there was a scene in which Jenna was dragged by the undead down into what could have been a piece of the Underworld.

            It was a cavern close to the actual Underworld, but they never actually had to see the horrors awaiting them there.

            All this time, trekking our ways through the next several books, I knew there would come a time, eventually, when they would have to actually enter the realm of the dead. It was just a given from the sensation of the story.

            And now, in Book 7, The World Burns, Gael, Jenna, Jessica, and Levi have been pulled through an Ifrit’s portal into a hot, fire-lit, demon-infested network of tunnels and caverns. They’re pretty sure this is the Underworld.

Some entrances to the Underworld are simple caves.

            I’m excited to share what happens next…you’ll just have to wait a couple more months. These final four books in the Magic’s Time Split series will be published soon—all before the end of this year.

            Speaking of the Underworld, returning to this disturbing place, makes me think of Rick Riordan’s adventure fantasy series, Percy Jackson, and its spin-off series. All of these awesome books are based on Greek and Roman myths and there are, in fact, several times our heroes venture into the Underworld.

            I’m now reading more on the different types of Underworlds in the world’s mythologies. Quite a fascinating subject to explore: the opinions of the ancients on where human souls went after death.

            Now, I think, every mythology believes the Underworld to be the realm of the dead. There are plenty of stories about heroes questing into the realm, though.

            Of course, everyone knows the Greek version. It’s named after the god ruling it: Hades. Although, contrary to popular belief, the god of the Underworld wasn’t as mischevious as most present him to be…well, there was that one time with Persophone.

            The Mayans of Mesoamerica had their own theory on the afterlife. Xibalba, which means “place of fright” was for everyone—whether you were good in your past life or evil. Nice, huh? Apparently, only those who died violent deaths were allowed into heaven.

The Realm of the Dead

            In Xibalba, the dead were there for eternity. Only kings or nobles could be summoned by relatives in a “Serpent Vision” ceremony. There were eight levels, according to the Aztecs. Each level had its own special danger.

            In Egypt, the Underworld was called Duat and represented by a star inside a circle. It was believed the god, Osiris, governed this place. He personified life after death: rebirth. Duat was also the region the sun god, Ra, travelled from west to east during the night.

            It was here when Ra would battle with Apophis, the primordial chaos who constantly tried to retake the creation.

            Duat was where souls went after death for judgment. But they weren’t in judgment for the rest of their afterlife. There were apparently twelve different regions—based on the twelve hours of night. When Ra was in the Underworld, the dead got to enjoy a bright life. They would then fall back to sleep when he left, awaiting for his return the next night.

            Up in Celtic mythology, the place of the dead was a realm of delights. Similar to the Greek fields of Elysium, Mag Mell—or Annwn—was an otherworld kingdom often depicted as an island kingdom or kingdom beneath the sea.

            Then, of course, there’s the Norse mythology—one of my favourites. Their underworld is called Hel after the goddess of that realm. There are Nine Worlds, according to the Nordic tales. Hel is the ninth of these worlds and the place where evil men go after death.

Valhalla was the Hall of those slain in Battle

            There is another realm for the dead: Valhalla. The “hall of the slain” is an enormours and wondrous hall located in Asgard. This is where those who die in combat are taken by female beings called Valkyries. Actually, only half go here—Valhalla is ruled by Odin, the King of the gods. The other half slain in battle are taken to Freyja’s field Fólkvangr. Freyja is the goddess of love, beauty, fertility, war, gold, and others. She also has a hall in Fólkvangr, it’s called Sessrúmnir.

            These dead warriors are to feast and prepare for Ragnorak, the end of the world.

            I think that’ll be enough discussion on the types of Underworlds in myth…now the question is, which Underworld will my Immortals discover awaiting them? Or will it be a mixture of the various ones? I guess you’ll just have to read to find out.

            Speaking of reading and books, there’s a chance I may be having a single author event here in the town of Pensacola. A local bookstores has been corresponding with me about adding my books to their shelves. It would be nice to get some experience in before the big deal next spring for the book tour.

            If you could spare some dollars to put toward this and my book tour, that would be amazing!

          Until next week, y’all have a great life.

If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

I’ve now been hosting a YouTube channel called John Irvin, Author Journey Series. Check it out at YOUTUBE.COM/AUTHORJOURNEY

Follow me on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram. Or email me at

What it Takes to Be a Writer, a YouTube and Blog Worthy Discussion.

Sharing this month’s YouTube vlog and also continuing its discussion about the facets of being a writer—or full-time author.

By John Irvin

            This month’s YouTube Author Journey Series episode is out this morning. Here is the link below. Click through to watch yours truly talking about what it takes to be a writer.

            I would like to continue the brief chat about being a writer. Many people have asked me of late, how do you do it? Where do you find the time? How do you become a writer?

            Personally, I’ve always been a writer, even before I started writing. You can ask my family. Growing up, I was always sharing stories or dreams with my younger brothers. I’d initiate stories with them to the point, my bed was moved out of the shared bedroom.

            It was through this move, I think, I decided it was time to start writing my stories down. Sometimes, people begin their writing journal because no one else listens. Not to say my family didn’t listen, but there was a point where they tired of hearing of all these “far-fetched” ideas I had.

            So, there was a day, when I was fourteen years old, I sat down and started penning the first line to the first story I ever truly wrote. Years later, I discovered old pictures I’d drawn when I was a young child years before that. I drew these cartoons and wrote little snippets when I was too young to know the proper sentence structure.

            You could say I was born writing.

            Other people start writing later in life. It doesn’t matter when you start, but start you must. If there is a story inside you, don’t suppress it. Don’t hide it. Let it out or it will strangle you.

            Many times, we writers have no idea what is coming out of our fingers. We don’t tend to share this with folk, except for those we feel close to, maybe. Just because an author is successful, doesn’t mean he or she still knows what he’s doing.

            We are servants of that muse. Our only duty is to be writing when she shows up.

            There are stories inside us that surprise even ourselves. How could we come up with something so dark? How could we sound so evil? Aren’t we good people? Then how did we imagine that murder scene? Aren’t we friendly people? How come our characters seem to despise humanity?

            Every book is a piece of its author, but an author is not responsible for the character’s thoughts, words, or actions. The book summons the author, not the other way around.

            Writing is our freedom to delve into parts of ourselves we do not dare become. But, it gives us the freedom to explore the consequences of these pieces.

            Sometimes, there’s a sense of justice that must be served and these plots are to help us find closure. Maybe someone did us wrong in the past, we’ve forgiven them—or maybe we haven’t—but this book must be written to truly bring justice against that wrong.

            By the way, don’t ever wrong a writer. They get their revenge in print.

            We can also flip that on its head. If a writer falls in love with you, you’ll live forever.

            I find some of my best writing comes from falling in love or being heartbroken.

            Sometimes I feel I’m only along for the ride, following my protagonist around and letting him show me things I haven’t even realised myself. It can be a life lesson to follow the journey of an author.

            Take my Longevity series. I don’t think I’ve ever been more emotionally involved with a story than with this one. I can’t share how many tears I’ve shared with my character in certain heart-wrenching scenes.

            In the last book, Wandering, my editor gave me feedback about my protagonist’s actions. They pointed out, they were enjoying watching how this person was discovering he was standing in the way of himself.

            And it hit me. Have I been standing in my own way? I’ve always struggled with self-confidence. Most people don’t realise this, but doubting is one of my biggest weaknesses. I think this is why my career path has been so fettered by one stumbling block after another.

            But, I’m slowly understanding myself more and more and beginning to implement more confidence in my actions or my beliefs. Life is unfolding for me just as it is for my Wolf-Born character.

            Interesting things these books—even more, when you are their creator.

            Another thing I talk about in the YouTube episode is how a writer needs to step out of his comfort zone and take his books to his readers. I feel like social networking is only one way of making connections. The old way can sometimes be the good way.

            This is why I planned the Toward the Pacific Author Book Tour for next month. Now, if you’ve been keeping up to date with me, you’ll know my team has postponed it for Spring of 2021. We are, however, keeping the campaign open for the fundraising. Maybe an extra eight or nine months will give us the preparation we need?

            It’ll also give more people the chance to show their support and donate to the campaign! Click through to the link below and join our supporters! We’re excited to share these books and our adventures with you as we get ready for next year!

          Until next week, y’all have a great life.

If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

I’ve now been hosting a YouTube channel called John Irvin, Author Journey Series. Check it out at YOUTUBE.COM/AUTHORJOURNEY

Follow me on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram. Or email me at

When you’re a Writer, you learn the First Draft is merely an Exploration of the World inside your Book.

Over time, you figure out the first draft is not the final draft, the only thing required for a first draft is to get it down!

By John Irvin

Writing First Drafts.

            I’m writing the first draft for Revolution, Book 4 in the Longevity series. I’m enjoying getting to know the new characters as well as figure out the ways in which my protagonist, Ihon (pronounced Ian), is changing.

            Halfway done with the chapters, but I know there’s quite a bit more work to do. Thing is, I used to fret about getting everything right. I used to struggle with editing myself while working the first draft.

            This is not the right thing to do.

            First drafts are ONLY supposed to be you getting the words down. Editing comes later. Right now, it’s all about exploring and figuring out the theme and underlying messages. What am I trying to get across to my readers? What are the motives behind Ihon’s actions? What is his biggest desire and how can I keep it from him?

            I’m also seeing some different themes in this book compared to the previous three.

            The time period is an interesting one. It’s set shortly before the French and Indian War—which actually came as a surprise, so I’m interested to see why this came about. The book will take Ihon up into the American Revolution.

            But, I guess the main question I’m trying to answer is: after so many decades of avoiding human wars and civilisation’s struggles, why is Ihon suddenly concerning himself over these new upstart colonies and their causes? Or is he just going along with the flow for now?

            Things do seem to be going well for him in the first half of the book, but he knows from past experiences, all good things do come to an end. So there’s that underlying dark sense to his character. He’s not trusting.

            I’m wondering if I’m conveying this well enough. But, for now, I keep telling myself this is just the first draft. I’m excited to keep exploring and figuring out the answers to so many questions now rising in the back of my mind.

            And now, before I give away anymore spoilers, I want to talk about the differences between Wolf-Born and Werewolves.

            Wolf-Born vs Werewolf.

            Werewolves are an ancient lore, crossing the centuries all the way back to the medieval ages. It is believed the Church was a sort of haven to the victims. Any church grounds could not be crossed by a werewolf. Holy water could burn the monster as well as silver. The crucifix also awarded a protection—like it did toward vampires.

            Werewolves were about nine out of ten evil creatures. Except for the Celtic Werewolf in a few myths in which the creature was benevolent to humans.

            A werewolf is a shape-shifter who can turn from human to an actual wolf and back again.

            Now, a Wolf-Born, though also a shape-shifter, does not turn into an actual wolf. The Beast form, though looking like a giant wolf, is humanoid in stature, bipedal.

            In my series, silver and holy water do not bother Wolf-Born.

            Also, Wolf-Born are more good than evil. In fact, in my series, they are predominantly good and it is only those who go Rogue—or break the Ancient Creed—who are evil. Though, they can be redeemed in a certain way.

            This version of the wolf-like shape-shifter is quite young in origin.

            There are a few books from other authors—like Anne Rice’s The Wolf-Gift—and even the old video game, Skyrim, that come close to my version. Yes, I’m a fan of Skyrim. Although, those man-wolves, though similar to what I perceive as a Wolf-Born, are still called werewolves in the game and they are allowed to eat people.

            According to the Ancient Creed—which is the Supreme Law of the Wolf-Born Race—we are not allowed to eat people.

            Look at me, saying “we” instead of “they.” My bad. Ignore that. Haha

            Well, another blog down and plenty more to come. Make sure, if you have not done so, to sign up for my newsletter so you can receive a free ebook!

            Also, even though our book tour is postponed for spring next year, my team and I are still keeping the fundraiser on GoFundMe open until then. This will give more time and reason for our supporters to donate.

          Until next week, y’all have a great life.

If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

I’ve now been hosting a YouTube channel called John Irvin, Author Journey Series. Check it out at YOUTUBE.COM/AUTHORJOURNEY

Follow me on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram. Or email me at

I’m Presently Reading Three Books About Entrepreneurship and Business and Moral Codes.

I’m finding myself needing more encouragement so I’ve been finding some real gems when it comes to “business sense” books to read.

The Knights of Old live on inside a Few

By John Irvin

            Earlier this week, I announced the postponing for the Book Tour until next year. But, my team and I will be keeping the fundraiser open and going until the Book Tour which will be either in April or May next year.

            This way, it’ll make people feel like they can breathe, I think.

            Other than that, Longevity, Book 3: Wandering is finally published though it may take a few days to get sorted out online.

            Books I’m reading…

            I finished reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire last week. Already added the next book to my Kindle, but I’m going to finish the three books I’m reading right now before moving on.

            The first book is called The Entrepreneur Mind and it’s written by the millionaire, Kevin D. Johnson. Already has me rethinking and plotting other business ventures with my proofreading as well as my author careers. A great read if you’re needing both insight, motivation, and wisdom from experience!

            The second book is Ghost Writing by Rayne Hall and Mariana Sabino. I’m possibly going to being joining in a ghostwriting venture secretly here in the near future—I’m hoping for it on the edge of my seat, I should say. So I figured I’d get some back up knowledge while I’m waiting.

            The third book, Knightly Virtue: Living the Old Code in a Modern World, is by Jason Bright and already has me a bit captivated from the codes set forth. I was raised to be a gentleman. I know I’ve faltered and made mistakes in my past and this is a good book for refreshing that code instilled in me as a child.

            So, these are just some of the reading I’m doing and, like I said, I’m looking forward to starting Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix shortly after finishing these ones.

            Back to my GoFundMe campaign: my team and I will be sharing it off and on over these next several months and maybe by April we’ll have the desired total goal. I’ll have more books out by then and thus be in need of ordering the stock for the author events. We covet your support and thank you ahead of time for any donations you can make!

          Until next week, y’all have a great life.

If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

I’ve now been hosting a YouTube channel called John Irvin, Author Journey Series. Check it out at YOUTUBE.COM/AUTHORJOURNEY

Follow me on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram. Or email me at

New Publications, Book Readings, Character Interviews!

Check out this month’s YouTube vlog and read the Character Interview.

By John Irvin

            Over last week’s weekend, I was able to publish Magic’s Time Split, Book 6: Mountains Are Living. I can’t believe I’m well past halfway through the series and things are really transpiring now. Ancient myths have become reality, forgotten secrets are being uncovered, and our four Immortal friends are finding out, their hoped-for-new-lives are not how they expected!

            Check out the short book reading on my YouTube vlog:

            In honour of this recent publication, I want to host another character interview from that actual book. His name is Benjamin Lykano, he’s the son of the Chief of Packs and Head of the Werewolf Clan in the former Alabama region.

            John: Benjamin, thank you for joining us today! How’s the Beast Talks going?

            Benjamin: *laughs* John, thanks for having me. I’m honoured to be here on your website today. The Beast Talks are going as any political summit goes, with a lot of negotiation, arguing, compromising, and blah blah blah. Thank God, I don’t have to deal with that.

Benjamin Lykano, Werewolf Clan

            John: Even though you’re head of the Werewolf Clan?

            Benjamin: Correct, I get to choose a representative or delegate as you would call them.

            John: Well, that works out well for you. So, tell us, have you recently heard from your Immortal friends.

            Benjamin: You mean, Gael, Jenna, Jessica, and Levi?

            John: Those are the ones.

            Benjamin: Actually, I have recently. They’re over in Switzerland—or rather, the Alps, Switzerland doesn’t necessarily exist anymore. They’ve discovered a couple new races and an ancient feud has been reignited. I can’t go into detail for sake of spoilers.

            John: Darn, I was hoping to catch you!

            Benjamin: Nope, you may be typing this out, but I’m my own person.

            John: So, what can you tell me that won’t spoil anything?

            Benjamin: I can say this, what they’re cooking up over there is going to include all of us. And, I can also add that this new book has something none of the other books have had so far.

            John: What’s that?

            Benjamin: Maps! There’s a map of the new North America and the new Europe! I was excited when I saw that. I did not realise the Beast Clan Lands were that extensive. Makes me happy. Your readers need to check this out!

            John: Thank you, Benjamin, thank you for all you’ve done and for answering the few questions I had for you. And yes, this is to my readers, if you haven’t checked out the Magic’s Time Split series yet, here’s the link to the series page in my library:

            And, to order Book 6, Mountains Are Living, here are the links to Kindle and Nook.

            That’s all the time I have for today. I hope to see you back next week! In the meantime, my team and I are still raising the funds for our book tour. Join our supporters who have already donated to the cause and help us reach our goal!

          Until next week, y’all have a great life.

If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

I’ve now been hosting a YouTube channel called John Irvin, Author Journey Series. Check it out at YOUTUBE.COM/AUTHORJOURNEY

Follow me on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram. Or email me at