My Author Journey so Far and Next Year’s Plans for More Book Publications.

I don’t know about You, but next Year holds the Promise of Good Things to Come, Including, but not limited to: My First Book Tour and Monthly Publications.

By John Irvin

            As you already know, if you read my Monday’s Blog this week, I’m planning a Vlog on YouTube and shrinking this Blog on my Website down to coincide with the Vlog once a week.

            I’ve already begun writing down next year’s Business Plan for my Authorpreneur Career. The Launch date for my YouTube vlog is 4 January, 2020 (the first Thursday of the year). The Launch date for my Patreon exclusive short story series (the Ikkilion Chronicles) is set for that Saturday (the first Saturday of the year) on 6 January, 2020.

A new world, set not on Earth, but the planet Ikkilion. A place where Magic and Tech are merged.
Who knows what will happen in the Magic-Tech merged world of Ikkilion?

            Meanwhile, I’m budgeting the orders in steps up to the publication of Independence, Book 2 in my Longevity series. I’ve already ordered the Cover and it should be arriving soon. I’ll share it as soon as I am satisfied with it.

            Cherie Fox is amazing, she did the cover for Book 1, Revelation, and first try, I was so pleasantly shocked I nearly fell out of my chair when I opened the file. If you’d like some artwork done, you should check her out at We’ve already entered an agreement for her to do the cover art for the rest of the series!

            Eight books, that’s how much I trust her!

            Back to Independence, I’ll be ordering the ISBNs for all three formats (Hardcover, Paperback, and E-Book) over the next few weeks. The Formatting is also due soon, which costs. Yes, publication costs quite a bit when you’re independent. But I’d rather be self-sustaining than depend on some lame traditional publishing company who takes however long they want getting my book out then doing basically no promotions.

            Then in February, I’ve got As Flesh Rots, Book 3 in the Magic’s Time Split series, coming out. The plan is to publish one book per month and only going between those two main series until they’re finished.

            Although, I’m going to be giving my StarQuest novel (My very first printed novel ever published) a makeover on the interiors as it is way over due for an update.

StarQuest is now an Anthology. Two short E-Book prequels to the StarQuest Novel. More to come!
Click the Picture to go and buy Story 1: Forgetfulness!

            Then I’m also considering publishing a Complete Trilogy in print for Mermaid Seas. It would be cool to have a new cover designed more up my alley and be able to hold it in my hands and smell the paper.

            We’ll see about that. I have the tentative date set for 30 January, 2020. But unless I’m doing better financially by then, I’ll have to postpone it.

            Still in the starving artist phase, but my gut is telling me this chapter is about to end and I’ll be turning the page to the “Growing into Livable Income” chapter in my Author Career.

            So that’s just a little tidbit on my near-future plans and publishing ordeals.

            I look forward to talking to y’all next week or, if you’ve subscribed to my newsletter, on Friday!

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If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

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Something About Writing in the Genre of End Times and the Apocalypse.

Ever since I can Remember, I’ve loved Reading End Times Fiction and Prophecies, Imagining Various Outplays of What Could Happen in the End.

By John Irvin

            I’ve always had an affinity to the idea that the world will end. Everything has an end, how is our planet going?

            So many stories—fiction and theoretical—about the various world catastrophes that usher in the Apocalypse.

When the bombs drop from the sky…

            I’ve now written a few works on such a subject—both fiction. One is flat out Nuclear Apocalypse, the other is a different Fantasy take on the ordeal. In the near future, my plans are to write a series from a Christian perspective, only it won’t be the regular “believers are going to vanish and the world will blow up” kind of theory.

            Right now, I’ve got my Pochatok e-Book about Gideon Cole, the son of a US General who knows of the oncoming Nuclear war that will last an entirety of around two hours. When his father picks him up and they race across San Fransisco, they pick up Gideon’s high school crush, Lynda Brodunvich, and her father.

            When the bombs drop from the sky, Lynda and Gideon are the only survivors to make it to Bunker 8.

            They spend the months alone together. This is a story of starting over. A new beginning with a man and woman—that’s what Pochatok means. It’s the Ukrainian word for “Beginning.”

An Apocalyptic Sweet Romance

            My other End Times is a Trilogy—Mermaid Seas! One of my favourites, I bring my readers through time starting during the onslaught of Pensacola during the War of Northern Aggression.

            The second book brings it to present day with a teacher who discovers his entire circle of friends are Merfolk and they have a dark prophecy for him to decipher.

            Book three will set the reader in the near future sometime. A plague carried by fish spreads across the world. A bestselling novelist uses his money and alliance with the Merfolk to save a part of mankind on a Cruise ship.

Mermaid Seas Trilogy (Click the photo to go buy Book 1)

            I’m also excited to inform you that I’m beginning the first steps to start a vlog on YouTube. It will be connected to this blog, but I’m also going to be changing the days I post. Right now, the tentative plan is to post both blog and vlog on Thursdays. That’s what I’m hoping for. So no more blogs twice a week.

            My Friday Broadcasts will still continue.

            My focus is going to be announcing my upcoming Ikkilion Chronicles which will be a weekly episode exclusive for my Patreon supporters. That’s not for another month as I’m launching that on New Year’s!

            More on that later, along with a video of me announcing it so y’all can finally see me and not just a photo and words.

            I’m excited. How about you?

I am an affiliate marketer for Amazon and some of the links provided are affiliate links, meaning I make a tiny percentage of a sale if you go through my links.

If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

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It’s Cold and My Heater Isn’t Working, but I’ve got a Good Book to Read

I’m reading about Working At Home and I’ve already Started a few Side Hustle Gigs via for Proofreading and Ghostwriting Blog Articles.

By John Irvin

            So, I’ve returned from the camping trip, I hope y’all had a great weekend. It was drop-dead gorgeous while we were up there at Oak Mountain, Alabama.

            The weather was sunny about 95% of the time, it only got frigid a little bit during the nights, but not as unbearable as it has been in the past.

Vista from King’s Chair at Oak Mountain, Alabama

            Then of course, the night I return, the temperature drops below freezing. This morning, I could not get out from under my covers it was so cold. So that messed up my schedule. This is why I’m so late with today’s blog.

            But I’ve still got a whole afternoon to worry about it.

            So there’s no complaining from the peanut gallery.

            I took a quick trip into town earlier and ended up having to change a blown tire. That was awesome fun in the cold—with the burning ice of the metal bars. It woke me up.

            It just made me laugh, because that’s life. You just have to go with the flow sometimes, take the punches when they come, smile and say, I’m not dead yet. Keep going, eventually you’ll scale your mountain.

            I’m reading an amazing book right now about Working at Home by a kindred spirit author of mine. If you’re interested in cutting out that annoying commute, no longer having those annoying bosses breathing down your necks, and a better security of being your own CEO, I recommend reading this book!

            Caitlin Pyle knows what she’s talking about.

            I randomly came across her article on Pinterest. I’ve been dying to leave my pizza delivery side job—you all know this from past blogs—and something inside me just said, pay for that shipping.

            Well, after some miscommunications with printer and publisher, they were finally able to ship me the book. It was waiting for me in my mailbox when I got home from the camping trip on Monday night.

            I’m almost finished with it.

            There’s a 28-day step launch plan at the back too.

            It gives me hope and also ideas for some side hustles.

            Back when I first started on this Authorpreneur job and didn’t really know much about what I was doing, I advertised myself as a copyeditor and proofreader as well as a freelance writer. I really had no idea what I was doing.

            Well, now that I do, and I’ve been reading this book, I’m now starting some side gigs on for proofreading for my fellow authors.

            We all need each other—as the saying goes, We rise by lifting each other up. And we can’t rely on our own two eyes to catch those pesky little typos after the editor has had her fill of our books.

            So I’m here for my author friends. If you’re a writer, here’s my link: If you know a writer, please share this link with them. That would be such a blessing to me and I hope to them.

            As for my own writing, I’m so happy and full of anticipation. My cover artist started working on the design for Book 2, Independence, in my Longevity series. I’m looking forward to seeing her glorious work soon!

            As for Book 1, Revelation, I just checked this morning, and the E-Book IS being sold now right along side the Hardcover and Paperback on I’m so happy!

Longevity, Book 1: Revelation by John Irvin
Hardcover, Paperback, and E-Book NOW available on!

            Even with Life getting in the way, praise God, I’m still making headway, staying on track—it’s a little slower than I like, but slow progress is better than no progress.

            I’ll talk to y’all next week or in my Broadcast if you’ve subscribed!

I am an affiliate marketer for Amazon and some of the links provided are affiliate links, meaning I make a tiny percentage of a sale if you go through my links.

If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

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When Paying Attention to What’s Going On, I Have a Lot on My Plate with this Author Book Thing

While I’m working on getting my Books into Bookstores and Libraries, I’ve realised I need to jump on the Waves called Audio Books and Non-US Sales.

By John Irvin

            So I’ve been listening to a podcast by one of a my Authorpreneur mentors. I’m going to have to talk about her work sometime or interview her or something along those lines in the near future. We’ll see.

            But she’s been talking about how Audiobooks are the fastest growing collective in the book field. The reason for this is people don’t have the kind of time they used to—thanks to Netflix, Hulu, and other wonderful streaming sites. There is also a growing number of high schoolers graduating college unable to read.

            Then there are those among us—some of my friends—who learn and retain information better through sound. I retain things when I can read them on a page, I discovered that in college.

            But every one is different.

            So I’ve decided I need to go audio. As for whether I’m going to hire a narrator or do it myself—I’m certain 97% of audio book readers would agree with me. An author should narrate his own work.

            Now, I’ve never considered myself a speech kind of person. I’m an introvert through and through.

            That’s the whole reason I’m a writer—I have so many things to tell you, but I don’t want to have to look you in the face. Not because I’m a coward, it’s just my personality. I feed off of vibes.

            That’s besides the point.

            So yes, that’s going to be one of my next steps with my Longevity series.

            Though I would like to have other voice actors speak for my characters—that’s too expensive sadly. So I’m still contemplating and figuring things out.

            You know the funny and cool thing about this blog. When you read it, if you read it when you get it, I’ll be driving back down from a camping trip with a bunch of friends. Of course, it may rain and we had to cut the trip short so I may already be home, but we’ll see.

            No one can predict the future to the decimal.

            But I’ve scheduled the post to make sure I keep on time. I hate being late.

Europe’s e-book domain is growing exponentially…

            As for the other idea, I’m going to be looking into the foreign market for my books. My mentor has shown Kindle is growing in leaps and bounds over in Germany and France.

            Plus, I already have a United Kingdom Book Tour planned—not sure whether that will be 2021 or 2022—so it would make sense I make sure my books are selling first over there.

            So these are two waves, I feel in my gut I need to be riding. I have some hopes and goals for this coming New Year. I’m looking forward to it.

I am an affiliate marketer for Amazon and some of the links provided are affiliate links, meaning I make a tiny percentage of a sale if you go through my links.

If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

Follow me on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram. Or email me at

What Would the First Foreign Country Be if I Could Hop on an Airplane?

If Someone gave Me a Free Ticket to Whatever Country of My Choosing Today, I’d pick Scotland

By John Irvin

            I visited Scotland with my Dad when I was fourteen years of age. We were there for a week and we saw so much. But there was so much more we didn’t get to see.

            Among the Castles we visited, we found Edinburgh, Stirling, and Bothwell. While we were in the Bothwell Castle, I had an ethereal moment. It was both terrifying and cool at the same time.

            Dad and I were climbing one of the towers, up one of those stone spiral staircases. I stopped to look out one of the small windows notched into the stone wall. Dad kept going. I glanced over my shoulder, down the stairs.

            All of a sudden, a thought occurred to me.

Scotland the Land of Legend
A land of faeries and knights of old, of the legendary Celts, my own ancestry…

            There was a day, centuries ago, when men charged up this very staircase to man the battlemounts at the top while an invading army was attacking outside the walls.

            It was in that split moment, the hairs on my arms stood on end. I got this overpowering sensation there were people running up with swords and bows and if I didn’t get out of the way, I’d be impaled and trampled.

            I tore up those stairs and reached the top where Dad was already waiting.

            Of course, I was a fourteen year old with an overinactive imagination…then again, I’ll be thirty next month and people still say my imagination is in overdrive. But months later, we were watching the recording of Dad’s and my trip with the rest of the family. Dad had video-taped the whole trip on his little camcorder.

            In the film, we were standing outside the Castle, Dad was recording the walls and the field around them stretching between the forest surrounding the castle hill. This is when we heard them.

            In the video, the beating of war drums sounded across the hills.

            But there were no war drums.

            Could they be the ghosts of the army invading, the army I imagined was attacking when those ghosts charged up the spiral staircase after me?

            You laugh, but you never know.

            This is what I love about Scotland and the rest of the British Isles. It’s no wonder so many fairy-tales are set in that those Realms. There are so many mystifying places and mysterious haunts.

            The glens and Highlands, the marshes and rolling green hills, the forests and sea coasts, any fantasy writer like myself finds it a place filled with magic.

            My ancestry is Scots-Irish (Originally Scottish, with Irish mixed in—there’s a difference between Scotch-Irish which is the opposite). My Dad has managed to trace out lineage back to the Bonshaw Tower Irvines. Though many centuries before, we were Kings of Scotland. Malcolm and his father Duncan—the one murdered by MacBeth—were a couple blood relatives.

            Now, a thousand years later, I sit here plucking the keys on my laptop, preparing to schedule my blog posts for this upcoming week.

            I look forward to visiting the land of my ancestors again and to see the Highlands and the many other Castles…maybe even Loch Ness. Last visit, we stopped by the other iconic lake: Loch Lomond so it’s only fitting we visit Nessie.

            I found a great book on Amazon for any of you who wish to travel Scotland sometime. No it’s not my own work—though I may come out with a few travel books once I’m a world traveller again in the future—but it’s still amazing!

Travel book, The Rough Guide to the Scottish Highlands and Islands.
If you’re ever in Scotland and wish to traverse the Highlands or Isles of the Dark Island.

            But if you’re wanting fiction—other than my own fiction—then here’s a good Scottish fantasy I’ve read and enjoyed: Ghosts of Culloden Moor, Vol. 1.

            There’s a reason my Longevity series starts out in Scotland and eventually returns. Sir Ihon Iraes, a Scot born in the early 12th Century, knows not of his true bloodline, but he knows of his Scottish roots and fights for them in Book 2, Independence, coming in January of 2020!

            All links are affliliate links that I share with you, just so you’re notified. I’m requried by law to let you know. If anyone uses my links to buy something, I make a tiny percentage of the sale, which helps out a lot.

If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

Follow me on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram. Or email me at

A Sneak Peek From My Other Favourite Series

When the Magic is Unleashed on the World a Time Split Happens

By John Irvin

            Happy November to you, my Reader! I can’t believe it’s already November…wow.

            So last week, I shared excerpts from Shattered: The Complete Collection and Longevity, Book 1: Revelation. I hope you enjoyed them and find the stories intriguing.

            This week, I’m sharing below, an excerpt from my third top series, Magic’s Time Split. This piece comes from Book 2: When Kingdoms Arise. After the Tech was killed by Magic’s unleashing from the 10,000 idol of Thogh, the Egyptian god of Magic, the three Immortals are keeping a good home going at the Palace near Hidden Lake, Montana territory.

            Then Gael discovers Colin and Jenna hadn’t gone far when he banished them at the end of Book 1: Hidden Lake’s Light. The trio discovers Colin has enslaved two Native American tribes and has them thinking he’s a god while they work for him in mines the next valley over.

            Jessica and Levi decide to put a stop to it.

            But, unfortunately, the Natives aren’t as warming to their preaching against the “false gods.”

Misty forest landscape
In a world where Magic rules and Tech is dead…

            “Warn?” The skin on the man’s face looked like dried leather. When he raised his eyebrows it looked as if someone were stretching his entire face.

            Jessica wanted to hold on to Levi, but forced herself to wear a mask of confidence. She pulled the photographs out of her breast pocket, handing them to her Consort.

            He took the stack of pictures, passing them off to the chieftain.

            “What is this?” One of the other leaders leaned against the older man’s side, sneering down at the pictures.

            “They are proof those two gods your people have begun to worship are false gods. They are mere human beings like you and I. We knew them before they were given powers.”

            “Given powers?” The chieftain’s eyes widened, looking up from the objects in his hands. He looked like he expected the photos to burst into flames and burn his fingers.

            “Yes,” Levi gritted his teeth. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end—he wished he hadn’t pointed out that part. “We were given powers by an ancient idol inside a mountain.”

            “He speaks lies,” someone from down the row blurted out. Fingers started pointing at the two visitors.

            Jessica slipped her arm around Levi’s. Everything was about to go horribly wrong.

            “This is sorcery,” the chieftain threw the photos on the ground. But instead of stomping on them as Levi expected, he spread his arms out, motioning the rest of the gathering to follow his lead while he took several steps back.

            The rest of the party had by now noticed this conversation and formed a complete circle around the two, making sure to keep a wide berth.

            Levi narrowed his eyes. He had to think of something. Bending over, he picked up the photographs.

            “These are bad gods from the black world below. They admitted it themselves—they’ve come from below the mountain!” The old man bellowed, surprising the visitors with his force. “They have come to overthrow our Great God and his Goddess. Our Mother and Father are in danger from that witchcraft he holds in his hands!”

Magic's Time Split, Book 2: When Kingdoms Arise by John Irvin
“These are bad gods from the black world below…”

            “Well crap,” Levi mumbled, the hair on his arms was now standing on end.

            Jessica clung tighter to him.

            Several yards to the right, the door flap of the god’s yurt flew open.

            A figure, dressed in the full getup of what could only be the tribal rendition of an Indian supreme god, marched out into the electrified night air. The crowd parting before him and dropping to their knees, he approached the party crashers.

            “Levi,” his voice was calm, but no one missed the brewing menace underneath. “Jess. So you found me?”

            “Yes,” Jessica blurted. She took a step toward him. Levi managed to hold her back.

            A second figure strolled up behind Colin—she was dressed in a blue satin gown with gold trimming around a diving neckline.

            “I can’t believe you let him do this, Jenna,” Levi glowered. “But then again, you let him murder our own people. How much different are these people?”

            Jenna made no attempt to protest or interrupt, her scowl more dejected than angry.

            Colin’s dark eyes dropped to the photos in Levi’s hands. When the realisation dawned like a red sunrise on his olive-skinned face, he growled. A sneer lurched across his mouth as he turned to the audience, raising his arms in the air.

            “It is true what your chiefs have said.” He boomed. “These are false gods, our enemies, from the bowels of the underworld. They come to overthrow your benevolent Supreme Ones.”

            The crowd erupted with a roar, storming forward to tighten the circle around the couple.

            I hope you enjoyed that! Remember, if you sign up for my newsletter, you get the whole book for free. I only send out a letter on Fridays and you can unsubscribe anytime. If you would prefer to buy the book though, it’s selling for $2.99 on Kindle—and on Nook for the same price, I think. Here’s the Amazon link: WHEN KINGDOMS ARISE.

            Just so you know, I am still using Affiliate links, so if you purchase through the links I give you, I get a small percentage of the sale. This definitely helps me out and gives me a good face to Amazon.

If you enjoyed this post, you should sign up for my newsletter! I don’t spam and you can unsuscribe at any time. I only send out emails on Fridays. Sign up here: SIGN UP!

I’m also a Patreon artist–the cool thing about Patreon is it allows people to support artists by monthly pledges which allow the artists to have more time to work on their own passions. Here is my account: PATREON.COM. If you’d like to support me, I would be eternally grateful!

Follow me on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram. Or email me at