More News for John Irvin, Author Journey Series for Part Two on YouTube

I’ll be talking about my Magic’s Time Split series, my Ikkilion Chronicles, and my Longevity series, and several other books in my vlog for a three-part video.

By John Irvin


            Yes, I know, I missed last week’s blog. I did get the vlog out though. So you can check that in the link shared at the bottom of this blog.

So today is the first blog post of 2020, the second YouTube video for 2020 is out now, too. Things are getting off to a good start. I’ve split up these two weeks into two parts.

The Pilot episode for my Ikkilion Chronicles was aired last Friday, got my first Patreon backer for it, too. Yes, it was exciting. Now, only 99 supporters to go and I’ll reach my monthly goal there.  

I’m finishing up the first draft of Book 3, Wandering, in Longevity—I’m a little behind in that, thanks to the holidays and the fact that the ending scene is the hardest to write. I’m a bit sentimental, but there’s a favourite character I don’t want to say good-bye to. Does that make sense?

Author on Vacation

I was actually on New Year’s vacation to Kentucky last week, so things were a bit haywire when it came to my writing and author business. You grab the times as you go, whenever they chance to pop up.

We authors do not get vacation though, for we are always writing or thinking about writing.

            But, now that I’m home in Florida, I’ll be continuing the Ikkilion Chronicles and scheduling them ahead of time for their weekly submissions. My Author Journey has taken on a new level. Every level I reach, it’s been fun and stressful, but then after awhile, it’s not as hard—funny how life is like that.

Every Master was an Apprentice

           You are afraid to start something, because you feel unready or scared you’ll fail. But then you start, and yes, you hit those speed bumps and tumble out on your butt. You get back up and keep pushing through. After awhile, you’ve learned all the ends and outs of that level and it’s now no longer so hard. It’s more a routine, in fact.

            Every master of anything must first begin as an apprentice.

            Same goes with running an authorpreneur business. This is the writing life, and just like any life of freedom, we must take full responsibility of it. We must become CEOs of our own work.

            Every one has their journeys to take. This is mine. I’m finally learning to appreciate and to enjoy each step.

            Do I wish I was already making a six figure living as an author? Yes, who wouldn’t? But I know, I’ll get there soon enough. Right now, I need to focus on today, hone my skills, and keep learning.

            We must all keep learning, if we are to succeed. Isn’t that right?

            Anyways, I hope you have an amazing Friday tomorrow, subscribe to my newsletter below and you’ll get personal emails on Fridays. Here’s the link to last week’s YouTube vlog: Check Out My YouTube!

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I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

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New News and Author Business Advancing!

My Vlog just had its Introductions posted Today, check out the link, or Watch the Video on this Blog…

By John Irvin

            Finally, I’m able to bring to you John Irvin, Author Journey Series, a new vlog I’ve just started over on YouTube.

            Check it out here:           

            If something’s up and you can’t watch it on this blog, click this link here: JOURNEY SERIES VLOG to go see the 5 minute video and, maybe, subscribe. Please, as I mention in the short, this is my first time so please be gentle.

            Over time I do hope to make it more professional and better. I don’t like feeling amateur for very long. But for now, I’m happy I was able to get it working finally. I originally planned to have the vlog coinciding with the blog since the beginning back in May. Yeah, that never happened.

            As you can see.

            But, hey, you learn as you go. Life’s a dance. And all that good stuff.

            So, I’m throwing it all out there over the course of the next few videos.

            It’s a new phase preparing for this New Year. I’m looking forward to seeing where it all goes. So I look forward to seeing you on YouTube on Thursdays now, or over on Patreon with the new short story weekly episodes on Fridays.

            This is going to be a fun year!

If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

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What Book made Me Realize Reading Meant Something to Me?

I started reading at an early age, as far back as I can remember, but, I think, the one Book that entrenched my love for reading more was…

By John Irvin

A tale of knights and ladies…

            It was a tale of knights and ladies, lords and princesses, of vengeance and justice, it was a tale carved from the dark ages, to bring light to this young lad.

            Men of Iron by Howard Pyle was one of those books you read more than once. It is the tale of a boy who becomes a page then a squire, seeking to restore his father’s good name.

            He falls in love with the Earl’s daughter, sneaking visits to her throughout the years. When he is knighted and finally able to challenge his family’s rival in a duel to the death, he garners her favor.

            The aches of growing into manhood touched down with my young heart. The desire to see justice served was close to my heart. And naturally, being a hopeless romantic who believes in soul mates, the romance was perfect—though a tad bit too light for me.

            After reading once, then twice a year or two later, I found it enjoyable each time.

            In fact, I believe the sense of honour and chivalry has stuck with me, inspired by that book. Thinking back, it is dawning on me, most of my main characters tend to act related to the hero…intriguing. I may have to revisit that work again.

            As for now, I’m past halfway with the first draft of Longevity, Book 3: Wandering. I have felt as if I were wandering time and space with my hero, Ihon.  The hardest struggle is keeping away from repetition. When your hero is a long-living Wolf-Born, the years passing by can get monotonous.

            But the hardest part is keeping that monotony interesting for my readers. This is why I have to do more than one draft. Thankfully, I have till May of next year to have this ready for publication!

Book 2 is on its way smoothly!

            Book 2, Independence, is on its way smoothly! Unlike its predecessor, it appears the first three formats (Hardcover, Paperback, and E-Book) will be able to be published at the same time.

            I’m still trying to figure out a time and way to get the final format (Audiobook) into publication for this series and the rest of my books. That’s going to take awhile.

            I’ve spent the first half of this week recording videos for my upcoming launches. It’s been intense, not to mention a struggle for this introvert. I am anticipating the turnout in the next few weeks.

If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

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My Mornings Start with Coffee, Meditation, and Writing.

Every Writer’s Morning Routine is different—some are similar—this is how Mine goes.

Coffee is my go-getter juice

By John Irvin

            My alarm goes off at 4:30 am. I get up, start the coffeemaker brewing, then write do some short journal writing. Once my coffee is finished brewing, I start on the first cup while reading for the next half hour to forty-five minutes.

            Starting my second cup of coffee marks the beginning—and I’ve set a special alarm for this time as well—of my writing session, usually taking a forty-five minutes to an hour. Sometimes, when I’ve got several extra things to do before heading off to my part-time job—the one that pays most of the bills right now—it’s only a thirty minute session.

            Once the morning session is over—to the shrill, annoying announcement of my “Stop writing” alarm—I start on my workout regimen with free weights. This usually takes ten to fifteen minutes every morning.

            After that is a nice hot shower, my brain all the while continuing on with whatever story I was writing during that morning’s session. This is why writers take forever in the shower sometimes, just f.y.i.

            After that, if I have enough time, I’ll do some language practicing on the cool little Duolingo app I have installed on my phone. I believe everyone should be able to converse in a second language—it widens the mind. Then it’s off to the grueling of the bill-payer.

Writing every morning, whether you feel like it or not, is the key.

            Thankfully, I’ll be leaving that soon, I’m so excited.

            But, how do I keep inspired with my writing? I’ll be honest, there are many mornings I just sit on my couch grimacing, wishing I could go back to sleep. I don’t feel like writing every morning. But some time ago, I made a mental decision, I would no longer be an amateur—a professional writes even when he doesn’t feel like it.

            Our daily routines are hints of how our futures will look.

            But, inspiration is a major motivation giver. I find reading is an amazing inspiration avenue. Switching back and forth between fiction and nonfiction (most of it about running writing businesses or writing itself) keeps my brain on a focused rhythm.  The fiction expands my imagination, while the nonfiction informs and guides me on my entrepreneurial pursuits.

            I’m almost halfway finished writing the first draft of Longevity, Book 3: Wandering. The due date for this complete draft is 28 December, 2019. So I’m almost three days ahead of schedule. That’s another great means of inspiration for me. I’ve found, when I’m ahead of schedule I get this extra thrill that keeps propelling me forward.

You feelin’ the Christmas spirit yet?

Should be finishing that around Christmas time!

            So that’s my daily mornings and how I keep inspired. If you haven’t picked one up in awhile, I recommend grabbing a good book and reading this weekend!

If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

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What Would You Do With a Million Dollars?

Being an Authorpreneur Dreaming about Having a Million Dollars can be a Dangerous Pastime.

By John Irvin

            Last week, one of my brothers was playing Are You Smarter Than a Fifth-Grader on his TV. He randomly texted me, asking what the Greek Mythology creatures who looked like women with snake hair were called, giving me three choices: Snarks, Gorgons, or Dillers?

            Naturally, being a writer and an avid reader, that was easy.

            It was the million dollar question he said.

            I asked if he was going to split that with me, since I helped. He said, sure.

            That’s all it took. My dear sweet brain went on a wandering into a dreamworld. What would I do with $500,000? Oh, the possibilities.

            I know I’d first invest $10,000. Then I’d use maybe $25,000 just for promotions and advertisement for my published books. I’d start a savings for my dream home. Then I’d start my world Book Tour!

            Oh the dreams that mess with me.

            Be still, my beating heart.

            We all have dreams like this, right? What would be on your to-do list?

            Oh, I could use like $1,000 on adding like 500 more books to my growing library! Just thought of that while writing this blog. Ha-ha! Remember, my goal is to have, at least, 4,000 volumes by the end of my life? Well, if I got 500 more, that would get me above 1,000 …so far to go still, but hey, who knows, maybe I have plenty of decades to go?

            Maybe not.

            We’ve got to appreciate every day, every year, we’re given.

            I can’t believe this year is coming to a close already. We’re in December, y’all! It’s my month. I’m turning the big THREE-O. Yep, I only have ten days left of my twenties.

            Most of my life, I’ve dreaded this point. But, honestly, the closer it gets, the more excited I am. From all my reading and watching various shows, it seems there is a consensus that your thirties are the most fulfilling years of your life.

            We seem to know more of what we want and have more skills and abilities to get it. The dreams we’ve chased for years seem to arrive during this third decade. Why? Don’t ask me. I’m not there yet.

            I’m happy to announce, the ISBNs for Longevity, Book 2: Independence have been bought for Hardcover, Paperback, and E-Book now. This means, they’ll all be published on the same day next month!

            Only steps left now is finishing the last few things for the cover then uploading all the files. It’s going to be great.

            Also, I’m already counting down the weeks till my YouTube vlog is launched. How many to go? Four weeks! Are you excited to see me?

            I’ve got some speech practicing to go. I write better than I talk ha-ha!

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If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

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Announcement for my New Weekly Blog Schedule and the Upcoming Author Vlog.

I’m dropping the Days and Raising the Expectations with the Audiences.

By John Irvin

            There are quite a few changes—several different revamps and new launches—approaching on the horizon.

           I’ve already been slowly talking about already if you’ve been reading my recent posts. So this one will be extra short.

            My authorpreneur blog will be moved to Thursday only. The Broadcast—or newsletter—will still be on Fridays. So this will be my last Monday blog and I won’t be doing a Wednesday blog. This Thursday—which is the 28th of November will NOT have a blog. It’ll be starting the new phase next week!

There are always revamps in life, make sure there’s no quitting

            Reason for this being, I’m launching a YouTube vlog around New Year’s and it will be coinciding with my blog thenceforth. It’ll make my job a little less complicated so I can have more time writing and publishing.

            Basically, I’ll figure out how to provide the video link in my blog on my website and in the video relate the link back to the blog. Circular, but efficient, I think.

            I have so many videos to record in the coming month! But it is exciting. All this work I’m adding onto my plate makes me think that by the end of 2020, I’ll be able to accomplish my main goal.

            That’s Freedom.

            Freedom to take a Book Tour whenever and wherever I please.

            Freedom to write whenever and wherever I want.

            Freedom to get to know my readers better since I could make more time socializing instead my time off from my Author career working a 9 to 5 (or rather 10 to 6 or 7 in my case).

            Freedom to be my own CEO.

            Thank you for joining me on my journey…let’s be friends!

            Here’s to Freedom!

I am an affiliate marketer for Amazon and some of the links provided are affiliate links, meaning I make a tiny percentage of a sale if you go through my links.

If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

Follow me on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram. Or email me at