A short novella ebook about two people who lose everything, but gain love

By John Irvin
Today’s trailer can be found through this link to my YouTube channel! Click through to watch the short little reel.
Gideon Cole watches his entire world fall apart when the nuclear bombs finally fall from the sky.
His dad is higher ranking military and knows the location of a bunker. No one else, for some strange reason, is headed there. Don’t ask me why.
Along the way, Gideon’s high school crush, Lynda Brodunvich, and her father are picked up.
Sadly, loved ones are lost in this race against time and the end of the world.
Will Giden and Lynda come out of this as the last human beings on the planet Earth?
Will they be able to move on from loss and find something new in each other’s arms?
Will there be hope for the human race as they wait out their days?
Is this the end of days?
Pochatok is the Ukrainian word for “end.” I grew up in Ukraine so I’ve got an affinity to things related to that culture and language.
The idea for this short novella came to me while watching Rise of the Machines in the Terminator saga. That’s my favourite one still of the entire franchise.
I haven’t watched the most recent one yet and haven’t completed the TV series.
But there’s something about a one-man-one-woman-survival against apocalyptic events that really inspires me to such stories.
Some people have stated the story is cheesy with its crazy romance that happens shortly after heavy losses. But I’ve watched box office hits with cheesier lines.
Other folk have told me they enjoyed it! So it’s really about what you’re into, I guess.
So, hop through this link below and order a copy and enjoy the end…or the beginning!
While you’re here, you can click through the GoFundMe link on my Home page and donate to the upcoming Spring 2021 Toward the Pacific Book Tour!
And if you know any authors, please, have them shoot me an email at john@johnirvinauthor.com. I have plenty of spots open for the episodes!
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